Really great video! Maybe you can do a part 3 and 4 :)
53:05 a774ds you mentioned he can call or 3bet in a cash game. Do you base this on how wide the openers rng is? I always felt that if my hand does better hu or 3way, which I feel a774dd does, we should 3bet.
It's a tough spot what type of hands to usually 3bet to isolate and what hands to flat and let other players in. With one way hands we mostly prefer to flat, especially if player's behind us are bad, and are going to call from the blinds, despite their hand plays really bad multiway (BB vs MP, against 1 player should defend a hand like 56TJss, but should fold multiway!)
Hands that prefers a flat are hands like A246ss. A357ss, etc. Or high hands if we decide to play those, however we should careful with those, AKQJds, AKTJds, KKQJds...
In a tournament when we are really shallow we also prefer mostly to 3bet to isolate...
A3, A4, A5 suited hands vs UTG:
It depends on a lot on the sidecards...Also about the exact structure. I mean UTG vs 5handed in a 6handed game, or UTG vs a 9handed game? How wide does UTG open, is he playing correctly, is he playing tighter, or loser? How are the players behind me playing.
So hard to give an exact answer...
A5ss89o is obviously much weaker than A4ssQTo or A4TT
If you have some exact hands that you are curious how I play against UTG let me know how many players where at the table (and what position we are), and i will tell how i play these hands in general, without any reads on the opener/players behind me
about the stud8 hand @33min I have some questions :
1a) you say he plays split 5s with a low kicker, would you not also play live overcards to the 9 kickers ?
1b) in a cash game what would be your bottom defends here as the 5 ?
2) you say it would be bad for the 998 to get the money in on 5th even if he has the odds because he can fold some bad 6th, but also if we just call and then check the 5 can play 6th street perfectly, check back his semi bluffs (when he has a lower pair and bricks or maybe something like J6dd in the hole) and bet the rest
1a, Sorry but i don't really understand your question here. Can you please give me some example?
1b, I defend:
-All 3 card lows
-All 3card flush
-All split 5s with a low kicker
-But probably all splits 5s even with a bad high kicker. Because against a split 9 even if i have 5T-5rb, i can make tens up. Although that will be obviously quite close, since the T was dead. So prob i fold here 5T-5rb
-Depending on the ante structure, and dead cards we can sometimes even defend hands like AK-5 2 suits if we our hand is completely live and we are up against a wide opening range
2, Villain will only have 1 bigbets left. So if we call here and villain catches a brick we should JUST BET and avoid this situation. If we are beat atm, villain will bet anyway. But if we has a draw/pair we don't let him to checkback
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@36:00 seems like Zolotow has an easy STUD open with (QT)9 into a dead J, 4, 4.
I agree with this. Don't know why i missed that, should have mention it
Really great video! Maybe you can do a part 3 and 4 :)
53:05 a774ds you mentioned he can call or 3bet in a cash game. Do you base this on how wide the openers rng is? I always felt that if my hand does better hu or 3way, which I feel a774dd does, we should 3bet.
Do you fold suited a3, a4 or a5 hands vs utg?
It's a tough spot what type of hands to usually 3bet to isolate and what hands to flat and let other players in. With one way hands we mostly prefer to flat, especially if player's behind us are bad, and are going to call from the blinds, despite their hand plays really bad multiway (BB vs MP, against 1 player should defend a hand like 56TJss, but should fold multiway!)
Hands that prefers a flat are hands like A246ss. A357ss, etc. Or high hands if we decide to play those, however we should careful with those, AKQJds, AKTJds, KKQJds...
In a tournament when we are really shallow we also prefer mostly to 3bet to isolate...
A3, A4, A5 suited hands vs UTG:
It depends on a lot on the sidecards...Also about the exact structure. I mean UTG vs 5handed in a 6handed game, or UTG vs a 9handed game? How wide does UTG open, is he playing correctly, is he playing tighter, or loser? How are the players behind me playing.
So hard to give an exact answer...
A5ss89o is obviously much weaker than A4ssQTo or A4TT
If you have some exact hands that you are curious how I play against UTG let me know how many players where at the table (and what position we are), and i will tell how i play these hands in general, without any reads on the opener/players behind me
about the stud8 hand @33min I have some questions :
1a) you say he plays split 5s with a low kicker, would you not also play live overcards to the 9 kickers ?
1b) in a cash game what would be your bottom defends here as the 5 ?
2) you say it would be bad for the 998 to get the money in on 5th even if he has the odds because he can fold some bad 6th, but also if we just call and then check the 5 can play 6th street perfectly, check back his semi bluffs (when he has a lower pair and bricks or maybe something like J6dd in the hole) and bet the rest
1a, Sorry but i don't really understand your question here. Can you please give me some example?
1b, I defend:
-All 3 card lows
-All 3card flush
-All split 5s with a low kicker
-But probably all splits 5s even with a bad high kicker. Because against a split 9 even if i have 5T-5rb, i can make tens up. Although that will be obviously quite close, since the T was dead. So prob i fold here 5T-5rb
-Depending on the ante structure, and dead cards we can sometimes even defend hands like AK-5 2 suits if we our hand is completely live and we are up against a wide opening range
2, Villain will only have 1 bigbets left. So if we call here and villain catches a brick we should JUST BET and avoid this situation. If we are beat atm, villain will bet anyway. But if we has a draw/pair we don't let him to checkback
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