At 15bb HU we only want to construct open jams and limps, RFI doesn't do much for us at this stack depth. JTs is so good in limp-check pots or limp-call pots postflop, but folds out mostly everything worse (and gets called by mostly everything better) when open jamming. When facing a shove, we should have enough equity to call vs almost any villain.
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enjoyed this video
good job there!
Last hand of the video- can you explain why the JTs limp-call vs your 13bb-jam is a good play?
At 15bb HU we only want to construct open jams and limps, RFI doesn't do much for us at this stack depth. JTs is so good in limp-check pots or limp-call pots postflop, but folds out mostly everything worse (and gets called by mostly everything better) when open jamming. When facing a shove, we should have enough equity to call vs almost any villain.
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