Lots of X-XR lines which is pretty cool. Sounded like you were eating the entire video and lots of I don't know what's going on. For someone at these stakes I would expect more of a meticulous game plan with range construction and bet sizing.
I guess the main take away is to ISO wide range vs VIP and delay cbet high frequency. Some of these thin value bets were confusing like bottom pair on Q92-J-J run out with K2o BvB hoping they call with enough ace high or King high hands because they are a vip?
This video is High stakes with Essential level coaching.
Maybe instead of the stakes determining whether or not the video belongs on Elite or Essential, the quality of the content should. Steve Paul produces some excellent videos as an essential coach and its way higher quality than this.
Also is it possible to get Luda Chris as a coach?
His live reads and win rate seem to be better than everyone else.
Maybe instead of the stakes determining whether or not the video
belongs on Elite or Essential, the quality of the content should.
Steve Paul produces some excellent videos as an essential coach and
its way higher quality than this.
Yes 100%. I have noticed in the past year or two that RIO are just hiring lots of old school, live players. Justin Bonomo, Jungleman, Brian Hastings, Dan Smith etc. Honestly I have barely watched one video between them because I know that they will all be of similar 'quality' to this.
The recruitment strategy is just lazy. Galfond hiring all of his friends and people he knows from live poker. Honestly I studied with a $200z guy who had a full time job and he would make better coaching videos than Jungleman (and I'm not trolling). I mean clearly Jungle is still an excellent player, but that doesn't necessarily translate to being an excellent coach. The fact that he was eating during the video is frankly disrespectful to paying members of this site- and the fact that the editors approved the video despite this is bemusing.
There are so many good, theoretically sound online players these days who would probably make very good coaches. Guys who are playing, and studying the game every day. Instead we get another new coach who has played predominantly live poker for the past 10+ years and never looked at a pre flop chart in their life. The J6o open is just horrendous, and against one of the best 6max players in the world too.
I don't want to come across as harsh here, but the standards of this site and the coaching videos on offer is dropping rapidly. Perhaps, instead of calling up another friend from your Full Tilt Poker days, open the Pokerstar's lobby in 2024 and select a good regular (or two) playing there?
Demondoink I think it's time to be an Elite coach ! I'm serious. You will do a great coach.
I watched on my past account more than 1000 videos, absolutely never before a video like this would have been posted even for free. I mean we have guy like Luke , Jericho, Slasky , Nuno and many other strong regs, and one guy opening J6o vs one of the best player in the world and open JTo 2.5 utg while eating snacks.
He was a good player but with no harsh I think now some nl200 players are better than him from what I saw from his game. It feels where you stop playing or when you're not in the game anymore, your level automatically drops.
In live he is good tho I think, even if he doesn't fully explain his thinking process.
Have to agree, I am only subbed here for Luke and Psek vids. I don't think it is a lazy strategy though signing a bunch of named pros, It probably will lead to more sign ups for the site so I can understand the reasoning even if I don't like it.
Defiantly not worth the inflated price now if someone like Luke leaves and they sign even more " named live pros ".
It's time.
It's time for a tough conversation with Phil Galfond.
Whilst these big name old school pros may be good for social media marketing, most have so far not produced good coaching content here. I don't want to criticise the newest recruits who are fresh here and deserve a chance, but others have not really produced the same level of content as other 'new school' online pros.
Contrast this video with the videos Luke is making. One runs every hand through a solver and analyses them all before making the video whilst the other is eating a salad and doesn't know what hands to play preflop or how the rake works. One explains theory with heuristics in depth whilst the other offers nothing more than a word salad like "this is kinda whatever". One answers every comment with great strategic detail whilst the other is yet to reply to any of my comments in the 2+ years they have been here. This content is lazy and poor quality.
I don't want to come across as harsh here, but the standards of this site and the coaching videos on offer is dropping rapidly. Perhaps, instead of calling up another friend from your Full Tilt Poker days, open the Pokerstar's lobby in 2024 and select a good regular (or two) playing there?
Demondoink summed it up well here. If your goal is to hire coaches that are good for marketing and obtaining customers then I guess the current strategy might be working. If you want to hire coaches to produce valuable content that retains customers over the long-run, then a shift in direction is required.
