hey man, amazing the work you do for this site, thanks a lot it's improved my game a ton.. Was just curious, your name on the site is Kevin Rabichow, yet at every video begginings you start with " hello this is 'barry wire' for runitonce (spelling probably wrong) Q: what's your name ? (lol)
10:05 you decided not to bluff QJ to doesn't show up river with many bluffs ? J8/J9 would be fist pump bluffs on the spot ?
11:40 you bluff turn and river with KTo on Q6589. What do you think about the 7x distribution on the turn in both ranges ? When he x/c turn and doesn't x/r how it changes ?
I see this board runout as more favourable to his range than yours and to represent 2pair+ on this runout the bet sizing shouldn't be larger (given that you are bluffing a portion of KTo) ? I am actually not sure what is your intention with this bet sizing on this texture.
13:06 what is your plan on club rivers ? I see myself folding a reasonable amount of the time on non offsuit K/T turns because I am not that sure about the implied odds of this two high cards flush draws on this board but I'd like to hear more from you.
14:20 T7dd on A72hhd decided to cbet this particular hand because you have bdfd ?
27:25 given that he looks you up so frequently with A/K high doesn't make this river a thin value bet with A2 ? I don't think is ultra thin having A kicker and since he is betting frequently 7x on blank turns.
sorry for having so many questions, I don't play much 100bb+ hu.
1) QJ I think is too strong when you consider I can have 65s, 86s, 89, J8, J9, etc. There are tons of missed gutters here and the ace will make him check behind some fairly strong hands, so I often only get folds from pure air or maybe rivered 2x. I just have to bluff starting from my lower hands and go up as far as I can given my value range.
2) with KT, I don't think there's a big difference in 7x between our ranges. I have more air type 7x hands than him, because he would have lead them, but he has more pair+7x or A7 type hands that c/c. I'd guess they end up being a similar number of combos. I'd valuebet some non straight hands but choose this sizing because I want him to call a lot of non straights. He can have plenty, so betting very large risks allowing him to fold all non straights.
3) with QJ we could donk jam on clubs, it's a river that favors us quite a bit. I think the odds are good enough to call turn although it's closer if we lost to more of his bluff range by having something like 79cc.
4) T7dd is somewhat arbitrary, because I won't always cbet 7x with a bdfd, but I wanted to have some 7x in my range here. It's also a pretty decent board to bet once and catch a float, so I like making this play occasionally.
5) I'm somewhat leaning towards c/c because I have an ace in my hand, which blocks potential calling hands. I'd be far more likely to vbet 33-55 or maybe even something like Q2. He can obviously still have trips, 33-55, some 7x so I don't want to always lead out when I think I might get called, since protecting my checking range is still relevant.
9:00 single raised pot, you x/c his cbet of 1/3 pot on 3s3h2s with Qs6c and then proceed to fold to a turn barrel on a Th turn...I get that you have the back door flush draw so yea u can call another barrel on any spade, Q,6 but seems like you pretty much have to x/f every other card except maybe if u are also gonna peel 4,5...is there something I'm missing? Seems too light given he has been seen cbetting Ax in these spots/not able to get to showdown often enough when facing multiple barrels/probability of facing those barrels is high
Is there some other plan for the hand that otherwise makes the flop x/c profitable?
No fancy plan here, I just think given his bet size I should be peeling hands like this. I do improve to top pair on 15% of turns which should be a very +ev spot for me, plus winning at showdown occasionally, probing river after a good runout, peeling again on spades, etc.
Kevin, how long are your sessions ? I see that most of your videos have a shorter than average length (not complaining about it) and I thought this may be since HU takes much more effort than 9 handed cash or tournaments. Do you see this length as a good session for HU ?
I started taking HU more seriously (even tough sngs) recently but my brain gets really tired after 30-45 minutes of 4-tabling action and consequently my win rate drops a bit.
I can't often focus for longer than an hour or two, and for the sake of these videos that tends to be even shorter because I'm spending energy talking as well. I find 4 tabling very difficult as well so it's not unusual for you to get exhausted imo.
great video, again. Love ur vids. I was wondering, since your knowledge seems so deep, do you (or did you) spend a fair amount of time with a pen and paper enumerating combinatorics given ur range on different run outs to make sure you're balanced given ur bet sizes, etc? I'm jus interested in some of the things you do away from the table bc its apparent you're "well versed." anyways, great video. thanks again peace
Thanks for answering
How big of a mistake do u think it is to fold till 78o in your BB against 2.5x - against a) a recreational , b) against a bad reg opening 50% approx? (Assuming those guys are not exploiting for our mistake)
Also how much loss in your winrate or overall do u think u wouldve suffered because of this mistake?
On a diff topic how much is 1bb cap and 1.5% rake for a hu match?
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hey man, amazing the work you do for this site, thanks a lot it's improved my game a ton..
Was just curious, your name on the site is Kevin Rabichow, yet at every video begginings you start with " hello this is 'barry wire' for runitonce (spelling probably wrong)
Q: what's your name ? (lol)
Its Barewire and its prob just a nickname.
