the flop comes A 5 2, you got two pair Aces and 2's, you call which is standard then you decide to raise the 9c turn which gives you a nut flush and top two,
There aren't many rivers that you don't like, the only hand he's calling you with is a worse flush draw which is cool but then again he's bet the river with a worse fd if he hits.
the hand that he's calling you with/raise are set of 5's and a nut straight which you are not doing so well.
Generally I prefer to just call and call any river basicely and jam a spade on the river. but that's me.
2nd hand like you stated is the fh with the 9c5h2c4h on a 9d Kh 9d flop you basicely fold a fh to a lag player that the hands he's representing here is a possibly missed Ace high flush draw/ set of rivered J's with a flush draw.
you have a 9 blocker and a KKxx hand he's probably 3bet you so against these combos, it's a call,always but that's me :)
I agree with u on the topp2+nfd hand, it def can backfire, om looking for more spots to checkraise turn in but i think this was a little missplayed for the reasons that u stated!
Second hand i also reacted to while watching, i just snapfold. I think that i had made up my mind here what to do vs a checkraise and i was to fold, but i think its a little exploitabel and its prob a pretty easy call when i look at it now.
You say you'd fold K725 if it had been suited to the 7 (to a 3bet), then you defend J356r to a 3bet 10 hands later. Tell us honestly, you just never fold do you ;d?
I agree that it was a bad hand to raise here, he was just starting to lead and i wanted to test him a little. Obv backfired.. But even tho it backfired im *ok* with the way the hand played out. Its hard to play deep plo hu without sometimes finding urself *out of line*
On the 85JJJ river, you say that this is a bad card to bluff so you surrender. Of course you now have less Jx combos for value so you should bluff with less combos. But which combos do you bluff here, or do you never bluff here because that is exploitative play since needdollarz will often bet call overpairs and Jx or even flushdraws on the turn that he will not fold?
Also would you ever check with a J here, and if so, do you have a check raise bluffing range in this spot?
Hmm i think its a spot were we dont need to be supercarefull about balance, im gona jam with a J here, maybe some bluffs sometimes. Im neverever checkraiseing here, i just dont think he will bluff enough in such a tight a spot or go for value to thin either
Its a spot were i overall think both players will play pretty honest.
Yo Leo! The first hand you flopped the nut stright. The dynamic in the match doesnt matter much. You got very lucky and met bottom of his stackoff range. Even this your only 50%. You block top set and he is most likely not stacking of with single lower set. You will never be fav and often crushed. Vs set+flush your only 38% and his 10j with redraws obv killing you. You dont need to protect vs his bluffs. Only very rearly he will semibluff some low flush. Personally I think 4 betting flop this deep is a very big leak. Since this is a very common spot you might have a logic explanation.
Looked at the hand and I think its not a big deal rly, match was swingy and we got it in light totaly fine with just stacking off here he can have any sett, nfd+gutter. But betcall to get it in on brick turns work just fine.
I guess u looked in ppt how we were doin vs the top of his range here but u need to keep in mind how gameflow was and that he will raise some air that can barrol us of our hand on flush turns
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Nice video and what a great cliffhanger! Now I must watch part 2!
Hey, I really liked your video!
Two things I didn't like,
The 1st one is the Ac10c92 hand
the flop comes A 5 2, you got two pair Aces and 2's, you call which is standard then you decide to raise the 9c turn which gives you a nut flush and top two,
There aren't many rivers that you don't like, the only hand he's calling you with is a worse flush draw which is cool but then again he's bet the river with a worse fd if he hits.
the hand that he's calling you with/raise are set of 5's and a nut straight which you are not doing so well.
Generally I prefer to just call and call any river basicely and jam a spade on the river. but that's me.
2nd hand like you stated is the fh with the 9c5h2c4h on a 9d Kh 9d flop you basicely fold a fh to a lag player that the hands he's representing here is a possibly missed Ace high flush draw/ set of rivered J's with a flush draw.
you have a 9 blocker and a KKxx hand he's probably 3bet you so against these combos, it's a call,always but that's me :)
thanks for the video was fun
I agree with u on the topp2+nfd hand, it def can backfire, om looking for more spots to checkraise turn in but i think this was a little missplayed for the reasons that u stated!
Second hand i also reacted to while watching, i just snapfold. I think that i had made up my mind here what to do vs a checkraise and i was to fold, but i think its a little exploitabel and its prob a pretty easy call when i look at it now.
You say you'd fold K725 if it had been suited to the 7 (to a 3bet), then you defend J356r to a 3bet 10 hands later. Tell us honestly, you just never fold do you ;d?
Haha i guess i sometime start to *autopilot* and make some bad preeflopp decisions
I don't see why you would raise the 4567hhcc hand vs the donkbet on A86dd, why not just see turn and not make a huge pot with a marginal hand?
Also dont see how him 3betting the flop makes a set more likely, given that AA is really unlikely that removes one entire category of sets.
I agree that it was a bad hand to raise here, he was just starting to lead and i wanted to test him a little. Obv backfired.. But even tho it backfired im *ok* with the way the hand played out. Its hard to play deep plo hu without sometimes finding urself *out of line*
On the 85JJJ river, you say that this is a bad card to bluff so you surrender. Of course you now have less Jx combos for value so you should bluff with less combos. But which combos do you bluff here, or do you never bluff here because that is exploitative play since needdollarz will often bet call overpairs and Jx or even flushdraws on the turn that he will not fold?
Also would you ever check with a J here, and if so, do you have a check raise bluffing range in this spot?
Hmm i think its a spot were we dont need to be supercarefull about balance, im gona jam with a J here, maybe some bluffs sometimes. Im neverever checkraiseing here, i just dont think he will bluff enough in such a tight a spot or go for value to thin either
Its a spot were i overall think both players will play pretty honest.
Yo Leo! The first hand you flopped the nut stright. The dynamic in the match doesnt matter much. You got very lucky and met bottom of his stackoff range. Even this your only 50%. You block top set and he is most likely not stacking of with single lower set. You will never be fav and often crushed. Vs set+flush your only 38% and his 10j with redraws obv killing you. You dont need to protect vs his bluffs. Only very rearly he will semibluff some low flush. Personally I think 4 betting flop this deep is a very big leak. Since this is a very common spot you might have a logic explanation.
Looked at the hand and I think its not a big deal rly, match was swingy and we got it in light totaly fine with just stacking off here he can have any sett, nfd+gutter. But betcall to get it in on brick turns work just fine.
I guess u looked in ppt how we were doin vs the top of his range here but u need to keep in mind how gameflow was and that he will raise some air that can barrol us of our hand on flush turns
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