I always appreciate feedback, and we’re truly always trying to sign the best possible pros and coaches we can.
Jungleman is a unique case. He’s undoubtedly one of the greatest poker players of all time, and he likes to be casual and have fun. We felt a glimpse into his mind was valuable for you all.
I’d invite you to watch Justin and Dan Smith’s videos before assuming they’re going to be the same. In my opinion, they’re a much different style, and I think members will get a ton out of them.
Of course, we love videos from Steve Paul and Luke Johnson and the other pros you all mentioned, too.
Thanks for replying to us; you are always willing to hear any feedback and take time to respond which is great.
Jungleman is a unique case. He’s undoubtedly one of the greatest poker players of all time, and he likes to be casual and have fun. We felt a glimpse into his mind was valuable for you all.
Completely agree with all of this, and certainly the videos are well received by some for the entertainment aspect to them. The frustration is that he is the 'signature name' cash game coach for the site but not providing content that is of a high standard when it comes to coaching. It's all, like you said, very casual. That's fine for some people, but not really befitting of elite level coaching.
I’d invite you to watch Justin and Dan Smith’s videos before assuming they’re going to be the same. In my opinion, they’re a much different style, and I think members will get a ton out of them.
I watched Dan's first video - it was good, I enjoyed it a lot despite not playing the same format, and he took a lot of time to give great answers in the comments. So perhaps the tough conversation was a little misdirected. My frustration here was that the budget for big name signings all went to very similar types of players - old school live tournament pros. Whilst they are all undoubtedly great players, I think us online cash game players felt a little left out. I miss Sauce! Of course he is impossible to replace, but I think that one of the new signings being a current online cash game crusher who is enthusiastic about making videos would have been a good idea.
Trust me, we are trying. We bug many of the top cash players all the time, and we will continue to proactively reach out to them. If you hear of someone who’d be interested that hasn’t heard from us, please let us know.
And, to be clear, bringing back Luke Johnson was a big part of gearing up for the relaunch! I thought the plan was to hold off on his return until the other announcements, but I guess it was taking too long :)
Some of the new “MTT signings” will be working on cash game content as well. Several of them play plenty of high stakes cash NL.
Anyway — to summarize, we haven’t forgotten about cash and we’ll continue to go after great players. The big live MTT signings didn’t come “at the cost” of cash signings. We didn’t pass on any strong players because of the signings.
In fact, we have tried harder than before because, while we thought RIO was already well worth the price change before the new signings (and had been for years), the change allowed for (us to gamble on) a pro budget increase.
Edit: One additional thought… I feel like RIO has historically underserved live poker players. We felt most of the best players played online, so that’s what we recruited. This discouraged many live players from choosing RIO. We haven’t actually changed our approach of trying to hire the very best. What changed is that now many of the best in the world focus largely on live MTTs, so we brought in more of them. Obviously, most of these players have also been online crushers for a very long time, too.
Jungle made this video in his underwear on a boat in the tropics. Hes surrounded by 5 18-24yo babes. I'm not sure what hes eating(sounds delicious) but hes surely sipping some mighty fine champagne. Maybe in his next life he will have time to look at the sims again who knows!
While there are some valid points and perhaps other pros do a better job of explaining strategy or thought processes when I opened this video I mainly wanted to get entertained with perhaps taking away some concepts for myself and I did not get disappointed.
So I would like for Jungleman to continue making videos and if anything talk less strategy and be even more himself :)
I always appreciate feedback, and we’re truly always trying to sign the best possible pros and coaches we can.
Jungleman is a unique case. He’s undoubtedly one of the greatest poker players of all time, and he likes to be casual and have fun. We felt a glimpse into his mind was valuable for you all.
I’d invite you to watch Justin and Dan Smith’s videos before assuming they’re going to be the same. In my opinion, they’re a much different style, and I think members will get a ton out of them.
Of course, we love videos from Steve Paul and Luke Johnson and the other pros you all mentioned, too.
Obv a more casual way than other pros but still really useful if you read between the lines ofc. Top notch thinking process from one of the best minds in the game.
Would love to see more high stakes NL cash videos though. I believe some time ago value for cash players was a bit higher.
