PutMyRobeOnRITE12 years, 1 month agoHi James, good video ty.
@ minute 34:23 you check back AK on T88r, but earlier in the video you c-bet AQ on J53r in position saying that you had blockers, board was nice and dry, good barrel cards etc....These two hands look really similar to me, the only diff I see is that with AQ maybe villain flatted AK and you can get that to fold on the flop?? That's quite a parlay though between him flatting pre and then folding on flop. Based on your logic in the AQ hand, it looks like you should be c-betting this AK too.
James Hudson12 years, 1 month agoThe big difference that I see between those situations is that on J53 rainbow villain will have more hands that call flop (66-1010) that are going to have to fold the turn a lot. On 1088 I don't expect as many hands to peel the flop so I don't think a double barrel is going to be have as much fold equity. Also, on 1088 I expect to get quite a few folds and am going to bet that flop a ton so in order for my frequencies to not be crazy out of line I elect to check back a hand that can improve on turns and potentially win at showdown sometimes if we check it down. I hope that all makes sense.
mpowah12 years, 1 month agoConcerning what you said about a player starting to engage his brain after you betting a certain amount and instacalling all bets small than that, also tried to remember it :), I think, it was said by Mr. Phil Galfond in a video for another site.
Aleksandra ZenFish12 years, 1 month agoThank you for sooo useful tip for labeing who has a lead , i gotmyself forgetting it when i multitask so many times, :)) and ye lovely video :)
WM2K12 years agoWhat was your tip about making using some stats or something to help gauge if you are autopiloting or not?
James Hudson12 years agoI try to make sure that the hands won without showdown + the hands won at showdown is at least equal to 1/6th of the total number of hands played.
Would be cool to watch you playing lower stakes at some stage.
brodyz12 years ago33:00 You cr A6s and get a K turn. Would you be betting many rivers as a bluff in that spot or do you think the turn barrel folds out most of villains weaker pairs?
James Hudson12 years agoI think I should fire the river sometimes because it's good to have a bluffing range but certainly not the majority of the time. I feel like villain folds anything worse than 10x on the turn and he may not ever fold 10x on the river given that I'm representing a really narrow range of hands. Additionally, given the flop texture I would expect villain to slowplay his nutted hands almost always and continue doing so on the turn most of the time. Given that "read", he's going to show up with quite a few near nutted hands on the river which are never folding.
ianks12 years agoi would love to see a video addressing 'standard spots' and how to deal with them. i think tricky spots get talked about a lot and not enough attention is given to generic spots. jsut my 2c. great video!
Bhtopspin12 years agoI would like to see a video that showed some of the more difficult decisions on turn and river. Maybe discussion of 5-7 very interesting hands from your database. Spots where you got check raised on turn or river, or when opponent overbet shoved, basically some of the more non-standard situations. Also hands where you were deep in effective stacks are always interesting.
Green_in_Colour12 years agoWhen you start your sessions - do you go out of your way to try create an aggressive dynamic (pre and postflop) with a certain player(s) / the table in general, or do you mainly just focus on picking good spots?
Some videos you seem a lot more aggressive overall.
James Hudson12 years agoGenerally I'm just looking for good spots but as I've mentioned before in videos the amount of caffeine I've consumed in a day certainly seems to affect my levels of aggression. Addictions for balance!
I'd like to see a deep ante table video. Those tables are really interesting because there are no shortstackers and standard play is different to normal tables.
woll11211 years, 11 months ago@ 33:20: Ah6h on Tx 7h 4x Kh:
1) Would it be a good play to x/r such flops as a default and barrel turns with picked up equity??
2) Riverplay: A
3) Riverplay: 4 (non heart)
I really like the vid and espacially to me it shows again -even if that was not your intention- that I invest to much money with a lot of pocketpairs preflop.
1) I think it's fine to check raise these kinds of spots with backdoor equity.
2) On an ace river I think it's either going to be a bet fold or a check call depending on how much of a station or how float happy villain is.
3) on a blank river I'm going to give up a decent percent of the time just because it's such a dry board and villain should be slowplaying all 2 pair + hands meaning my bluff is running into a stronger range than usual.
Nice vid as always James. The bottom left hand in 35:00. You have QJs in the sb and call a iso from the shortstacker on the btn after a rec player limps. I think you misread the hand in the analysis, you seem to think that you 3b the hand and the btn called and that you had gone for the c/r with the initiative. But the reality was you had called pre and the btn had the initiative. Now that we got that misread out of the way, what are the reasons for just calling there pre? Because btn is isoing wide and we have a rec player behind likely calling with a hand that flops very well? Or do you like a 3b better in your position in hindsight? Cheers.
