FlySooHigh12 years, 3 months agoGreat video as usual, but is there any way to make better resolution? When I make it full screen on my 30'' monitor the picture becomes rather fuzzy.
Raphael Cerpedes12 years, 2 months agoHey, my question has not much to do with the video itself but Ive seen a couple of your 2+2 posts where you show very good results/graphs for your stakes so Im wondering why don't you move up and play a lot more of NL600+ and zoom500? I mean obviously the games are significantly tougher but isnt it more than compensated by the fact that stakes would be at least 2.5-3x the 1-2 games you play so much?
Rui Carmo12 years, 2 months agoHey, I'm enjoying your videos a lot, and I'm sure I improved my game since I start follow your videos. So, I'm really happy with that. But I have two questions for you:
- 00:25 - So, you called preflop oop with 88 because you were 150bb deep. But, if you are only 100bb deep, in general, what is your play with 77-99 prelop oop?
- 48:30 flat 3bet on BTN with A3s. What is your game plan if you flop TP and face cbet and double barrel on the turn with no flush draw? And if you get flush draw on the turn, you prefer shove or just call his double barrel?
Thank you.
James Hudson12 years, 2 months agoHey, to answer your first question probably call 99 and fold 77 with 88 being kind of a "depends on my mood, villain etc" spot. As for the second question, I would be calling two barrels pretty much always and deciding on the river if I flopped top pair and if I floated and turned a flush draw on the turn it would depend on the board texture with regards to calling or jamming.
Aleksandra ZenFish12 years, 2 months agoWhile watching video around minute 40 i saw notice of apple software upgrade. My question is what kind of hud does work on apple OS cause they all seem to be made for windows, and im using apple and dont have much mood to run double os on it, would really prefer to find apple working hud. Also may i ask you do you find it a must to use a hud for zoom regulars, i do rely on notes so far because i couldnt find hud solution for my apple. While watching you play in zoom i do see how many more details u can see with a hud, like persons folding percentages in blind or versus 3bet, so i would really like to try play some with hud xept i cant figure how to put it on apple os, and would appreciate your opinion on comparation of with hud and without hud play. Thank you
James Hudson12 years, 2 months agoI don't actually play on an apple computer so I'm not sure what it was that popped up exactly. As far as using a hud, I wholeheartedly advocate using them in pretty much any game type.
knockoutned12 years, 2 months agohey i noticed u flatted J5s bvb (1:30 into the video) vs what im guessing is a pretty unknown opponent. Is this a standard call for u pre? I would appreciate if u could right ur rough calling range bvb vs a typical reg bvb. I call a lot tighter than this bvb, say 22+, A2+, K8s+, K9o+, Q8s+, Q9o+, J8s+, J9o+ and a bunch of suited connectors etc.. and just 3bet the better hands i dont want to call with if i feel its a good spot to 3bet light (vs a reg). obv this is a v rough range and i adjust it based on stats but do u think generally I can be calling with a lot more hands if pre if i play well vs the opponent post?
James Hudson12 years, 2 months agoI'm not going to write out my exact ranges for doing things for obvious reasons but ya you can probably flat wider than you do. You want to make sure that you're defending enough hands in bvb spots that SB can't profitably open any two cards vs you.
knockoutned12 years, 2 months agoat about 9:45 u have KQo in the sb and consider calling an utg open from a suspected fish, but dont because hes quite tight so far. So if he had looser stats u would call? Do u not think its gonna be hard to show a profit calling KQo oop in the sb vs an utg open even from a slightly loose fish? his range is still gonna be pretty tightish being utg and u have to play oop vs a strong range vs the type of player who wont fold any sort of big hands? I wouldnt even call KQs here vs the looser player but maybe im not peeling wide enough in these spots?
James Hudson12 years, 2 months agoIf he had looser stats I'd actually probably 3 bet to build a pot vs a player who will likely call wide and play poorly postflop. I don't think you necessarily need to be playing a lot of hands from the SB vs EP opens but you can definitely be more adventurous vs recreational players because your skill advantage should be much greater than vs regulars.
knockoutned12 years, 2 months agoat 9:25 on the top left table u open KJo in the co and get 3bet by a 23/18 with a 8.6 3bet and whos 3betting 9% in the bb. What to do think about calling here? What would ur default range be given his aggro stats meaning hes probably has a high % of light 3bets in his range? If u dont like flatting what do u think about 4bet bluffing in these spots vs a guy who is often light and we dont have much info about their responces to 4bets? obv if hes light a lot and he folds his light 3bets here 100% weve got a pretty +ev 4bet, especially with our K and J blockers. But do u find ppl stick it in light here often without much info on u just because u seem aggro and are opening in the co? I find myself 4betting a lot in these spots thinking that they are light a lot and would only really shove if they had a decent amount 4bet stats on u.
