Great video! I was wondering about the A8o hand at about the 26 minute mark.Once you make it 3x and they check jam you say it's and easy call but don't give a reason why.Not saying your wrong at all i'm just curious as to the reason it's easy,are people's limp jam ranges that wide that A8o is beating them or is it that you've committed 3x of your stack and A8o is flipping vs a limp jam range so your 3x in the pot prices you in to call? I was a bit shocked when I saw the hand because my instinct was to fold as I imagined what my limp jam range would be and it would be quite tight and most likely under bluffed!(maybe I need to go work on that :P ).
Thanks, I am glad you liked it!
Opponent is supposed to limp jam hands like a2-a7, 22-77, k2s,k3s and population is likely to jam many broadways such as kj, kq, qj, jt. So against this range a8 has a pretty easy call!
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Open PokerCraft.
Select the type of game whose hands you're trying to export.
Select the HH date ranges.
Select ALL and click on Download.
Wait for the file to download.
Extract the File.
Import the hands to PT4 or HM3.
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Great video! I was wondering about the A8o hand at about the 26 minute mark.Once you make it 3x and they check jam you say it's and easy call but don't give a reason why.Not saying your wrong at all i'm just curious as to the reason it's easy,are people's limp jam ranges that wide that A8o is beating them or is it that you've committed 3x of your stack and A8o is flipping vs a limp jam range so your 3x in the pot prices you in to call? I was a bit shocked when I saw the hand because my instinct was to fold as I imagined what my limp jam range would be and it would be quite tight and most likely under bluffed!(maybe I need to go work on that :P ).
Thanks, I am glad you liked it!
Opponent is supposed to limp jam hands like a2-a7, 22-77, k2s,k3s and population is likely to jam many broadways such as kj, kq, qj, jt. So against this range a8 has a pretty easy call!
Ah perfect,thank you so much! That makes a lot of sense,I just wasn't sure of the jam range
How do you import hands from GGpoker to PT4? I tried a couple different things but no luck.
Friendly reminder, Google is your friend :D
Login to your account.
Open PokerCraft.
Select the type of game whose hands you're trying to export.
Select the HH date ranges.
Select ALL and click on Download.
Wait for the file to download.
Extract the File.
Import the hands to PT4 or HM3.
Thank you much :)
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