44:00 is it better to bluff with high pairs or top pairs and bluff catch low pairs in nl 2-7, which is similar to 2-7td, correct?
Last hand, if it were 7 or 8 handed and talal raised in mp and rast called in lp and the flop was the same action, should talal check the turn more often since rast will have a tighter tange?
Yes exactly. When both players draws then we want to bluff our top pair(s) in 2-7single draw, just like in 2-7triple draw after the final draw. Same for bluff catches, its better to bluffcatch with 3578-3 than with 3578-K
Last hand: correct again :) HU we are going defend really wide pre. However is somebody flats LP vs EP, then his range is extremely narrow and medium-strong have (he doesnt have the top 5-10% hands, that he 3bets, so like A2KT, A3TQ, A4KQds, etc, but the flatter will have a lot of A234, A345, A459ds, AKQJds, etc type of hands)
Would someone be able to help me find the tools that are used in this video? Looks like some tools to figure out equities and enter ranges for the stud/razz games.
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great series thank you more please
Excellent review series!
44:00 is it better to bluff with high pairs or top pairs and bluff catch low pairs in nl 2-7, which is similar to 2-7td, correct?
Last hand, if it were 7 or 8 handed and talal raised in mp and rast called in lp and the flop was the same action, should talal check the turn more often since rast will have a tighter tange?
Yes exactly. When both players draws then we want to bluff our top pair(s) in 2-7single draw, just like in 2-7triple draw after the final draw. Same for bluff catches, its better to bluffcatch with 3578-3 than with 3578-K
Last hand: correct again :) HU we are going defend really wide pre. However is somebody flats LP vs EP, then his range is extremely narrow and medium-strong have (he doesnt have the top 5-10% hands, that he 3bets, so like A2KT, A3TQ, A4KQds, etc, but the flatter will have a lot of A234, A345, A459ds, AKQJds, etc type of hands)
enjoyed the series, thanks :)
Would someone be able to help me find the tools that are used in this video? Looks like some tools to figure out equities and enter ranges for the stud/razz games.
For stud games (stud high and stud8) i recommend troutulator. For razz/O8/etc i use propokertools
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