Thanks for the review. Its interesting that you where suggesting the SB limps quite often and it is something I have started incorporating into my game although a lot of villains are still pretty nitty in the bb so I do raise to just str8 steal quite aggressively. Given that I m not convinced that limping is the better default play in these games atm but is definitely a good adjustment to consider vs the aggressive players.
Also with the T7s hand there wasnt any deep reasoning or reads with regard to the minraise isolation. I just got confused by the lack of a SB and misclicked.
You covered everything quite well and anything else to add.
After the 2nd part of this analysis, my next 2 videos are on SB strategy and specifically stealing vs. limping. I think you'll find them interesting for sure.
WM2K11 years, 9 months agoYa Ive been doing more and more limping as unfortunately guys are becoming less and less willing to just give that bb away. Seems to work nicely and they don t seem to be well practiced at dealing with someone competent limping. The fact that bb is almost always going to conveniently split their ranges makes it pretty easy to attack a lot of boards with reckless abandon.
I play 100NL as well. I have started experimenting around with limping the SB, I think your right that alot of villains are not defending there BB enough. There are definitely quite a few villains you can open ATC BvB and auto profit. Against some the villains that have tighter defending ranges( folding ~50-55%+) I open. villains who are defending wider than ~45-50% I usually limp. You need quite a few hands to get a significant sample, and im more inclined to open when my sample is small and I expect villain to be close to the 50-55% folding threshold in order to gain more data. I play some ring and some zoom games, I think for zoom it has the added benefit of making your SB open range appear a lot tighter than it actually is on villains HUD.
WM2K11 years, 9 months agoOne thing I look at almost more then the Fold to SB steal is there 3 bet vs sb steal. The best part about limping is it allows you to realize so much more preflop equity. However if they are playing more of a flatting game and 3 betting less seems that we may as well take the FE we have and we lose the preflop equity a lot less if we re not getting 3 bet.
However I m pretty sure guys that defend their bb a lot 3 bet it a lot as well.
13:00 with the J5s/66747 river bluff - do you bluff Kx? Qx?
what kind of hands do you think are best to overlimp with on the BUT? i always like this idea in theory but it didn't work for me in practice. when i tried this strategy in the past i found i made more $ with isolating a single limper rather than overlimping the weaker parts of my range(ie weak SGs, weaker Ax, off suite connectors,weak Kxs...). i found creating some fold equity, getting HU with weaker player seemed to be more valuable in practice when i compared my result with both strategies in my HM2 database - thought??
It's closer for sure. We do have a good amount of value hands there that feel good about VBing against his strange line that looks pretty weak.. (88-AA/7x) Which means we can bluff a good amount as well. In fact there are times in poker when CHKing is +EV because you have good SD equity.. even if you're 80% sure you're going to win the pot.. but bluffing is better because villain should fold his entire bluff-catching range. (Plus your VBs don't get paid if you're not bluffing enough, so you need to have some bluffs.) This isn't necessarily one of those spots, but I do feel like K/Q-high win sometimes at SD yet also feel like there's probably more value in getting him to fold A/K/Q-high.
Yah that seems reasonable.. but I think you'll find at the higher stakes (not sure what stakes you play) that players are more inclined to take advantage of you if you're isolating fish too wide. Thus you might not be able to iso-raise 97s/JTo type hands but limp > fold > raise. I think this is the *most* useful at a table where the game is running due to a fish.. ie. everyone's attention is on the fish and thus you won't get away with iso-ing him/her too wide.
WM2K, your HUD is covering up opponents cards... do you sometimes get confused how many players in the pot? :) You should try to maybe move it?
WM2K11 years, 9 months agoYa my HUD is a bit crazy but its a system I have developed over some time. I have it so that the cards arent totally covered so no I dont usually get confused.
min31 45ss hand, you talk about bet the flop which i think is fine, we are betting a wide range of strong hands here so we could play aggresive some of our worst draws (45ss/T9/QT) . But... just fold to a xR ? Even if he´s really nit, don´t we have implode odds enough to find a float ?
