4:23 - Given your preflop raise size and the ICM pressure, Negreanu won't miss this board super often. His stack allows him to call wider preflop compared to if your stacks were even, but he still folds around 48% of hands.
Leading not only folds better as some AA-QQ and also he has such great equity vs the get it in range.This particular combo also has great removal vs the continuing KK/QQ hands having the FD+BDFD. Just the dead money, if picked up, leads him to have a 2x chip lead vs Phil.
19:58 - According to Vision, for 2.5x, cEV you can open down to 6654ss, so I assume 8876ss still is good enough to open there with this stack setup.
For example, at 40bb, AQJ9r (Phil's hand) is a 100% 3bet vs the button open and if Phil is not reaching that frequency, that will lead to an even more profitable open.
Not in your video, but I recall a hand in real time I think it was 3 handed and you were the short stack. I think Hellmuth was PFR and you were SB (probably getting some of these details wrong), maybe BB. Flop is AQ3, and you donked or check raised (I think all-in?) with A3 (with no/not much of a re-draw), top and bottom pair and he laid down AQ, mumbling there is no way you do that with less than a set...If he calls (which seems standard/99% other players would there), you would be out in 3rd...Such a huge $ swing...
Can you comment on that hand, or any important parts of it I am getting wrong...
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Great video, as always.
4:23 - Given your preflop raise size and the ICM pressure, Negreanu won't miss this board super often. His stack allows him to call wider preflop compared to if your stacks were even, but he still folds around 48% of hands.
Leading not only folds better as some AA-QQ and also he has such great equity vs the get it in range.This particular combo also has great removal vs the continuing KK/QQ hands having the FD+BDFD. Just the dead money, if picked up, leads him to have a 2x chip lead vs Phil.
19:58 - According to Vision, for 2.5x, cEV you can open down to 6654ss, so I assume 8876ss still is good enough to open there with this stack setup.
For example, at 40bb, AQJ9r (Phil's hand) is a 100% 3bet vs the button open and if Phil is not reaching that frequency, that will lead to an even more profitable open.
Great review!
In plo tournies at all stages it seems like limping is a common thing. Will you open limp and limp behind a lot or do you stick to raising and isoing?
10:30 without the flush draw, if negreanu bets big, are you going with this hand?
Not in your video, but I recall a hand in real time I think it was 3 handed and you were the short stack. I think Hellmuth was PFR and you were SB (probably getting some of these details wrong), maybe BB. Flop is AQ3, and you donked or check raised (I think all-in?) with A3 (with no/not much of a re-draw), top and bottom pair and he laid down AQ, mumbling there is no way you do that with less than a set...If he calls (which seems standard/99% other players would there), you would be out in 3rd...Such a huge $ swing...
Can you comment on that hand, or any important parts of it I am getting wrong...
Really enjoyed this,learned some things and it felt nice and laid back,I laughed out loud at "and we got Hellmuth tilted,which is always a top goal"
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