$1/$2 Zoom NLHE Session Review (2 of 4)

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$1/$2 Zoom NLHE Session Review (2 of 4)

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James Hudson

Essential Pro

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$1/$2 Zoom NLHE Session Review (2 of 4)

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James Hudson

POSTED Dec 11, 2012

James picks up where he left off in the first video in part 2 of his $1/$2 NL zoom series. Part 1 saw James implementing a strategy involving a lot of 3 betting that doesn't work out so well. He begins adapting to the play of his opponents in part 2 and discusses the adaptions that he makes.


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halvadron1 12 years, 3 months ago
88 hand at 51:00 - you said you don't like flatting. Do you favor folding or 3betting?
James Hudson 12 years, 3 months ago
To be honest I don't really have a problem with using a hand like 88 oop as a bluff vs a tighter range if you can trust yourself not to get in trouble with it post flop. That being said, Ax type hands work better as bluffs in some ways because of their blocker effects.
knockoutned 12 years, 3 months ago
what range would u be happy calling here with 100bbs deep vs this opponent? 99+? AQo? AJs? KQs?
how would u adjust that range if he was tighter? add some more pp's? be less inclined to call AQ AJ type hands?
James Hudson 12 years, 3 months ago
Pretty much spot on except that I'm not sure how many really weak pocket pairs I'd call with even if villain was really tight. These days even tight players aren't just stacking off every time they have an overpair so the value of a hand like 22 goes down significantly OOP.
James Hudson 12 years, 3 months ago
Maybe 55 or 66? You probably want to look through your own database and see how you do with pairs in different positions when cold calling.
knockoutned 12 years, 3 months ago
hey james, the AJ on KKQK7 was very interesting.. I dont think i would have considered calling the turn but ur analysis makes a lot of sense.
U mention that if he had a low WTSD u would consider betting. Could you expand on that a little and explain how u use this stat generally to help make ur decisions? Thanks!
James Hudson 12 years, 3 months ago
Hey, so first could you let me know where in the video the AJ happens? A 50 minute 4 tabling zoom video is kind of hard to go through and find specific hands :) . As far as the WTSD stat, I use it in combination with stats like fold to flop cbet, fold to turn cbet and fold to river cbet to get a better picture of the kind of player I'm playing against. For instance, if a guy has low folds to cbets and a high WTSD then it's likely that he enjoys making hero calls and is close to never folding a hand like top pair. Looking at stats like that early in the hand can be incredibly useful in deciding maybe to not even cbet a board because you have a low equity hand and the opponent just doesn't fold very much on later streets.
freefreePALESTINE 12 years, 3 months ago
@22 mins table 4, we call mp in co with 55, get squeezed by the btn and coldcalled by a fish in the blinds. You elect to fold and I would set mine here all the time thinking that if we hit we are likely to stack someone. Is it not worth it in your opinion? What would your calling range be?
Cheers James, enjoying the series so far.
James Hudson 12 years, 3 months ago
It's probably close. I'm getting about 13-1 on the squeezer's stack but only about 10-1 on the fish's stack and I'm going to be out of position on the reg. I could be convinced that it's a call though. I probably wouldn't have too wide of a calling range here as I'd want to backraise most of my strong hands to get the fish hu all in pre flop. I guess the kinds of hands that I'd want to come along with would be KQs, AQs type stuff.
Andrew Whelan 12 years, 2 months ago
On the last hand of the video, you say the call in the SB with 88 is probably not good vs a typical MP opening range eg. 12-18%, I was wondering how you constructed your continuing range against a relative unknown, would you call 99-JJ and some of the better suited BWs and 3 bet call it off with QQ+ and AK mixed with some SCs or suited Aces or AQo or whatever, this would be my typical strategy, so I was wondering if yours deviated significantly from this?

One more question on zoom strategy, you seem to fast fold decently quickly but open very wide from the BTN in some spots, eg i think there was a J3o hand or something, this could well be fine although is only ever going to be slightly plus EV. My question is this, you advocate to steal more in LP because ppl fold more to steals which is a reasonable assumption, but the time it takes for it to fold to you and the chance it could get opened by the 3 positions preceeding you prob between i dunno 30 and 70 % of the time, then would it not from a zoom theory optimal perspective (ZTO) be a better strategy to fold more in LP and to open slightly loser in reverse proportion to position which would be the complete opposite of what seems to be the widely adopted strategy. Ppl seem to think hands like ATo or KQo are now marginal UTG opens and should therefore be passed up in order to avail of a potentially more plus EV spot in an instant new hand. Would it then not be safe to assume that if ppl fold more in the blinds to steals, that they also fold more in every position making it from a ZTO standpoint, better to open loser in reverse proportion to position because the action comes to you more quickly? (of course with all this relating to hourly and not to winrate).

