Nice video!
That hud on the left of the tables is your session hud? If that's true, how do you configure that?
At least on ignition i only get to use the hud on regular tables
I was going to ask the same question. I think having session stats for zone would be pretty nice to make sure you are playing well. I usually keep PT4 open and glance at my stats once in a while. Not sure if I ever seen HUD even for hero pop up on zone before.
Audio quality sounds off to me. I think for these short handed videos, would be better if you did post audio. Really hard to follow the action and explain things without timing out. Then the 500 zone is mostly going to be short handed anyways. Love seeing the action, but would love to hear your explanations a bit more.
28 min T#2 I thought this was going to be a mandatory jam after flop went XX, turn raise, and river smallish bet. I don't expect players to check back 55 or 33 too often on the flop and I don't expect quads to use a small sizing either. Really thought this was going to be mandatory jam, but wizard mostly wants to block 55 by the looks of it. Doing more raising with TT-77 compared to JJ+ I have no idea why that is.
I tend treat large bets in a situation like this as a very polarized range, and I agree that AA would likely be strong enough to raise here, but I don't see much purpose in it, I think we mostly just own ourselves with very little benefit - I don't think a random player calls off worse.
Not sure referring to a solver provides much value in a situation as obscure as this. This should mostly be up to population/opponent specific reads.
Against this weaker players (Short stacks). Why do you check range OOP so often? Couldn't you just exploit them with 25-33% cbets? I use 1/3 with weak hands and 1/2 with strong hands all the time IP and OOP and don't see anyone exploiting me for it. I find it is easier to bet range OOP than it is to check and evaluate based on whatever sizing IP chooses. I would go as far to say you can probably 1/3 all your air and check all your strong hands for a high XR frequency as an exploit against players that stab like 40%+ when checked to. Any thoughts on this?
That sounds like a totally sound exploit to me, maybe with the exception of checking the strong hands against weaker players haha. A lot of the times the weaker opponents will let you realize equity very cheaply, so there is a lot of value in checking good showdown hands that dominate the folding range. That being said I think betting small against weak players with weak hands is generally the best approach.
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Nice video!
That hud on the left of the tables is your session hud? If that's true, how do you configure that?
At least on ignition i only get to use the hud on regular tables
Hey, thanks !
The hud only shows my stats for zoom, it doesn't really work
I was going to ask the same question. I think having session stats for zone would be pretty nice to make sure you are playing well. I usually keep PT4 open and glance at my stats once in a while. Not sure if I ever seen HUD even for hero pop up on zone before.
Audio quality sounds off to me. I think for these short handed videos, would be better if you did post audio. Really hard to follow the action and explain things without timing out. Then the 500 zone is mostly going to be short handed anyways. Love seeing the action, but would love to hear your explanations a bit more.
28 min T#2 I thought this was going to be a mandatory jam after flop went XX, turn raise, and river smallish bet. I don't expect players to check back 55 or 33 too often on the flop and I don't expect quads to use a small sizing either. Really thought this was going to be mandatory jam, but wizard mostly wants to block 55 by the looks of it. Doing more raising with TT-77 compared to JJ+ I have no idea why that is.

I tend treat large bets in a situation like this as a very polarized range, and I agree that AA would likely be strong enough to raise here, but I don't see much purpose in it, I think we mostly just own ourselves with very little benefit - I don't think a random player calls off worse.
Not sure referring to a solver provides much value in a situation as obscure as this. This should mostly be up to population/opponent specific reads.
Against this weaker players (Short stacks). Why do you check range OOP so often? Couldn't you just exploit them with 25-33% cbets? I use 1/3 with weak hands and 1/2 with strong hands all the time IP and OOP and don't see anyone exploiting me for it. I find it is easier to bet range OOP than it is to check and evaluate based on whatever sizing IP chooses. I would go as far to say you can probably 1/3 all your air and check all your strong hands for a high XR frequency as an exploit against players that stab like 40%+ when checked to. Any thoughts on this?
That sounds like a totally sound exploit to me, maybe with the exception of checking the strong hands against weaker players haha. A lot of the times the weaker opponents will let you realize equity very cheaply, so there is a lot of value in checking good showdown hands that dominate the folding range. That being said I think betting small against weak players with weak hands is generally the best approach.
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