Would be nice for all the hands you are curious about in your recorded session if you had wizard loaded up to review these spots instead of just telling us you are going to screen shot to review these hands later. We don't get to learn anything as the audience.
Also, it's a bit confusing when you have NL and short deck in the same video. Hearing how KQo is a favorite over A8o in short deck or how JTs should be a call if villain is shoving A9o is confusing when you have multiple game formats open.
"I got all the you know whats in my ranges and whatevers."
16:50 I can see you have wizard open while you are playing, but I am not seeing you use it to review these spots. I would think you would be more confident in your play if you have wizard open. I know you are rich and DGAF, but its disrespectful towards Phil's business IMO to make a video like this.
Honestly this video should probably be removed. It's better than some other videos Jungle has made, but having whatsapp open, another chat open at 31:30, wizard open, etc. A lot of distractions for these stakes and for a training video. Feels like I'm watching HCL circus rather than a professional training video.
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Would be nice for all the hands you are curious about in your recorded session if you had wizard loaded up to review these spots instead of just telling us you are going to screen shot to review these hands later. We don't get to learn anything as the audience.
Also, it's a bit confusing when you have NL and short deck in the same video. Hearing how KQo is a favorite over A8o in short deck or how JTs should be a call if villain is shoving A9o is confusing when you have multiple game formats open.
What are we supposed to learn from this?
16:50 I can see you have wizard open while you are playing, but I am not seeing you use it to review these spots. I would think you would be more confident in your play if you have wizard open. I know you are rich and DGAF, but its disrespectful towards Phil's business IMO to make a video like this.
Honestly this video should probably be removed. It's better than some other videos Jungle has made, but having whatsapp open, another chat open at 31:30, wizard open, etc. A lot of distractions for these stakes and for a training video. Feels like I'm watching HCL circus rather than a professional training video.
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