Always wanted Phil to do some NL videos himself... Just giving some ideas :)
Hey guys, I read through the comments and I agree I should take it more seriously and will make sure to bring you more disciplined and up to date commentary. I also will not eat during the video :) I appreciate your feedback
As a side note when I say something is “whatever” what I am saying is that it is not too useful to go into the permutations of getting the precise answer on it. We need to be smart with the mental bandwidth we have… It may be useful however to discuss the meta picture of the spot, but I’ll have to relook
I will admit I was taken aback by the tone and approach at first. But I adapted, I think that Daniel's videos are interesting to watch and worthy of Elite status. This guy is a bit different from our coaches who grind one single landscape, his approach to poker has evolved and refined over the years. I suspect that Daniel has reached many of his poker goals, and has designed, roughly, some sort of elaborate long term plan for himself. With some individuals, this is going to come with a more random, diverse approach academically, and also perhaps a more relaxed, raw style of coaching. It's a good thing. It requires a strong foundation. I think it is vital to have a coach who can bring this to the table, for those of us who tend to be a bit rigid, for those who have not yet found enough success to be a bit more detached from our grind, as well as those of us transitioning.
Remember Sauce, we never knew what we were going to get, I liked that, Ben was/is willing to be innovative and vulnerable by sharing a nice variety of his thoughts in the office. It was beyond in-game and the winrate, he made sure his students were aware of that, it was about building a strong, academic approach to the business of poker. Perhaps beyond, for me it helped beyond poker to study with someone so advanced in his field. I think with time, we will see that this applies to Daniel to a certain extent, and his more aerial perspective, in his own way. He is willing to be raw, it feels like he steps up to his computer and hits record, as opposed to doing seventeen tries like some other coaches do(which I respect and appreciate as well); and I think that will come with some very interesting raw observations over time. Rawness + experience could = a gold mine of info if things work out.
Daniel may not remember, while making a video, not to open J6o from SB in a certain formation, but he clearly approaches spots with a good, fast structural understanding of how the solver would approach it, and pairs that with his experience. Daniel has been honest multiple times about his current rust, pointing out that if one were to make the effort of studying enough to precisely remember the mechanics and permutations in question, it could be very valuable in-game.
This notion that he needs to be able to beat 200 NL, or at a certain clip, is interesting, I see it as anti-intellectualism. We study here. Daniel is a brilliant poker mind, who has done well in various facets of the game. He has prevailed through the digitization of the poker study landscape. I don't care if Daniel is or isn't beating 200NL, because I certainly believe that he has the skill to adapt into 200NL if that were the task at hand. It certainly is not. And that, is as valuable of a coach to watch in-game, as a well adjusted reg playing his normal grind, and using some of his usual exploits.
It's quite interesting to watch Daniel play, I appreciate the way he makes more general observations about the ultimate goal, for example in this video, a bit past the 19 minute mark he touches on sizing for a moment and then points out that "the sizes don't need to be too precise as long as the amount of money you are putting in is mostly correct", and then touches on opponent's tendencies. This way in which he disregards some of the small stuff and keeps bigger goals in mind can be effective for understanding and learning as well. In yoga we seek surrender in the effort of the practice, it may take years of experience to find that. Clearly this guy has remarkable experience, and no matter how great GTO training is and how much computers are changing the world, the experience of reaching the top, operating at that level, comes with a valuable human exchange which can be difficult to precisely point out all the ways in which it is beneficial. I value that, and I have been paying close attention to details in these videos Daniel has put out. In the NBA, as many of us know, they call it pedigree, championship DNA, a vital role to his team for the veteran assigned this role. It is considered vital for a championship run.
I was not thrilled about the eating and the animated antics early on, it took me a couple times to understand that "whatever"=zero EV, or not worth neurotic study; but that's details, I think Daniel has been finding his identity and style as one of our coaches here on RIO, some good, unique, work has taken place. The level of professionalism and emotional involvement has grown overall, so I am eager to see the arc of how Daniel's curriculum evolves as he finds comfort and feels like our community is enthusiastic about his content.
