Hi Sam, good video which is easy to follow. I wish you could make a video everyday because they are so funny. I actually have to rewind some bits because I miss what you say because I am laughing so much. Keep up the good work.
- Sizing smaller on locked down board like K94rb.
- Check raise a flush draw that don’t beat A high, but we do need to balance here by check and call some flush draw too
- Do not always jam with A8s 20bb bb vs button
- Strong call with 66
- Check shove J9 on 9k4 when 4k in the pot and we have 7k behind
- Just because they fold more than they call, doesn’t make it a good shove. We have to respect ICM @32:00
- A little fancy with T9dd @37:20
- Why not go through heads up play? I would love to see it.
For the hand we have T9dd on 692dd @37:20. I don’t like just check and call here if he bet normal size. Our hand has enough equity against pretty much anything. It would be bad to let him spike his 6 or 5 outter on the turn if he was betting with 2 overs or a pair like the one like he has. Plus we can get called by plenty worse hands. On the turn, I think betting is standard. I just think he is more likely to check back his marginal showdown value than to bet it after we check/raised him with such a short stack. But of couse samsquid is allowed to get fancy sometimes haha.
This video is awesome just like all your other videos. I love the way you explain your thought process. You sound like a really cool dude.
I would value bet all cards lower than a ten. We have no bluffs on this run-out so we should be betting small, GTO would be very small i imagine, but in practice people do get curious and you can prob go for 3rd pot.
I may have overstated how bad bIack's play is but there is a clear difference between the strength of hand you need to stack off with 13.8bb and with 18.8bb. In the J3 hand he does have to protect a little more than I do, but to compensate he also has a back-door flush draw.
As I say above, he does have a bdfd and also on occasion the turn card locks things down and stops me stacking him with 88. I think shoving is pretty spewey.
also, pretty sure the KTo is a clear fold. the big stack's calling range shouldn't be 5% of sth. a lot of big stacks would call with sth like 66+,ATs+,AJo+ (8%) even tho ICM wise they can't that light.
Yes indeed, the numbers show it to be a fold. In general my approach is just to play as close to Nash as possible and then let people make mistakes (calling too tight, or too light), either way we profit.
Hey great vid!
I have some thoughts on K2s hand.
I agree with the fact, we could have a lot of rare two pairs like j3s, 83s, j8o as you mentioned so our value checkraise range is a bit wider and you also mentioned ace high flushdraw could be a checkcall because we have some showdown values too. ( and also dominates villains FDs )
But I think we could have a tons of FD/FD 1 over type hand which is too strong to bluff(semi) with and in the same time too weak for value checkraise.
The reasons behind I think, we could easily be a part of an awkward and tough spot on flop/turn.
When was your plan if opp 3bet or 3bet shove you on the flop,(I did some math and K2s type hands are underdogs versus those ranges, even if we had the pot odds after a nonai 3bet the checkraise is not a favourable play)
if villains peel ours checkraise, what is the plan on different turn cards, mainly on non-spade turn cards.
so I am curious about the play on later street, mainly flop and turn
I think that if you are against a villain who's taking a real GTO approach, then you may not want to have a craising range vs someone that has raise mp and cbet three-ways. It's likely that if their frequencies are well thought through, then raising is gonna remove to many strong hands from our range. However, the player pool is gonna be over c-betting and likely not playing optimally verse a check-raise. In general i'm gonna jam all turn cards and I think the play works well against the strategies most opponents are gonna employ.
With the KQo hand sb vs MP (which you elected to jam), what would your prefered line be?
I think jamming is clearly pretty poor given black88 should be opening A LOT tighter than standard given he's opening off 23bb with 2 similar stacks left in, so ICM considerations are huge for him and he's opening into the 2nd stack bb, who can f with him pretty hard.
Given that I think it certainly wouldn't be a mistake for him to be folding some suited Ax hands, TJs, QTs even wont be very profitable steals for him.
Obviously hugely player dependant, but vs a very ICM aware opponent i think folding is best, flatting is an option, but it won't do great vs his range... and not losing a few bb for you in this spot is pretty valuable given other stacks. KQs could potentially be a flat? I think KQs is a hand I really wouldn't know what to do with in that spot tbh.
3b/f is the other option I guess for KQo, which could balance with AA/KK combos. KQ obviously has great blockers, but personally I prefer not to have a 3bet range in that spot.
Sam, on one of your recent videos, you x jam flop with j9 mid pair for tournament life on king high board. You had a good runout for a 9 on the river vs k10.....When you critic the x jam with j3cc from your opponent on final table, is that hand somehow different than your j9 hand because it is a final table?
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Hi on 5:00 min you have KQs on BTN vs. Jays why dont check the turn for value on river?
Lets say river is a blank like a (5) and he shoves allin - You call?
As I said, I think my sizings are off in this spot, but checking back is definitely an option. It keeps our opponent a little wider.
But yes, if he shoves at any point in the hand, then we call.
Hi Sam, good video which is easy to follow. I wish you could make a video everyday because they are so funny. I actually have to rewind some bits because I miss what you say because I am laughing so much. Keep up the good work.
Haha! That's a real compliment. Means a lot that people get such enjoyment from the vids.
- Sizing smaller on locked down board like K94rb.
