Nice format, I apreciated! How many runners had the party tournament? Would like to see a video for tournaments of 800-1000 players.
One question, the hand that you 3bet J9ss ip and consequently ended up folding to the 4bet-in of the you think that these kind of hands (suited connectors and broadways mainly) in large tournaments fields are necessary to play in that way a lot of times just because in order to make a deep run you need to play more agressive and so. With a hand like AQ in that particular situation you would call instead of 3bet pre?
The reason why I like the 3bet with the J9s there is because both the blinds have very good resteal jam stacks. I am much more happy to flat with AQ since I can call the resteal jams from the blinds.
1.On the Party bubble u fold a8o to a MR 24BB deep(which i agree).What would u do with ATs here.I ask cause i busted on the bubble of Big11 shoving 25BB from the SB vs active BTN CL and wonder if it is not better to flat being the money bubble and all.
2.The j9s (and similar hands) do u consider his overall stats when deciding between 3bet and flat.This particular player seemed to have pretty nitty stats overall but my question is what do u look for:PFR/RFI or some positional open stats like raise in EP?
The AQ hand: i prefer to flat the squeeze cause that way u keep all his dominated As&BDWs in plus u are not folding any pair that decided to squeeze for value.You also IP so can jam any favoruble flop.
1. With ATs I believe it is a fine jam 2. I do tend to look at pfr% but in this instance, I believe that 37 hands is not enough of a sample for me to refrain from 3betting.
with the AQ hand, I really wanted to realize my equity with the hand, and the only way to make sure I do is to jam. As I mentioned in the video, both options (flatting and jamming) is profitable and play style dependent. Therefore for the reasons you stated, flatting would be good and was also my first instinct.
The AQ shove at the end of the video is a really tough spot but it is a pretty common spot. I think I like the shove in that spot. How would you play the hand pre if the player who squeezed was 40bb deep instead of 29 and would you still have shoved in that same spot in a higher stakes tournament?
The last hand of AQ its a hand that lately i ve found myself folding a lot ( i think more than i should) so the small analysis and the call on the loser side of the 8s its a hand that helped me. Thanks for your great videos, these are tournaments i play regularly and its good to seethat im not that far for playing them good.
@18:48 that river raise isn't exploitable to villain? I mean, its a paired board, and its such a small bet that makes you very polarized, he couldn't be raising you with air? What do you think of a 3-bet there?
There is a decent chance that villain is bluffing me, but the small bet itself works enough of the time that it is profitable in my opinion. I would never take this line against any regular I recognize. I need much more information to do a bet, 3b line with that sizing as my line doesn't make too much sense either.
The play with ace queen seems a bit off to me. What do you beat??? Ace jack, ace ten??? Like yous said Akira, your bluff might be better in higher stakes but in a $5 tourny, it seems marginal at best. If yous see a flop, yous have position and than can gauge from there. BUt there's little that is beaten if called after a jam. Than again the Sb's call was marginal too.
I agree if there is no fold equity. I may be off, but to me there looks to be plenty fold equity if I jam? Are players never squeezing here with broadways(or any random hands for that matter) and folding to a jam at the $5 level?
Your RIOs best essential coach Akira im surprised they have not made you an Elite coach. Your understanding of ranges and ability to adjust to table dynamics and gameflow is sensational. You don't hide your stats on sharkscope and they dont lie. At the very least it shows the viewers your doing something right. One question. Do you know Aces_up4108? I seen you advertised on another website.
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Nice format, I apreciated! How many runners had the party tournament? Would like to see a video for tournaments of 800-1000 players.
One question, the hand that you 3bet J9ss ip and consequently ended up folding to the 4bet-in of the you think that these kind of hands (suited connectors and broadways mainly) in large tournaments fields are necessary to play in that way a lot of times just because in order to make a deep run you need to play more agressive and so. With a hand like AQ in that particular situation you would call instead of 3bet pre?
The reason why I like the 3bet with the J9s there is because both the blinds have very good resteal jam stacks. I am much more happy to flat with AQ since I can call the resteal jams from the blinds.
Good stuff as usual Akira.
2 Qs from me:
1.On the Party bubble u fold a8o to a MR 24BB deep(which i agree).What would u do with ATs here.I ask cause i busted on the bubble of Big11 shoving 25BB from the SB vs active BTN CL and wonder if it is not better to flat being the money bubble and all.
2.The j9s (and similar hands) do u consider his overall stats when deciding between 3bet and flat.This particular player seemed to have pretty nitty stats overall but my question is what do u look for:PFR/RFI or some positional open stats like raise in EP?
The AQ hand: i prefer to flat the squeeze cause that way u keep all his dominated As&BDWs in plus u are not folding any pair that decided to squeeze for value.You also IP so can jam any favoruble flop.
Thx for the great vids
1. With ATs I believe it is a fine jam
2. I do tend to look at pfr% but in this instance, I believe that 37 hands is not enough of a sample for me to refrain from 3betting.
with the AQ hand, I really wanted to realize my equity with the hand, and the only way to make sure I do is to jam. As I mentioned in the video, both options (flatting and jamming) is profitable and play style dependent. Therefore for the reasons you stated, flatting would be good and was also my first instinct.
The AQ shove at the end of the video is a really tough spot but it is a pretty common spot. I think I like the shove in that spot. How would you play the hand pre if the player who squeezed was 40bb deep instead of 29 and would you still have shoved in that same spot in a higher stakes tournament?
Great vid! Thanks.
40bb effective I would be flatting with AQ here.
I am more willing to jam in the exact scenario at a higher buyin as squeeze bluff % are higher at the bigger stakes.
The last hand of AQ its a hand that lately i ve found myself folding a lot ( i think more than i should) so the small analysis and the call on the loser side of the 8s its a hand that helped me. Thanks for your great videos, these are tournaments i play regularly and its good to seethat im not that far for playing them good.
Hey guys, sorry for the late replies. I have been playing a live series in Macau for two weeks. I will answer all questions asap.
Nice vid Akira,
@18:48 that river raise isn't exploitable to villain? I mean, its a paired board, and its such a small bet that makes you very polarized, he couldn't be raising you with air? What do you think of a 3-bet there?
thanks in advance
There is a decent chance that villain is bluffing me, but the small bet itself works enough of the time that it is profitable in my opinion. I would never take this line against any regular I recognize. I need much more information to do a bet, 3b line with that sizing as my line doesn't make too much sense either.
The play with ace queen seems a bit off to me. What do you beat??? Ace jack, ace ten??? Like yous said Akira, your bluff might be better in higher stakes but in a $5 tourny, it seems marginal at best. If yous see a flop, yous have position and than can gauge from there. BUt there's little that is beaten if called after a jam. Than again the Sb's call was marginal too.
not bluff*** but PLay***
I agree if there is no fold equity. I may be off, but to me there looks to be plenty fold equity if I jam? Are players never squeezing here with broadways(or any random hands for that matter) and folding to a jam at the $5 level?
Your RIOs best essential coach Akira im surprised they have not made you an Elite coach. Your understanding of ranges and ability to adjust to table dynamics and gameflow is sensational. You don't hide your stats on sharkscope and they dont lie. At the very least it shows the viewers your doing something right. One question. Do you know Aces_up4108? I seen you advertised on another website.
Thanks! I was working with Aces_up but my involvement ended in the early stages of his project.
Oh really? What happened and what do you think of his game? I think he is a great player to be honest.
Nice video anyway. Any chance of future content like this with maybe more parts?
ty for you vidéo.
44': 77 it's a flat/call vs the BB if he jam and if the OR fold?
Wich action with 22/33/44/55 préflop? flat/fold?
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