Hello Ivan, great video. Maybe video for shoving and calling ranges for PKO in similar format would be good idea also.
Would you say in practice especially in lower stakes we would call off in general bit tighter then ICMizer would suggest because people will make human errors what is not included in ICMizer sims like going broke too much post after flatting or even bad limping first in ranges especially if recreational at table?
The main component for calling a shove is going to be the shoving range (and overcall range)- in some cases we should even call wider as guys on lower stakes are more prone to tilt and could shove a wider range, but in general I would agree that usually the call-off range should be tighter in lower stakes as shoving ranges on avg are probably a bit tighter, which makes some of the worst +ev hands in ICMIZER -ev in practice.
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Hello Ivan, great video. Maybe video for shoving and calling ranges for PKO in similar format would be good idea also.
Would you say in practice especially in lower stakes we would call off in general bit tighter then ICMizer would suggest because people will make human errors what is not included in ICMizer sims like going broke too much post after flatting or even bad limping first in ranges especially if recreational at table?
The main component for calling a shove is going to be the shoving range (and overcall range)- in some cases we should even call wider as guys on lower stakes are more prone to tilt and could shove a wider range, but in general I would agree that usually the call-off range should be tighter in lower stakes as shoving ranges on avg are probably a bit tighter, which makes some of the worst +ev hands in ICMIZER -ev in practice.
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