Hi. I assume you're referring to AQo ~@37min mark? I speak quickly sometimes, so apologies if you missed it. In cEV we need 32% eq, in the video, I say we need 25% or so (which was just a rough estimate of chips we add to the pot for KO's). I hope that clears it up
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In the hand with AQ facing btn shove and sb reshove u dont consider the bounty of both player. Is it a pko tournament like in description or not?
Hi. I assume you're referring to AQo ~@37min mark? I speak quickly sometimes, so apologies if you missed it. In cEV we need 32% eq, in the video, I say we need 25% or so (which was just a rough estimate of chips we add to the pot for KO's). I hope that clears it up
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