Thanks for the discussion. I appreciate you showing the difference in solutions on the KQ hand when we force oop to check. It is amazing how much the results can differ. I was shocked to see Pio go with pretty much 100% check on that river. Great job!
In the first hand, after forcing OOP to check turn, solver says to check range? Is that basically due to SPR and the fact that we can use all turn bets as river bluff all ins? How does a hand like KQo with the K of hearts profit from checking?
I assume you mean the last hand. As I mentioned on the video, oop has some reasonable amount of full houses and 6 high straights while we have none. Therefore if we force him to check the river, ip player's range isnt good enough to go for a value bet even with a 5 high straight!
I understood that the lack of sets and 6x in our range forces us to check back. I was actually referring to the first hand with A4cc with IP checking back entire range the Ah turn.
oops sorry, my bad! actually the reasons are pretty much the same as the last one, ip's range is very weak lacking flushes and 2 pairs therefore he cannot go for 3 streets with any hand !
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Thanks for the discussion. I appreciate you showing the difference in solutions on the KQ hand when we force oop to check. It is amazing how much the results can differ. I was shocked to see Pio go with pretty much 100% check on that river. Great job!
In the first hand, after forcing OOP to check turn, solver says to check range? Is that basically due to SPR and the fact that we can use all turn bets as river bluff all ins? How does a hand like KQo with the K of hearts profit from checking?
I assume you mean the last hand. As I mentioned on the video, oop has some reasonable amount of full houses and 6 high straights while we have none. Therefore if we force him to check the river, ip player's range isnt good enough to go for a value bet even with a 5 high straight!
I understood that the lack of sets and 6x in our range forces us to check back. I was actually referring to the first hand with A4cc with IP checking back entire range the Ah turn.
oops sorry, my bad! actually the reasons are pretty much the same as the last one, ip's range is very weak lacking flushes and 2 pairs therefore he cannot go for 3 streets with any hand !
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