Perhaps we can be encouraging and respectful. I was disappointed to see RuItw1ce ask Phil for another coach in the early comments of Daniel's video. As for Phil, who runs a tight ship, and has earned my trust in regards to the direction of my study, I was pleasantly surprised to see him welcome Daniel as Daniel, and not try to get him to fit in a box. I think this was designed for academia, not marketing, and it was a cool day in the history of Run it once.
Daniel, I appreciate the purity and look forward to your vision for coaching
Loading 22 Comments...
00:57 J6o, why do you open J6o in the SB vs a good reg?
Lots of X-XR lines which is pretty cool. Sounded like you were eating the entire video and lots of I don't know what's going on. For someone at these stakes I would expect more of a meticulous game plan with range construction and bet sizing.
I guess the main take away is to ISO wide range vs VIP and delay cbet high frequency. Some of these thin value bets were confusing like bottom pair on Q92-J-J run out with K2o BvB hoping they call with enough ace high or King high hands because they are a vip?
This video is High stakes with Essential level coaching.
Maybe instead of the stakes determining whether or not the video belongs on Elite or Essential, the quality of the content should. Steve Paul produces some excellent videos as an essential coach and its way higher quality than this.
Also is it possible to get Luda Chris as a coach?
His live reads and win rate seem to be better than everyone else.
Came here to say this.
Yes 100%. I have noticed in the past year or two that RIO are just hiring lots of old school, live players. Justin Bonomo, Jungleman, Brian Hastings, Dan Smith etc. Honestly I have barely watched one video between them because I know that they will all be of similar 'quality' to this.
The recruitment strategy is just lazy. Galfond hiring all of his friends and people he knows from live poker. Honestly I studied with a $200z guy who had a full time job and he would make better coaching videos than Jungleman (and I'm not trolling). I mean clearly Jungle is still an excellent player, but that doesn't necessarily translate to being an excellent coach. The fact that he was eating during the video is frankly disrespectful to paying members of this site- and the fact that the editors approved the video despite this is bemusing.
There are so many good, theoretically sound online players these days who would probably make very good coaches. Guys who are playing, and studying the game every day. Instead we get another new coach who has played predominantly live poker for the past 10+ years and never looked at a pre flop chart in their life. The J6o open is just horrendous, and against one of the best 6max players in the world too.
I don't want to come across as harsh here, but the standards of this site and the coaching videos on offer is dropping rapidly. Perhaps, instead of calling up another friend from your Full Tilt Poker days, open the Pokerstar's lobby in 2024 and select a good regular (or two) playing there?
Demondoink I think it's time to be an Elite coach ! I'm serious. You will do a great coach.
I watched on my past account more than 1000 videos, absolutely never before a video like this would have been posted even for free. I mean we have guy like Luke , Jericho, Slasky , Nuno and many other strong regs, and one guy opening J6o vs one of the best player in the world and open JTo 2.5 utg while eating snacks.
He was a good player but with no harsh I think now some nl200 players are better than him from what I saw from his game. It feels where you stop playing or when you're not in the game anymore, your level automatically drops.
In live he is good tho I think, even if he doesn't fully explain his thinking process.
Have to agree, I am only subbed here for Luke and Psek vids. I don't think it is a lazy strategy though signing a bunch of named pros, It probably will lead to more sign ups for the site so I can understand the reasoning even if I don't like it.
Defiantly not worth the inflated price now if someone like Luke leaves and they sign even more " named live pros ".
It's time.
It's time for a tough conversation with Phil Galfond.
Whilst these big name old school pros may be good for social media marketing, most have so far not produced good coaching content here. I don't want to criticise the newest recruits who are fresh here and deserve a chance, but others have not really produced the same level of content as other 'new school' online pros.
Contrast this video with the videos Luke is making. One runs every hand through a solver and analyses them all before making the video whilst the other is eating a salad and doesn't know what hands to play preflop or how the rake works. One explains theory with heuristics in depth whilst the other offers nothing more than a word salad like "this is kinda whatever". One answers every comment with great strategic detail whilst the other is yet to reply to any of my comments in the 2+ years they have been here. This content is lazy and poor quality.
