Rui Carmo12 years, 2 months agoHi James, I saw 3 hands on this video that you didn't talk about them as your thought process behind your decisions, probably because these hands are so basic. But when you have some time, tell me your thoughts about them.
- 8:50 you defended your 89s because that was just a minraise or you like to defend 89s because the good playability of this type hand?
- 16:42 you folded 88 against an UTG open raiser. You don't like to play this hand without initiative, because the villain could barrel a lot of turns and rivers? Or you could flat depending how wide he is opening?
- 19:10 You have JQo on SB and you fold facing a steal on BTN. Seems you were between 3-betting or fold. I'm sure you decided to fold because the guy was playing pretty tight. In general, against a guy who is opening wide on BTN, flat JQo could be an option? Or you prefer flat JQs because suited hands have more playablity?
Thank you.
James Hudson12 years, 2 months agoThe 8:50 hand, like you said I'm getting a good price closing the action with a hand with good playability. The 16:42 hand, the major reason why I'm folding is because he's short and there's 4 people behind me meaning that I have less implied odds AND I often get blown off of my hand preflop. It's a gross combo to deal with. As far as the 19:10 hand, I toyed around with the idea of 3 betting the villain because he was folding so much to 3 bets on the button but decided against it probably just due to his opening range being tighter. I think I can go either way with 3 betting or folding there. Even if he was opening wider I'd almost never flat QJo from the SB but would never fold closing the action from the BB. Like you said, I'd much rather flat with a hand like QJs due to it's superior playability especially given that I'm OOP.
~19:00 the Q8ss hand where you decide to two barrel, what do you do if he flats the turn on a river that bricks (paired board , non heart etc)? On a river that doesn't brick (hearts, kings or cards you can rep etc)?
21:38 you open A5o from co, thoughts on the range? Also thoughts on making is 2.5 instead of 3 on CO like many advice to do so?
~21:00 KQss you squeeze from btn, is flatting from btn bad to keep dominated hands like KJ in the pot or is it always better to squeeze here?
26:00 you 3bet 78ss and say you prefer staying out of the way in these spots. What is your flatting range here on the btn if you prefer fold<3bet
38:00 you 3bet AK from sb then go for c/c on J96, it works well with vilain checking down. But vs aggro opponent what is the best line here? Assuming he might 2 and 3 barrel many turns and rivers? Does c/c become too exploitable?
44:00 vs unknown who seems to be a "fish", don't you lose a lot of value by not 3 betting your QQ oop pre?
Good video series overall. For your next one it would be great if you could 4-6 table a normal 6-max vs Zoom so you could talk about how different dynamics effect your play and how to play different kind of opponents.
James Hudson12 years, 2 months agoHey, for the Q8ss hand I'd bet betting almost all rivers that change the board texture and some pct (maybe 20%?) of the time when I brick. As far as opening A5o from the CO that's going to depend a ton on who's on the button. I'm certainly not opening that hand 100% from there. With regards to sizing, it might be better to open for 2.5x or a minraise from there but it's something that I haven't experimented with yet so I couldn't tell you for sure.
The KQss hand I'd usually flat if it was two regulars in the pot but I think there's too much value to be had by squeezing with a loose recreational player involved. For the 78ss hand part of the reason that I chose to 3 bet over calling is due to the shortstacker in the BB. I'm not going to go into my exact flatting ranges here but I will say that 78ss is a close spot.
In the AK hand I don't think that having a check calling range here makes me exploitable. Part of the reason that I throw a hand like AK into my check calling range here is so that I can hit different turns and rivers that he might not expect me to hit. I'm also going to have some monsters in my check calling range as well as a bunch of bluffcatchers and the occasional draw.
In the QQ hand the villain is playing 22/19, not sure why you assumed that he was a fish.
Andrew Whelan12 years, 2 months agothe JJ hand in the top left around 56mins, you say that you dont like your play for jamming turn, but you say you would prefer to call turn and fold river instead because you dont think he'll bluff the river, if you don't think that he'll bluff the river surely that strengthens the argument for jamming the turn not weaken it, if his turn betting range is wide enough to allow you to do so which you conclude that its not and I agree.
Then if he's likely to bluff river you should call call (on some rivers), surely this is a spot where villain is likely firing one or 3 and if closing your eyes and calling on a diamond or a spade river isn't the play then jamming turn is the next best option. I always default to my range in these spots, and seeing on the turn as JJ is near the bottom I would fold, but say you had AQ here, how would you play it? i just don't see the argument for calling turn and folding river, is there a gap in my logic in this spot? I feel I'm missing something
James Hudson12 years, 2 months agoIt's a tricky spot because a lot of regulars don't follow through as much as they probably should in that spot when a blank rolls off. Part of the reason that I think calling is better than jamming is that it allows me to make a much better decision if I think he doesn't bluff blank rivers enough. Another reason why I prefer calling is that my hand is somewhat protected by my range in that I'm going to have a bunch of Qx that gets to the river as well as draws which complete on board changing cards so jacks are going to be near the bottom of my bluff catching range probably. Also, when I jam I can't really expect to get called by worse and I block a lot of the hands he barrels as a bluff here (KJ, AJ) strengthening his barreling range. It's definitely not the easiest spot in the world to play though.
