Adrian Milroy12 years, 3 months agoRegarding AJ (BTN, btm middle table) vs. SB 3better at around 32-33min. On a board that you say hits the PF 3bet caller (you) harder, yet the 3better still cbets. Wouldn't that mean strength on his part then? I can see that you're trying to pick off a dead cbet on a board that you're supposed to have something good, but I wonder how much credit you give your opponent here for cbetting that board. Do you think he's taking a stab with AK or air on this board? Do you think if you call he will continue barrelling with those type hands?
My most important question is even tho I'm not a huge fan of raising this flop with air, I like it more because you guys are little deeper. I'm a little surprised he jammed over 210$ into the 80$ something pot... I am imagining if he flats you're a bombing turn and threatening his stack?
So, here's what I'm thinking. What's more important than understanding who hits this board harder, is how does my opponent see this board? He's probably giving up a lot on this board, which should be more important than how hard this hits me. At the same time, he could have a lot of weak made hands and weak draws that he's bet/folding, and I don't think he gets very out of line here.
If he flats, I'm thinking I bet a K/8/Heart, as those complete the draws. To me, those would be the best barrel cards. This could be a spot where I decide to barrel any card vs an opponent with a perceived weak calling range... to be honest, I don't really know what I'd be doing on a non-K/8/Heart turn, and I'd like to include my opponent's timing into my decision.
Sean Fri12 years, 3 months agoNice video. I like how forthcoming you are about the tilt issues. My feelings of dismay when things go wrong are often compounded when I think that this never seems to happen to other players, like the guys making videos. (Hint to tourney video makers - please let me see you bust quickly in at least one tourney!)
Question: you say your common open is 3x early and mid , but at about 40:20, you open 4x w/ AKs in MP on the upper left table. Is this because the loose weak player is on the button and you assume he's going to call and you want to start building the pot? Or look stronger for the cbet since you'll be oop when he calls? Or, ya know, misclick?
Very clear presentation. There's not much at all I'd change. Nice work.
When I originally recorded this session, I thought something like "wow, that was terrible... I need to record another one". I slept on it, and thought similar to you, that I wish I saw more videos where the video producer didn't play their A game. So, not the "ideal" first video in a lot of ways, but I also hoped that some people would like seeing me handle a difficult session.
As far as the AKs goes, I'm pretty sure it was a misclick. You mention some good reasons for wanting to vary opening sizes, but I don't think that had any effect here.
I'm going to have to make an educated guess as to what's on this HUD... I don't use the same one right now. First 3 stats on the 2nd line should be something like 3Bet/Squeeze/3Bet vs Hero (those 3 could be in a different order). Then it would be Fold To... 3Bet? Fold to 4Bet? Not sure, just guessing on that one. Last one on the second line is either 4Bet, or 4Bet vs Hero.
Pretty sure the first 2 on the 3rd line are CBet/Fold to CBet. Not sure on the 3rd one... but my guess is Resteal vs Hero.
I hope that helps, sorry I don't have a more concrete description to offer.
VPIP / PFR / Agg Fac / # of hands / # of BB's Steal / BB fold to steal / 3bet / 3bet vs steal / Flop c-bet / Fold to c-bet Fold to 3bet / Fold to re-steal / Fold to 4bet / Fold c-bet to flop raise / EP Raise
Elgatonegro9912 years, 3 months agoI enjoyed this video. However, in my opinion you made a couple of 3bets with the wrong types of hands. The one that jumped out at me is when you 3bet an utg raiser with 66 otb. This is a perfect spot to flat and set mine. His range is very strong and you have position, once you 3bet you are giving up the chance to win a big pot vs a big pair.
What hands to 3bet and when is something there doesn't seem to be a clear answer about. I like having hands like 66 in both my flatting and 3betting ranges.
Michael Gazonda12 years, 3 months agoIt's player dependant for me... the player I'm up against there is 19/10 and I don't know him. That's enough for me to assume he's a recreational player, and that I want to play more hands vs him. 3betting and folding are also options here, but I felt calling was best against this specific player.