James Hudson11 years, 7 months agoHaha, sorry about the missread of the action. I call preflop here because I want to play a pot with the recreational player with my hand. QJss plays really well multiway, the shortstack has enough money (65bb or so) where there's some implied odds and the recreational player and I are over 100bb effective. I didn't think the recreational player would be folding very often at all once I called and juiced the pot a little for him. If my hand was something like QJo or KJo that doesn't play as well multiway I'd be more inclined to 3 bet or fold preflop.
27:00 Top right table. Why do you flat QQ on SB v UTG+1 reg? Do you have a wide flatting range in this spot? Why not have wide 3betting range in this spot and generally 3bet or fold? I think when you call you get squeezed a lot from BB and you won't have enough strong combos to balance the times when you flat weaker hands. On the other hand if you flat narrow range then you become easy to play against.
James Hudson11 years, 5 months agoWe're 150bb effective in this hand, villain doesn't open that wide in this spot and villain folds to a decent amount of 3 bets. With all that in mind combined with the fact that I'm out of position, I'd rather flat here.
As far as having a wide 3 betting range SB vs EP, that's going to be real tough because villains aren't going to be opening wide enough for me to 3 bet wide for value and if I can't 3 bet wide for value I can't really 3 bet a ton of bluffs.
36:00 Bottom right table. You 3bet him BB v SB w/ AJo 3rd time in a row. He 4bets. Isn't it better to 5bet jam this hand given blockers and the fact that you think he might be light this time? Also how wide would you be calling here? Would you slowplay AA,KK as well? I think best vacuum play is to jam because it doesnt flop well and you will be playing without initiative with a low spr and you need good postflop reads on him imo to make it better than shove pre.
James Hudson11 years, 5 months ago5 betting might be better but I also have most of villain's 4 bet bluffing range dominated. Given the dynamic described I'd probably be flatting this 4 bet with most hands that flop decently expecting to have a decent amount of fold equity post flop. Whether or not to call with my monsters becomes a bit of a coin flip because he might be lighter for value or just more bluff heavy. It's tough to know which adjustment people will make without some extensive history.
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@ minute 34:23 you check back AK on T88r, but earlier in the video you c-bet AQ on J53r in position saying that you had blockers, board was nice and dry, good barrel cards etc....These two hands look really similar to me, the only diff I see is that with AQ maybe villain flatted AK and you can get that to fold on the flop?? That's quite a parlay though between him flatting pre and then folding on flop. Based on your logic in the AQ hand, it looks like you should be c-betting this AK too.
Would be cool to watch you playing lower stakes at some stage.
Some videos you seem a lot more aggressive overall.
I'd like to see a deep ante table video. Those tables are really interesting because there are no shortstackers and standard play is different to normal tables.
1) Would it be a good play to x/r such flops as a default and barrel turns with picked up equity??
2) Riverplay: A
3) Riverplay: 4 (non heart)
I really like the vid and espacially to me it shows again -even if that was not your intention- that I invest to much money with a lot of pocketpairs preflop.
1) I think it's fine to check raise these kinds of spots with backdoor equity.
2) On an ace river I think it's either going to be a bet fold or a check call depending on how much of a station or how float happy villain is.
3) on a blank river I'm going to give up a decent percent of the time just because it's such a dry board and villain should be slowplaying all 2 pair + hands meaning my bluff is running into a stronger range than usual.
Nice vid as always James. The bottom left hand in 35:00. You have QJs in the sb and call a iso from the shortstacker on the btn after a rec player limps. I think you misread the hand in the analysis, you seem to think that you 3b the hand and the btn called and that you had gone for the c/r with the initiative. But the reality was you had called pre and the btn had the initiative. Now that we got that misread out of the way, what are the reasons for just calling there pre? Because btn is isoing wide and we have a rec player behind likely calling with a hand that flops very well? Or do you like a 3b better in your position in hindsight? Cheers.
27:00 Top right table. Why do you flat QQ on SB v UTG+1 reg? Do you have a wide flatting range in this spot? Why not have wide 3betting range in this spot and generally 3bet or fold? I think when you call you get squeezed a lot from BB and you won't have enough strong combos to balance the times when you flat weaker hands. On the other hand if you flat narrow range then you become easy to play against.
As far as having a wide 3 betting range SB vs EP, that's going to be real tough because villains aren't going to be opening wide enough for me to 3 bet wide for value and if I can't 3 bet wide for value I can't really 3 bet a ton of bluffs.
36:00 Bottom right table. You 3bet him BB v SB w/ AJo 3rd time in a row. He 4bets. Isn't it better to 5bet jam this hand given blockers and the fact that you think he might be light this time? Also how wide would you be calling here? Would you slowplay AA,KK as well? I think best vacuum play is to jam because it doesnt flop well and you will be playing without initiative with a low spr and you need good postflop reads on him imo to make it better than shove pre.
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