Sorry for the long post and I realise this thread has not been active in a few weeks, any thoughts on this would be appreciated, if you don't see it, i might try and repost it in one of your more recent videos if that's ok, also thought the video was very good, cheers.
James Hudson 12 years, 2 months ago
For the first part of the question I really hate defending sb vs ep opens because my range ends up being pretty strong and somewhat defined. I don't think it would be the worst idea to basically flat my entire continuing range there to protect the weaker parts of my calling range.

As far as your thoughts on ZTO (Which is an amazingly awesome name for it), you may be right but I haven't put a ton of time into thinking about things like that as I mostly play zoom just to supplement my regular tables and get more volume in. If I were only playing zoom these are some things that I definitely think would be worth some thought. Maybe start a thread in ssnl or msnl on here and see what some other zoom regs think. It should be an interesting discussion.
freeman zhang 12 years, 2 months ago
hello,james.A6s on 29:00 at bottom left table.i doubt if bet-calling the turn is correct against with passive fish? i think most of passive fish will only check-call down with a hand like Ax with a heart or some Tj with a heart,maybe even stronger than some likes KJ or TQ types hand which he will just call but raise.So,when he facing the big size turn cbet will shoving over the top maybe it's much more stronger than we thought.But if we check the turn,the fish likely to bet almost entire his range,include some hand like 78 or 6x that he can call the turn,we can make a really easy call on the river.
and one more question,if we get called on the turn,and river comes a blank,the fish donk shoving,how should we deal with that? Due to we dont have much handhistory with fish normally,a call here might be really close.fish might have any 2 pair,flush,or sets,coz fish always take a weird line to play a strong hand.
at the end,sorry for my poor english,i really like explained every hand so detail like u,i'd like to have a coach like u,thanks for giving us the great video!!
James Hudson 12 years, 1 month ago
I think the recreational player can probably play q10 as well as other ax hands pretty fast on the turn making it a fairly easy bet call for me. I really don't like checking back the turn to bluffcatch because he's so likely to have something that can keep calling the turn and my hand is fairly vulnerable (hearts,king, jack, 10 etc.). If he shoved into me on the river, without any reads, I'm likely calling but not too happy about it.
AJFenix 12 years, 1 month ago
Hey James, great vids so far, working my way through them. I'm pretty sure with the AJ hand on KKQK7, given your assumptions and how it played out, betting 70-78 or so WAS in fact the best play on the river. Given we do chop with ace high's, combinatorically its worth folding out those pair combos and chop combos vs how often you get called on a bet, especialllllly factoring how discounted certain check calling hands are (which would be "very much so")
Insilicio 11 years, 9 months ago

There was a BTN open somewhere and u called KQo in sb because he didn't call much and u didn't want to 3bet fold. I always have trouble for almost the same reason with 99-JJ in the blinds vs late position opens. I always see in videos that it is the way to 3bet/5bet, but I can only see how that is highest ev if they 4betbluff or 4bet with worse for value. In cases they do call, almost always the flop has atleast 1 overcard and u end up with bad playability. Do u think that if villain doen't 4bet much that calling 99-JJ sb vs btn or heads up is best? (I play 25nl so they don't 4bet much at all) Like I feel much better 3bet/folding AQo for example, since it plays so much better.

Great video again, happy I took an essential membership for your videos.

James Hudson 11 years, 9 months ago
Thanks. Glad to heard you like my videos. With regards to 3 betting some lighter value hands against button opens you should either be making money on the 3 bet because they fold too much, because your hand plays well as a 3 bet/5 bet or  because it plays well in 3 bet pots when called. If you find that you're not making money with those hands when you 3 bet them some of the reasons could be that

A) Villains are only 4 betting nutted ranges so you should probably call the 4 bets or fold vs these villains.
B) You're playing poorly postflop in which case the hands that you 3 bet aren't going to matter a ton because you're going to have postflop leaks regardless.
C) Villains are opening too tightly to be able to 3 bet hands like 99/AJ for value. This is far more likely to be the case vs CO opens that it is vs button opens.

stek 11 years, 5 months ago

8:30 KQo: I always have no callingsrange BU(reg)-sb if BB isa reg, because BB can squeese us(and we can’t 4b that much since we almostalway 3b our strong hands) What is your callingsrange in this spot?

14:50 JT : I always fold those hands on this flop, becausethere a lot of bad turncards for us. Let’s say turn is Blanc and he barrels, are we happy to call the turn? If notthen we just always fold to a turn barrel, why are you want to call this flopif we almost always fold the turn?Or are we calling JT because our range is so strong on thisflop(we have a lot of Ax) so he shouldn’t barrel turn as a bluf much because weare not folding enough of our range. If he barrels we loose value with JT, butwe win more with our Ax.?  