James Hudson12 years, 2 months agoI find that people 3 bet vs the CO ALOT tighter than they do vs button opens so I'm less than psyched to call with KJ offsuit here but I think 4 bet bluffing with this hand is certainly a viable option. Be careful 4 bet bluffing too much from the CO vs the blinds because of the fact that people 3 bet very different ranges vs those CO opens compared to when you open the button though.
Green_in_Colour12 years, 2 months ago~4:20 - top left table: you 3bet a CO open with J9o from the BTN (CO looked like a regular), the SB (possible recreational player) cold calls, and the CO comes along as well.
You flop middle pair.
~8:50 - after the hand ends you speak about taking the option of betting over checking a street when the decision is pretty close. Are you mainly taking this approach more when you're in position?
Also, without reads, is this a good default play in a HU pot? Seem to struggle in spots where I have a moderately strong hand which I wouldn't be comfortable bet/calling with.
Hope this was worded okay and made sense.
Great video.
James Hudson12 years, 2 months agoI would say that I'm actually taking the bet rather than check approach more when I'm OOP because it's going to be harder to see free cards/ pot control/ play my hand well. As far as this spot I would like my bet much less in a hu pot rather than a 3 way pot. In a 3 way 3 bet pot I really feel like my 9x hand isn't going to be the best hand on the flop or by the river all that often and due to it being 3 ways my continuation bet should get a lot more respect than it would in a hu pot.
PutMyRobeOnRITE12 years, 2 months agoMan, this was a very good video, you're a damn good player James. Thoroughly enjoyed it. I need to watch all your shiz closely.
WM2K12 years, 2 months agoAbout 11:00 min in you defend a button raise vs I think a sb 3 bet with A6s. While I agree that A6s is very much a hand to be calling with vs the right player I don t agree with your reasoning in this hand. Yes you are going to be exploitable folding a hand this high up in what is probably close to a 70% button opening range. However does that matter vs this guy? Can you show a profit calling A6s vs his range? Is he 3 betting enough that he is exploiting your button open? From the stats on your hud that I saw I d guess no he is not exploiting you and that this is a 4 bet bluff hand or even a fold if he s tight enough.
James Hudson12 years, 2 months agoThe villain in this hand is 3 betting 10% overall so yes I'd guess that he's going to be 3 betting me enough that I can make more by calling with a6ss than by folding it.
11:06 A6s: I like to call those hands BU vs BB because most regs don’t 3b much Ax bu-bb, but BU vs SB the 3b almost always the better Ax hands so we are dominated often, how do you think about this? But whit the fish in the BB he is more likely to flat hands like AT AJ so I like your flat pre.
19:53 K9s: Just like A6s I like the flat way more BU vs BB(because we dominated less often vs a 3b range bu-bb). I think people 3b way more depolorised BU-SB
23:00 87s : I see you defending BU-BB verry wide, now it is CO-BB you looked to his pop up. Did you looked to his openingsrange?
37:15: K9o: You said you can have a callingsrange against his 4b, when do you like having a flatting 4bet range and with which ranges? I don’t know how it can be +EV, we can’t do much postflop right?(like floating)
51:14 98s, do you have much Ax in your flop callingrange?
11:06 A6s: I like tocall those hands BU vs BB because most regs don’t 3b much Ax bu-bb, but BU vsSB the 3b almost always the better Axhands so we are dominated often, how do you think about this? But whit the fishin the BB he is more likely to flat hands like AT AJ so I like your flat pre.
That's not something that I've done a ton of thinking about but it makes sense now that you mention it :)
23:00 87s : I see youdefending BU-BB verry wide, now it is CO-BB you looked to his pop up. Did youlooked to his openingsrange?
Yeah, I would have been looking for his opening range, fold to 3 bet, 4 bet and fold to cbet numbers but I didn't have much of a sample at all to go off of.
37:15: K9o: You said you can have a callingsrange againsthis 4b, when do you like having a flatting 4bet range and with which ranges? I don’t know how it can be +EV, wecan’t do much postflop right?(like floating)
I can likely call with some big aces (AJ/AQ) and some suited/connected stuff. Once I put 16$ out there I only need to do better than -800bb/100 to make it a call. Lots of villains will just auto cbet flops in 4 bet pots so I make a little bit of extra money there too when I flop something decent.
51:14 98s, do you have much Ax in your flop callingrange?
Not many naked Ax but I will have all my Ax two pair hands.
Loading 25 Comments...