- Check raise a flush draw that don’t beat A high, but we do need to balance here by check and call some flush draw too
- Do not always jam with A8s 20bb bb vs button
- Strong call with 66
- Check shove J9 on 9k4 when 4k in the pot and we have 7k behind
- Just because they fold more than they call, doesn’t make it a good shove. We have to respect ICM @32:00
- A little fancy with T9dd @37:20
- Why not go through heads up play? I would love to see it.
For the hand we have T9dd on 692dd @37:20. I don’t like just check and call here if he bet normal size. Our hand has enough equity against pretty much anything. It would be bad to let him spike his 6 or 5 outter on the turn if he was betting with 2 overs or a pair like the one like he has. Plus we can get called by plenty worse hands. On the turn, I think betting is standard. I just think he is more likely to check back his marginal showdown value than to bet it after we check/raised him with such a short stack. But of couse samsquid is allowed to get fancy sometimes haha.
This video is awesome just like all your other videos. I love the way you explain your thought process. You sound like a really cool dude.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Thanks for the cribs as always bro. Your 100% right about the T9, should defo bet turn and probably always check raise.
Love your work!
Nice video sir, on the TT hand early on, you would value low card rivers? and what size?
Gotta love the video's description
I would value bet all cards lower than a ten. We have no bluffs on this run-out so we should be betting small, GTO would be very small i imagine, but in practice people do get curious and you can prob go for 3rd pot.
J3 3 handed is an easy check call 3 handed but j9 is an easy shove on k94?
I may have overstated how bad bIack's play is but there is a clear difference between the strength of hand you need to stack off with 13.8bb and with 18.8bb. In the J3 hand he does have to protect a little more than I do, but to compensate he also has a back-door flush draw.
I think that J3 hand is standard c/shove bc any turn card except J or 3 gonna make him difficult to continue in my opinion what u think on this ?
As I say above, he does have a bdfd and also on occasion the turn card locks things down and stops me stacking him with 88. I think shoving is pretty spewey.
im shocked that KQo is a ICM suicide. i snap shove 44 in this spot all day... even 77 isn't a jam wtf? is following ICM too nitty?
I think the issue might be 13% overcall range for BB.
Can you check it Sam, I doubt BB calls or should call that wide in ICM environment.
Sometimes there are glitches with ICMiser. I think I need to start using Hold Em Resources calculator as astandard. I'm just so used to ICMiser.
There is more mistakes in ranges. For example BB would not shove ATC if you fold.
also, pretty sure the KTo is a clear fold. the big stack's calling range shouldn't be 5% of sth. a lot of big stacks would call with sth like 66+,ATs+,AJo+ (8%) even tho ICM wise they can't that light.
Yes indeed, the numbers show it to be a fold. In general my approach is just to play as close to Nash as possible and then let people make mistakes (calling too tight, or too light), either way we profit.
the A8o btn 23bb jam is a ICM suicide. 99+,AJs+,AQo+ (but probably r/c w these hands)
Good job and ty, Sam
Thanks pal.
Hey great vid!
I have some thoughts on K2s hand.
I agree with the fact, we could have a lot of rare two pairs like j3s, 83s, j8o as you mentioned so our value checkraise range is a bit wider and you also mentioned ace high flushdraw could be a checkcall because we have some showdown values too. ( and also dominates villains FDs )
But I think we could have a tons of FD/FD 1 over type hand which is too strong to bluff(semi) with and in the same time too weak for value checkraise.
The reasons behind I think, we could easily be a part of an awkward and tough spot on flop/turn.
When was your plan if opp 3bet or 3bet shove you on the flop,(I did some math and K2s type hands are underdogs versus those ranges, even if we had the pot odds after a nonai 3bet the checkraise is not a favourable play)
if villains peel ours checkraise, what is the plan on different turn cards, mainly on non-spade turn cards.
so I am curious about the play on later street, mainly flop and turn
I think that if you are against a villain who's taking a real GTO approach, then you may not want to have a craising range vs someone that has raise mp and cbet three-ways. It's likely that if their frequencies are well thought through, then raising is gonna remove to many strong hands from our range. However, the player pool is gonna be over c-betting and likely not playing optimally verse a check-raise. In general i'm gonna jam all turn cards and I think the play works well against the strategies most opponents are gonna employ.
With the KQo hand sb vs MP (which you elected to jam), what would your prefered line be?
I think jamming is clearly pretty poor given black88 should be opening A LOT tighter than standard given he's opening off 23bb with 2 similar stacks left in, so ICM considerations are huge for him and he's opening into the 2nd stack bb, who can f with him pretty hard.
Given that I think it certainly wouldn't be a mistake for him to be folding some suited Ax hands, TJs, QTs even wont be very profitable steals for him.
Obviously hugely player dependant, but vs a very ICM aware opponent i think folding is best, flatting is an option, but it won't do great vs his range... and not losing a few bb for you in this spot is pretty valuable given other stacks. KQs could potentially be a flat? I think KQs is a hand I really wouldn't know what to do with in that spot tbh.
3b/f is the other option I guess for KQo, which could balance with AA/KK combos. KQ obviously has great blockers, but personally I prefer not to have a 3bet range in that spot.
Sam, on one of your recent videos, you x jam flop with j9 mid pair for tournament life on king high board. You had a good runout for a 9 on the river vs k10.....When you critic the x jam with j3cc from your opponent on final table, is that hand somehow different than your j9 hand because it is a final table?
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