Very cool and well thought out! I like the part about how to take adv of the asymmetrical trips on 775 where the ip in 6 max and esp fr just doesn’t have the 7x other than A7/maybeK7s when opening ep/mp. Would like to see a solver game tree laid out with how leading leads us to make more mistakes and how to combat leads. Thanks!
Hi, the tree is huge and my connection not so amazing, so it's easier if you try to run it yourself. My recommendation is to try to experiment a bit with defending ranges to see how it impacts on the leading frequency/having a leading range at all. You can try two sims:
1) wide preflop calling range with tons of offsuited hands (including offsuited 7x);
2) tight preflop calling range with less offsuited hands (and less offsuited 7x).
This exercise is important because you have to contextualize the results over population tendencies you might face/ranges you see in play at your stakes.
I mean just the the configuration - the sizes for bets and raises etc. that you put into Pio - I'm not getting the same results and want to see where we are diverging.
hacen't seen much leading on paired boards in highstakes games (both HU or 6max). Surprised to see that BB have a ton of EV on 775off board, pretty interesting results. Probably if we change it to 995, leading should fall off or to TT5
Yes, this line only occurs when there is a strong asimmetry in the nutted portion of the ranges in favor of the OOP player (f. ex many more offsuited trips/2p/straight combinations). It will not happen on 995 or TT5, as the trips combos are roughly equal between both ranges.
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Very cool and well thought out! I like the part about how to take adv of the asymmetrical trips on 775 where the ip in 6 max and esp fr just doesn’t have the 7x other than A7/maybeK7s when opening ep/mp. Would like to see a solver game tree laid out with how leading leads us to make more mistakes and how to combat leads. Thanks!
Exloits 11 video
Right on the start
Hi, a video about how to play against flop leads and exploiting imbalanced ranges will be released soon!
Could you please post your tree for the paired boards - thanks.
Hi, the tree is huge and my connection not so amazing, so it's easier if you try to run it yourself. My recommendation is to try to experiment a bit with defending ranges to see how it impacts on the leading frequency/having a leading range at all. You can try two sims:
1) wide preflop calling range with tons of offsuited hands (including offsuited 7x);
2) tight preflop calling range with less offsuited hands (and less offsuited 7x).
This exercise is important because you have to contextualize the results over population tendencies you might face/ranges you see in play at your stakes.
I mean just the the configuration - the sizes for bets and raises etc. that you put into Pio - I'm not getting the same results and want to see where we are diverging.
hacen't seen much leading on paired boards in highstakes games (both HU or 6max). Surprised to see that BB have a ton of EV on 775off board, pretty interesting results. Probably if we change it to 995, leading should fall off or to TT5
Yes, this line only occurs when there is a strong asimmetry in the nutted portion of the ranges in favor of the OOP player (f. ex many more offsuited trips/2p/straight combinations). It will not happen on 995 or TT5, as the trips combos are roughly equal between both ranges.
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