22:07 Q9s: Don’t you think we can just cb almost 100% onthis flop. Yes he almost have all Ax in his range, but his range is so widethat we just have a lot of FE.  

37:45 TT you said vs a regular you won’t 3b TT because wehave to fold vs a 4b. Just saw you 3b with hands like Axs. Arn’t you verryexploitable with your verry polorized 3b ranges IP? Or do you think you canjust 3b bluf much just to exploit people?    

James Hudson 11 years, 5 months ago

8:30 KQo: I always have no callingsrange BU(reg)-sb if BB isa
reg, because BB can squeese us(and we can’t 4b that much since we
almostalway 3b our strong hands) What is your callingsrange in this

I think that's a good point but it also depends on the games you play in. If BB's haven't shown a propensity to get out of line squeezing here then I wouldn't worry about it too much. Another concern would be that you allow BB to enter the pot by calling a bunch due to the great price they're getting and being out of position vs two players though. I'm not going to get into my specific calling range here but a lot of it will be able to call 3 bets from the BB.

14:50 JT : I always fold those hands on this flop,
becausethere a lot of bad turncards for us. Let’s say turn is Blanc and
he barrels, are we happy to call the turn? If notthen we just always
fold to a turn barrel, why are you want to call this flopif we almost
always fold the turn?Or are we calling JT because our range is so strong
on thisflop(we have a lot of Ax) so he shouldn’t barrel turn as a bluf
much because weare not folding enough of our range. If he barrels we
loose value with JT, butwe win more with our Ax.? 

I don't want the entirety of my flop calling range to also be calling the turn because it disincentivizes villains from bluffing turns because they always run into strong hands. Additionally, I feel like I wouldn't be defending enough flops if I only call with Ax and flush draws and given that it's a hu pot I don't want to be folding way too much in this spot.

22:07 Q9s: Don’t you think we can just cb almost 100% onthis
flop. Yes he almost have all Ax in his range, but his range is so
widethat we just have a lot of FE. 

There's a few reasons why I don't want to bet 100% of hands on this flop. One reason is that the hands that fold the flop are almost always going to be folding the turn to a delayed cbet (small pocket pairs and 89hh type hands). I also have a hand that isn't going to be able to barrel very often due to not picking up equity on turns. I also check back a decent amount of stuff that can call a turn bet so villain won't be able to lead everything profitably in this spot. 

37:45 TT you said vs a regular you won’t 3b TT because wehave to
fold vs a 4b. Just saw you 3b with hands like Axs. Arn’t you
verryexploitable with your verry polorized 3b ranges IP? Or do you think
you canjust 3b bluf much just to exploit people? 

I don't think I get too out of line with bluffing those spots but even if I do I should be able to realize some equity with those hands when villains chose to flat the 3 bet. If villains in your player pool are playing solely 4 bet or fold in those spots then it becomes much more important to get your 3 bet frequencies balanced though.

stek 11 years, 5 months ago

22:07 Q9s: Don’t you think we can just cb almost 100% onthis flop. Yes he almost have all Ax in his range, but his range is so widethat we just have a lot of FE. .

I also have a hand that isn't going to be able to barrel very often due to not picking up equity on turns. I agree, but I think we get enough folds(vs his large pre flop callingsrange) on the flop, so we don't need to barrel.

 I also check back a decent amount of stuff that can call a turn bet so villain won't be able to lead everything profitably in this spot. I cb 100% on the flop so even all Jx, I think it makes a lot of sense to ch all Jx on the flop. Are you checking all Jx? Do you like the plan checking flop with Jx, some high pp like TT. If we have a ''value checking range'' we can also add air like Q8/46. We balance this so villian can't lead 100%, but if he barreln turn and rivers he can exploit us right?

James Hudson 11 years, 5 months ago
I'm going to be check back most middle pairs on this board. One thing to think about in terms of being exploited is that if you continuation bet the flop at a high rate and make a decent amount of money off of that part of your strategy, it's not going to matter too much if your range is "attackable" the small % of the time that you check back.

furiouslettuce 10 years, 5 months ago

For the 44 hand at the begining of the video you said you thought it was very unlikely that villain had a flush, why is that?

James Hudson 10 years, 5 months ago
I don't think villain has a flush very often here because he's a tighter player defending against a ep open so he likely won't have a bunch of junky suited stuff, he called twice OOP which means he probably needs the ace high flush draw or a pair and a flush draw to continue and because some percentage of his flush draws will raise either the flop or the turn.

dhruvsehgal 7 years, 11 months ago

You talk about this WWSF stat a lot throughout the video, can you explain its importance and how you use it to guide certain decisions?

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