Ziigurdsen12 years, 3 months agoI really enjoyed this video and the way you explain your thought process.looking forward to more content from you
Terry Dolle12 years, 2 months agoI enjoyed this video a lot and learned a great deal. It's always nice to know that I'm not alone with tilt struggles. I learned to remain focused and be logical, not emotional. Thanks again! And I like your style of play, I'm doing my best to emulate it.
DkWted12 years, 2 months agoat min~11 you fold Ajo, is this a standard snap fold at a cash game table fr? If so whats your range for opening there?
rizzie12 years, 2 months agoGreat Video for me as a micros player trying to move up through the stakes and often finding myself in frustrating situations. I benefited from hearing what your thought process was with some of these hands. Look forward to watching more of your videos, Thanks.
Arggg9312 years, 2 months agoWow, finally i watch a video where someone plays a session like I play every day on PokerStars. On every video I've ever watched the coach just plays ABC Poker trying to avoid tough spots that may or may not work and leave them saying "uhmm, well he re-raised I have to fold now" This is exactly what happens on the tables most of the time, you try to find the most plus EV line and sometimes that doesnt works, and when it seems like nothing is working you get tilted and start doing stupid things (At least this is my case, it clearly isnt yours as you handled the session pretty great)
Seriously, nice video, keep em coming!
MartL112 years, 1 month agoJust a +1 to enjoying watching a session where not everything goes to plan. Its refreshing to watch a coaching video where its not just the coach running like god and its nice to hear someone been honest saying that maybe he made a mistake here or was getting tilted there.
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My most important question is even tho I'm not a huge fan of raising this flop with air, I like it more because you guys are little deeper. I'm a little surprised he jammed over 210$ into the 80$ something pot... I am imagining if he flats you're a bombing turn and threatening his stack?
So, here's what I'm thinking. What's more important than understanding who hits this board harder, is how does my opponent see this board? He's probably giving up a lot on this board, which should be more important than how hard this hits me. At the same time, he could have a lot of weak made hands and weak draws that he's bet/folding, and I don't think he gets very out of line here.
If he flats, I'm thinking I bet a K/8/Heart, as those complete the draws. To me, those would be the best barrel cards. This could be a spot where I decide to barrel any card vs an opponent with a perceived weak calling range... to be honest, I don't really know what I'd be doing on a non-K/8/Heart turn, and I'd like to include my opponent's timing into my decision.
Question: you say your common open is 3x early and mid , but at about 40:20, you open 4x w/ AKs in MP on the upper left table. Is this because the loose weak player is on the button and you assume he's going to call and you want to start building the pot? Or look stronger for the cbet since you'll be oop when he calls? Or, ya know, misclick?
Very clear presentation. There's not much at all I'd change. Nice work.
When I originally recorded this session, I thought something like "wow, that was terrible... I need to record another one". I slept on it, and thought similar to you, that I wish I saw more videos where the video producer didn't play their A game. So, not the "ideal" first video in a lot of ways, but I also hoped that some people would like seeing me handle a difficult session.
As far as the AKs goes, I'm pretty sure it was a misclick. You mention some good reasons for wanting to vary opening sizes, but I don't think that had any effect here.
Can you explain what the second and third line of your numbers are on your HUD pls?
I'm going to have to make an educated guess as to what's on this HUD... I don't use the same one right now. First 3 stats on the 2nd line should be something like 3Bet/Squeeze/3Bet vs Hero (those 3 could be in a different order). Then it would be Fold To... 3Bet? Fold to 4Bet? Not sure, just guessing on that one. Last one on the second line is either 4Bet, or 4Bet vs Hero.
Pretty sure the first 2 on the 3rd line are CBet/Fold to CBet. Not sure on the 3rd one... but my guess is Resteal vs Hero.
I hope that helps, sorry I don't have a more concrete description to offer.
VPIP / PFR / Agg Fac / # of hands / # of BB's
Steal / BB fold to steal / 3bet / 3bet vs steal / Flop c-bet / Fold to c-bet
Fold to 3bet / Fold to re-steal / Fold to 4bet / Fold c-bet to flop raise / EP Raise
What hands to 3bet and when is something there doesn't seem to be a clear answer about. I like having hands like 66 in both my flatting and 3betting ranges.
Seriously, nice video, keep em coming!
is Michael no longer making videos or apart of RIO?
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