OT: Love your vids, best HU material around.
good vid again mr barewire.
10:05 you decided not to bluff QJ to doesn't show up river with many bluffs ? J8/J9 would be fist pump bluffs on the spot ?
11:40 you bluff turn and river with KTo on Q6589. What do you think about the 7x distribution on the turn in both ranges ? When he x/c turn and doesn't x/r how it changes ?
I see this board runout as more favourable to his range than yours and to represent 2pair+ on this runout the bet sizing shouldn't be larger (given that you are bluffing a portion of KTo) ? I am actually not sure what is your intention with this bet sizing on this texture.
13:06 what is your plan on club rivers ? I see myself folding a reasonable amount of the time on non offsuit K/T turns because I am not that sure about the implied odds of this two high cards flush draws on this board but I'd like to hear more from you.
14:20 T7dd on A72hhd decided to cbet this particular hand because you have bdfd ?
27:25 given that he looks you up so frequently with A/K high doesn't make this river a thin value bet with A2 ? I don't think is ultra thin having A kicker and since he is betting frequently 7x on blank turns.
sorry for having so many questions, I don't play much 100bb+ hu.
1) QJ I think is too strong when you consider I can have 65s, 86s, 89, J8, J9, etc. There are tons of missed gutters here and the ace will make him check behind some fairly strong hands, so I often only get folds from pure air or maybe rivered 2x. I just have to bluff starting from my lower hands and go up as far as I can given my value range.
2) with KT, I don't think there's a big difference in 7x between our ranges. I have more air type 7x hands than him, because he would have lead them, but he has more pair+7x or A7 type hands that c/c. I'd guess they end up being a similar number of combos. I'd valuebet some non straight hands but choose this sizing because I want him to call a lot of non straights. He can have plenty, so betting very large risks allowing him to fold all non straights.
3) with QJ we could donk jam on clubs, it's a river that favors us quite a bit. I think the odds are good enough to call turn although it's closer if we lost to more of his bluff range by having something like 79cc.
4) T7dd is somewhat arbitrary, because I won't always cbet 7x with a bdfd, but I wanted to have some 7x in my range here. It's also a pretty decent board to bet once and catch a float, so I like making this play occasionally.
5) I'm somewhat leaning towards c/c because I have an ace in my hand, which blocks potential calling hands. I'd be far more likely to vbet 33-55 or maybe even something like Q2. He can obviously still have trips, 33-55, some 7x so I don't want to always lead out when I think I might get called, since protecting my checking range is still relevant.
9:00 single raised pot, you x/c his cbet of 1/3 pot on 3s3h2s with Qs6c and then proceed to fold to a turn barrel on a Th turn...I get that you have the back door flush draw so yea u can call another barrel on any spade, Q,6 but seems like you pretty much have to x/f every other card except maybe if u are also gonna peel 4,5...is there something I'm missing? Seems too light given he has been seen cbetting Ax in these spots/not able to get to showdown often enough when facing multiple barrels/probability of facing those barrels is high
Is there some other plan for the hand that otherwise makes the flop x/c profitable?
No fancy plan here, I just think given his bet size I should be peeling hands like this. I do improve to top pair on 15% of turns which should be a very +ev spot for me, plus winning at showdown occasionally, probing river after a good runout, peeling again on spades, etc.
Kevin, how long are your sessions ? I see that most of your videos have a shorter than average length (not complaining about it) and I thought this may be since HU takes much more effort than 9 handed cash or tournaments. Do you see this length as a good session for HU ?
I started taking HU more seriously (even tough sngs) recently but my brain gets really tired after 30-45 minutes of 4-tabling action and consequently my win rate drops a bit.
Thank you.
I can't often focus for longer than an hour or two, and for the sake of these videos that tends to be even shorter because I'm spending energy talking as well. I find 4 tabling very difficult as well so it's not unusual for you to get exhausted imo.
15,27 to me seems like J8 is low enough in your range that you should bluff river right? (keep in mind that 9/8/7 etc high will bet turn/have a pair)
Yeah good catch, I probably should have bluffed this hand.
great video, again. Love ur vids. I was wondering, since your knowledge seems so deep, do you (or did you) spend a fair amount of time with a pen and paper enumerating combinatorics given ur range on different run outs to make sure you're balanced given ur bet sizes, etc? I'm jus interested in some of the things you do away from the table bc its apparent you're "well versed." anyways, great video. thanks again peace
Hi why are u folding offsiuted low no gappers on your bb 100%?
Hmm, it seems I wasn't playing very well preflop 6 years ago! 78o is not a fold.
Thanks for answering
How big of a mistake do u think it is to fold till 78o in your BB against 2.5x - against a) a recreational , b) against a bad reg opening 50% approx? (Assuming those guys are not exploiting for our mistake)
Also how much loss in your winrate or overall do u think u wouldve suffered because of this mistake?
On a diff topic how much is 1bb cap and 1.5% rake for a hu match?
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