Getting CRd is close.. I think it's a spot where I don't expect to get CRd very often (neither player has top two sets.. and possible never any set). Which means CRs are going to be very concentrated on draws (of which there are a ton) and against which: (1) our equity drops because we're often dominated and (2) our value when we hit drops because of big reverse implied odds.
Unrelated to the video, but is there any chance you'll do anything like your 6max concept series but for PLO? I think it's pretty useful for PLO as well, but would love to see some videos in your format for PLO.
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nice vid!!
Thanks for the review. Its interesting that you where suggesting the SB limps quite often and it is something I have started incorporating into my game although a lot of villains are still pretty nitty in the bb so I do raise to just str8 steal quite aggressively. Given that I m not convinced that limping is the better default play in these games atm but is definitely a good adjustment to consider vs the aggressive players.
Also with the T7s hand there wasnt any deep reasoning or reads with regard to the minraise isolation. I just got confused by the lack of a SB and misclicked.
You covered everything quite well and anything else to add.
Thanks again.
After the 2nd part of this analysis, my next 2 videos are on SB strategy and specifically stealing vs. limping. I think you'll find them interesting for sure.
I play 100NL as well. I have started experimenting around with limping the SB, I think your right that alot of villains are not defending there BB enough. There are definitely quite a few villains you can open ATC BvB and auto profit. Against some the villains that have tighter defending ranges( folding ~50-55%+) I open. villains who are defending wider than ~45-50% I usually limp. You need quite a few hands to get a significant sample, and im more inclined to open when my sample is small and I expect villain to be close to the 50-55% folding threshold in order to gain more data. I play some ring and some zoom games, I think for zoom it has the added benefit of making your SB open range appear a lot tighter than it actually is on villains HUD.
However I m pretty sure guys that defend their bb a lot 3 bet it a lot as well.
13:00 with the J5s/66747 river bluff - do you bluff Kx? Qx?
what kind of hands do you think are best to overlimp with on the BUT? i always like this idea in theory but it didn't work for me in practice. when i tried this strategy in the past i found i made more $ with isolating a single limper rather than overlimping the weaker parts of my range(ie weak SGs, weaker Ax, off suite connectors,weak Kxs...). i found creating some fold equity, getting HU with weaker player seemed to be more valuable in practice when i compared my result with both strategies in my HM2 database - thought??
It's closer for sure. We do have a good amount of value hands there that feel good about VBing against his strange line that looks pretty weak.. (88-AA/7x) Which means we can bluff a good amount as well. In fact there are times in poker when CHKing is +EV because you have good SD equity.. even if you're 80% sure you're going to win the pot.. but bluffing is better because villain should fold his entire bluff-catching range. (Plus your VBs don't get paid if you're not bluffing enough, so you need to have some bluffs.) This isn't necessarily one of those spots, but I do feel like K/Q-high win sometimes at SD yet also feel like there's probably more value in getting him to fold A/K/Q-high.
Yah that seems reasonable.. but I think you'll find at the higher stakes (not sure what stakes you play) that players are more inclined to take advantage of you if you're isolating fish too wide. Thus you might not be able to iso-raise 97s/JTo type hands but limp > fold > raise. I think this is the *most* useful at a table where the game is running due to a fish.. ie. everyone's attention is on the fish and thus you won't get away with iso-ing him/her too wide.
WM2K, your HUD is covering up opponents cards... do you sometimes get confused how many players in the pot? :) You should try to maybe move it?
min31 45ss hand, you talk about bet the flop which i think is fine, we are betting a wide range of strong hands here so we could play aggresive some of our worst draws (45ss/T9/QT) . But... just fold to a xR ? Even if he´s really nit, don´t we have implode odds enough to find a float ?
Getting CRd is close.. I think it's a spot where I don't expect to get CRd very often (neither player has top two sets.. and possible never any set). Which means CRs are going to be very concentrated on draws (of which there are a ton) and against which: (1) our equity drops because we're often dominated and (2) our value when we hit drops because of big reverse implied odds.
Unrelated to the video, but is there any chance you'll do anything like your 6max concept series but for PLO? I think it's pretty useful for PLO as well, but would love to see some videos in your format for PLO.
Nice video Sean,
If you are going to take a look at a sb limping strat do you think you could incorporate some analysis on how the rake might affect such a strategy.
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