Demondoink summed it up well here. If your goal is to hire coaches that are good for marketing and obtaining customers then I guess the current strategy might be working. If you want to hire coaches to produce valuable content that retains customers over the long-run, then a shift in direction is required.
matlittle love the picture! He is one of the funniest trolls and tells it as it is. I wish I had one of his recordings to share lol.
I always appreciate feedback, and we’re truly always trying to sign the best possible pros and coaches we can.
Jungleman is a unique case. He’s undoubtedly one of the greatest poker players of all time, and he likes to be casual and have fun. We felt a glimpse into his mind was valuable for you all.
I’d invite you to watch Justin and Dan Smith’s videos before assuming they’re going to be the same. In my opinion, they’re a much different style, and I think members will get a ton out of them.
Of course, we love videos from Steve Paul and Luke Johnson and the other pros you all mentioned, too.
Hello Phil,
Thanks for replying to us; you are always willing to hear any feedback and take time to respond which is great.
Completely agree with all of this, and certainly the videos are well received by some for the entertainment aspect to them. The frustration is that he is the 'signature name' cash game coach for the site but not providing content that is of a high standard when it comes to coaching. It's all, like you said, very casual. That's fine for some people, but not really befitting of elite level coaching.
I watched Dan's first video - it was good, I enjoyed it a lot despite not playing the same format, and he took a lot of time to give great answers in the comments. So perhaps the tough conversation was a little misdirected. My frustration here was that the budget for big name signings all went to very similar types of players - old school live tournament pros. Whilst they are all undoubtedly great players, I think us online cash game players felt a little left out. I miss Sauce! Of course he is impossible to replace, but I think that one of the new signings being a current online cash game crusher who is enthusiastic about making videos would have been a good idea.
I understand, thank you!
Trust me, we are trying. We bug many of the top cash players all the time, and we will continue to proactively reach out to them. If you hear of someone who’d be interested that hasn’t heard from us, please let us know.
And, to be clear, bringing back Luke Johnson was a big part of gearing up for the relaunch! I thought the plan was to hold off on his return until the other announcements, but I guess it was taking too long :)
Some of the new “MTT signings” will be working on cash game content as well. Several of them play plenty of high stakes cash NL.
Anyway — to summarize, we haven’t forgotten about cash and we’ll continue to go after great players. The big live MTT signings didn’t come “at the cost” of cash signings. We didn’t pass on any strong players because of the signings.
In fact, we have tried harder than before because, while we thought RIO was already well worth the price change before the new signings (and had been for years), the change allowed for (us to gamble on) a pro budget increase.
Edit: One additional thought… I feel like RIO has historically underserved live poker players. We felt most of the best players played online, so that’s what we recruited. This discouraged many live players from choosing RIO. We haven’t actually changed our approach of trying to hire the very best. What changed is that now many of the best in the world focus largely on live MTTs, so we brought in more of them. Obviously, most of these players have also been online crushers for a very long time, too.
Jungle made this video in his underwear on a boat in the tropics. Hes surrounded by 5 18-24yo babes. I'm not sure what hes eating(sounds delicious) but hes surely sipping some mighty fine champagne. Maybe in his next life he will have time to look at the sims again who knows!
I don't agree with the criticism.
While there are some valid points and perhaps other pros do a better job of explaining strategy or thought processes when I opened this video I mainly wanted to get entertained with perhaps taking away some concepts for myself and I did not get disappointed.
So I would like for Jungleman to continue making videos and if anything talk less strategy and be even more himself :)
Phil Galfond I would probably take your own advice on this video you made about Isildur
Obv a more casual way than other pros but still really useful if you read between the lines ofc. Top notch thinking process from one of the best minds in the game.
Would love to see more high stakes NL cash videos though. I believe some time ago value for cash players was a bit higher.
Always wanted Phil to do some NL videos himself... Just giving some ideas :)
another gem , great job Jungle !