The river decision on top right in about 31min. You seem to divide his range into pure bluffs and thin values. Why not just raise his river bet and make him fold his marginal hands?
James Hudson11 years, 8 months agoBecause it's also tough for me to represent strong hands after I check twice and I'd only be representing exactly 9x. Against a polarized range it makes more sense to call with bluffcatchers because villain will either be bet/calling with hands that beat you or bet/folding hands that you beat so it makes little sense to raise if I can just win vs the hands that I have beat by calling. If I call there it's because I don't actually think that villain can have many thin value bets so therefore his bluff/value bet ratio is likely very unbalanced.
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I saw 3 hands on this video that you didn't talk about them as your thought process behind your decisions, probably because these hands are so basic. But when you have some time, tell me your thoughts about them.
- 8:50 you defended your 89s because that was just a minraise or you like to defend 89s because the good
playability of this type hand?
- 16:42 you folded 88 against an UTG open raiser. You don't like to play this hand without initiative,
because the villain could barrel a lot of turns and rivers? Or you could flat depending how wide he is opening?
- 19:10 You have JQo on SB and you fold facing a steal on BTN. Seems you were between 3-betting or fold. I'm sure you decided to fold because the guy was playing pretty tight. In general, against a guy who is opening wide on BTN, flat JQo could be an option? Or you prefer flat JQs because suited hands have more playablity?
Thank you.
The 16:42 hand, the major reason why I'm folding is because he's short and there's 4 people behind me meaning that I have less implied odds AND I often get blown off of my hand preflop. It's a gross combo to deal with.
As far as the 19:10 hand, I toyed around with the idea of 3 betting the villain because he was folding so much to 3 bets on the button but decided against it probably just due to his opening range being tighter. I think I can go either way with 3 betting or folding there. Even if he was opening wider I'd almost never flat QJo from the SB but would never fold closing the action from the BB. Like you said, I'd much rather flat with a hand like QJs due to it's superior playability especially given that I'm OOP.
~19:00 the Q8ss hand where you decide to two barrel, what do you do if he flats the turn on a river that bricks (paired board , non heart etc)? On a river that doesn't brick (hearts, kings or cards you can rep etc)?
21:38 you open A5o from co, thoughts on the range? Also thoughts on making is 2.5 instead of 3 on CO like many advice to do so?
~21:00 KQss you squeeze from btn, is flatting from btn bad to keep dominated hands like KJ in the pot or is it always better to squeeze here?
26:00 you 3bet 78ss and say you prefer staying out of the way in these spots. What is your flatting range here on the btn if you prefer fold<3bet
38:00 you 3bet AK from sb then go for c/c on J96, it works well with vilain checking down. But vs aggro opponent what is the best line here? Assuming he might 2 and 3 barrel many turns and rivers? Does c/c become too exploitable?
44:00 vs unknown who seems to be a "fish", don't you lose a lot of value by not 3 betting your QQ oop pre?
Good video series overall. For your next one it would be great if you could 4-6 table a normal 6-max vs Zoom so you could talk about how different dynamics effect your play and how to play different kind of opponents.
The KQss hand I'd usually flat if it was two regulars in the pot but I think there's too much value to be had by squeezing with a loose recreational player involved. For the 78ss hand part of the reason that I chose to 3 bet over calling is due to the shortstacker in the BB. I'm not going to go into my exact flatting ranges here but I will say that 78ss is a close spot.
In the AK hand I don't think that having a check calling range here makes me exploitable. Part of the reason that I throw a hand like AK into my check calling range here is so that I can hit different turns and rivers that he might not expect me to hit. I'm also going to have some monsters in my check calling range as well as a bunch of bluffcatchers and the occasional draw.
In the QQ hand the villain is playing 22/19, not sure why you assumed that he was a fish.
Then if he's likely to bluff river you should call call (on some rivers), surely this is a spot where villain is likely firing one or 3 and if closing your eyes and calling on a diamond or a spade river isn't the play then jamming turn is the next best option. I always default to my range in these spots, and seeing on the turn as JJ is near the bottom I would fold, but say you had AQ here, how would you play it? i just don't see the argument for calling turn and folding river, is there a gap in my logic in this spot? I feel I'm missing something
The river decision on top right in about 31min. You seem to divide his range into pure bluffs and thin values. Why not just raise his river bet and make him fold his marginal hands?
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