- 00:25 - So, you called preflop oop with 88 because you were 150bb deep. But, if you are only 100bb deep,
in general, what is your play with 77-99 prelop oop?
- 48:30 flat 3bet on BTN with A3s. What is your game plan if you flop TP and face cbet and double barrel on the turn with no flush draw? And if you get flush draw on the turn, you prefer shove or just call his double barrel?
Thank you.
Also may i ask you do you find it a must to use a hud for zoom regulars, i do rely on notes so far because i couldnt find hud solution for my apple. While watching you play in zoom i do see how many more details u can see with a hud, like persons folding percentages in blind or versus 3bet, so i would really like to try play some with hud xept i cant figure how to put it on apple os, and would appreciate your opinion on comparation of with hud and without hud play.
Thank you
I call a lot tighter than this bvb, say 22+, A2+, K8s+, K9o+, Q8s+, Q9o+, J8s+, J9o+ and a bunch of suited connectors etc.. and just 3bet the better hands i dont want to call with if i feel its a good spot to 3bet light (vs a reg). obv this is a v rough range and i adjust it based on stats but do u think generally I can be calling with a lot more hands if pre if i play well vs the opponent post?
Do u not think its gonna be hard to show a profit calling KQo oop in the sb vs an utg open even from a slightly loose fish? his range is still gonna be pretty tightish being utg and u have to play oop vs a strong range vs the type of player who wont fold any sort of big hands? I wouldnt even call KQs here vs the looser player but maybe im not peeling wide enough in these spots?
What to do think about calling here? What would ur default range be given his aggro stats meaning hes probably has a high % of light 3bets in his range?
If u dont like flatting what do u think about 4bet bluffing in these spots vs a guy who is often light and we dont have much info about their responces to 4bets? obv if hes light a lot and he folds his light 3bets here 100% weve got a pretty +ev 4bet, especially with our K and J blockers. But do u find ppl stick it in light here often without much info on u just because u seem aggro and are opening in the co?
I find myself 4betting a lot in these spots thinking that they are light a lot and would only really shove if they had a decent amount 4bet stats on u.
You flop middle pair.
~8:50 - after the hand ends you speak about taking the option of betting over checking a street when the decision is pretty close. Are you mainly taking this approach more when you're in position?
Also, without reads, is this a good default play in a HU pot? Seem to struggle in spots where I have a moderately strong hand which I wouldn't be comfortable bet/calling with.
Hope this was worded okay and made sense.
Great video.
Hi, I really enjoy your vids. I have a question; where do I find the x/f stat in hem1? Thanks!
Nice vid!
11:06 A6s: I like to
call those hands BU vs BB because most regs don’t 3b much Ax bu-bb, but BU vs
SB the 3b almost always the better Ax
hands so we are dominated often, how do you think about this? But whit the fish
in the BB he is more likely to flat hands like AT AJ so I like your flat pre.
19:53 K9s: Just like A6s I like the flat way more BU vs BB(because
we dominated less often vs a 3b range
bu-bb). I think people 3b way more depolorised BU-SB
23:00 87s : I see you
defending BU-BB verry wide, now it is CO-BB you looked to his pop up. Did you
looked to his openingsrange?
37:15: K9o: You said you can have a callingsrange against
his 4b, when do you like having a flatting
4bet range and with which ranges? I don’t know how it can be +EV, we
can’t do much postflop right?(like floating)
51:14 98s, do you have much Ax in your flop callingrange?
11:06 A6s: I like tocall those hands BU vs BB because most regs don’t 3b much Ax bu-bb, but BU vsSB the 3b almost always the better Axhands so we are dominated often, how do you think about this? But whit the fishin the BB he is more likely to flat hands like AT AJ so I like your flat pre.
That's not something that I've done a ton of thinking about but it makes sense now that you mention it :)
23:00 87s : I see youdefending BU-BB verry wide, now it is CO-BB you looked to his pop up. Did youlooked to his openingsrange?
Yeah, I would have been looking for his opening range, fold to 3 bet, 4 bet and fold to cbet numbers but I didn't have much of a sample at all to go off of.
37:15: K9o: You said you can have a callingsrange againsthis 4b, when do you like having a flatting 4bet range and with which ranges? I don’t know how it can be +EV, wecan’t do much postflop right?(like floating)
I can likely call with some big aces (AJ/AQ) and some suited/connected stuff. Once I put 16$ out there I only need to do better than -800bb/100 to make it a call. Lots of villains will just auto cbet flops in 4 bet pots so I make a little bit of extra money there too when I flop something decent.
51:14 98s, do you have much Ax in your flop callingrange?
Not many naked Ax but I will have all my Ax two pair hands.
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