Hey guys, I read through the comments and I agree I should take it more seriously and will make sure to bring you more disciplined and up to date commentary. I also will not eat during the video :) I appreciate your feedback
As a side note when I say something is “whatever” what I am saying is that it is not too useful to go into the permutations of getting the precise answer on it. We need to be smart with the mental bandwidth we have… It may be useful however to discuss the meta picture of the spot, but I’ll have to relook
I will admit I was taken aback by the tone and approach at first. But I adapted, I think that Daniel's videos are interesting to watch and worthy of Elite status. This guy is a bit different from our coaches who grind one single landscape, his approach to poker has evolved and refined over the years. I suspect that Daniel has reached many of his poker goals, and has designed, roughly, some sort of elaborate long term plan for himself. With some individuals, this is going to come with a more random, diverse approach academically, and also perhaps a more relaxed, raw style of coaching. It's a good thing. It requires a strong foundation. I think it is vital to have a coach who can bring this to the table, for those of us who tend to be a bit rigid, for those who have not yet found enough success to be a bit more detached from our grind, as well as those of us transitioning.
Remember Sauce, we never knew what we were going to get, I liked that, Ben was/is willing to be innovative and vulnerable by sharing a nice variety of his thoughts in the office. It was beyond in-game and the winrate, he made sure his students were aware of that, it was about building a strong, academic approach to the business of poker. Perhaps beyond, for me it helped beyond poker to study with someone so advanced in his field. I think with time, we will see that this applies to Daniel to a certain extent, and his more aerial perspective, in his own way. He is willing to be raw, it feels like he steps up to his computer and hits record, as opposed to doing seventeen tries like some other coaches do(which I respect and appreciate as well); and I think that will come with some very interesting raw observations over time. Rawness + experience could = a gold mine of info if things work out.
Daniel may not remember, while making a video, not to open J6o from SB in a certain formation, but he clearly approaches spots with a good, fast structural understanding of how the solver would approach it, and pairs that with his experience. Daniel has been honest multiple times about his current rust, pointing out that if one were to make the effort of studying enough to precisely remember the mechanics and permutations in question, it could be very valuable in-game.
This notion that he needs to be able to beat 200 NL, or at a certain clip, is interesting, I see it as anti-intellectualism. We study here. Daniel is a brilliant poker mind, who has done well in various facets of the game. He has prevailed through the digitization of the poker study landscape. I don't care if Daniel is or isn't beating 200NL, because I certainly believe that he has the skill to adapt into 200NL if that were the task at hand. It certainly is not. And that, is as valuable of a coach to watch in-game, as a well adjusted reg playing his normal grind, and using some of his usual exploits.
It's quite interesting to watch Daniel play, I appreciate the way he makes more general observations about the ultimate goal, for example in this video, a bit past the 19 minute mark he touches on sizing for a moment and then points out that "the sizes don't need to be too precise as long as the amount of money you are putting in is mostly correct", and then touches on opponent's tendencies. This way in which he disregards some of the small stuff and keeps bigger goals in mind can be effective for understanding and learning as well. In yoga we seek surrender in the effort of the practice, it may take years of experience to find that. Clearly this guy has remarkable experience, and no matter how great GTO training is and how much computers are changing the world, the experience of reaching the top, operating at that level, comes with a valuable human exchange which can be difficult to precisely point out all the ways in which it is beneficial. I value that, and I have been paying close attention to details in these videos Daniel has put out. In the NBA, as many of us know, they call it pedigree, championship DNA, a vital role to his team for the veteran assigned this role. It is considered vital for a championship run.
I was not thrilled about the eating and the animated antics early on, it took me a couple times to understand that "whatever"=zero EV, or not worth neurotic study; but that's details, I think Daniel has been finding his identity and style as one of our coaches here on RIO, some good, unique, work has taken place. The level of professionalism and emotional involvement has grown overall, so I am eager to see the arc of how Daniel's curriculum evolves as he finds comfort and feels like our community is enthusiastic about his content.
Perhaps we can be encouraging and respectful. I was disappointed to see RuItw1ce ask Phil for another coach in the early comments of Daniel's video. As for Phil, who runs a tight ship, and has earned my trust in regards to the direction of my study, I was pleasantly surprised to see him welcome Daniel as Daniel, and not try to get him to fit in a box. I think this was designed for academia, not marketing, and it was a cool day in the history of Run it once.
Daniel, I appreciate the purity and look forward to your vision for coaching
I'd like to read your post but the lack of paragraphs makes it impossible to do so.
Yeah you are right. Little cleanup above
Thanks! I will read it tomorrow then :)
Have you read the comment, FISH?!
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