James Hudson12 years, 1 month agoI'm bet calling due to the flop texture and the fact that a lot of the Ax that continues vs a 4 bet will be 5 bet jamming (AQ/AK).
John Shamwoww12 years, 1 month ago10:20 w/ AJo - are you flatting that sometimes, or are you just 4b to protect a large portion of the time?
Also, what hands would you flat there in a vacuum?
James Hudson12 years, 1 month agoI probably wouldn't ever flat AJ offsuit there but would consider it with hands liek AQss, KQss, 1010 etc if I thought the 3 bettor was out of line preflop. I usually play more of a 4 bet or fold strategy from UTG though. John Shamwoww12 years, 1 month agoYeah thats i meant. Not w/ AJo specifically, but your range as a whole. Thanks, James.
John Shamwoww12 years, 1 month agoReally enjoyed your video. 6 tables was great to watch w/ constant action and detail in to your play. The live rec. w/ review commentary is my preferred too so i really liked that also.
freeman zhang12 years, 1 month agohey james,i wanna ask u a question about "run it twice".what do u think about this feature? i just had really bad running these days,and want to try "run it twice",but the problem is that normally we are ahead,and give the chance for the fish to hit the draw and split the pot,when we are behind,they dont "run it twice" for us.So, i wants your suggesstion.appreciated
James Hudson12 years, 1 month agoI don't really see much of a downside to using the run it twice feature unless you just love to gamble and enjoy variance.
Bhtopspin12 years, 1 month agoJames, toward the end when discussing TT hand, you said that you wouldn't show up there calling 3b with a hand like 67s. I find myself actually making calls with hand similar to that often in LP when sb or bb 3bets me. Did you find that sort of a call to be - EV overall?
James Hudson12 years, 1 month agoFrom the Co I'd imagine that it would be due to the fact that people 3 bet much tighter vs CO opens than they do vs button opens (obviously due to tighter stealing ranges) but I think I know some very good players who might disagree with me so I'd check your own database and see how it's working out for you.
From02Hero -12 years, 1 month ago4:50 A7o
- he´s 3betting to 16$ - u say ur standard would be a 4bet to at least 36$
- what`s your reasoning for sizing it bigger than say ~ 32$ in position?
James Hudson12 years, 1 month agoI'd like to make my life a little easier when multi tabling and don't want to play a ton of 4 bet pots postflop. Also, I've got my ranges worked out pretty decent for 4 betting so I assume that I'll make more money going slightly bigger with my 4 bets than playing a bunch of those pots post flop.
ur talking about wheter to shove or x/c, why is betting small(to induce light calls or bluffshoves) no option for you? - if not , for what reasons?
James Hudson12 years, 1 month agoI don't think that by betting small I often get called by worse and if I do it puts me in an awkward spot on the turn where I have under pot left and a good ace high. As far as bluff shoves, I don't know how often that's actually going to happen and even if it does I still just have ace high so I'm likely not going to be dominating the villain equity wise. From02Hero -12 years, 1 month agopotsize = 48,70$ a 83 VPIP fish (ok small sample but tendencies are notable) has 51$ left
i`m pretty confident to say the fish will call worse if we bet like 16$. i expect him to call lots of Ax or KQ type hands against an underbet which we obv. dominate very well.
also i don`t see why the turnspot is awkward then cause against his hands that have us beat on the flop we would have stacked off anyways when we shoved in the 51$ on the flop?
-> i think his calling range against a 51$ shove is inelastic.
-> but we could be able influence his flop continue range with a small betFrom02Hero -12 years, 1 month ago*bump :)James Hudson12 years, 1 month agoSorry, I didn't know that was supposed to be a question. You could be right that that's the best play. From02Hero -12 years agoallright :)
From02Hero -12 years, 1 month agop.s the 6table format seems to be good as long as u don`t miss out on too many spots which i think u handled very good - thx!
a shame u beeing a RUN IT ONCE pro RUN IT TWICE in the last hand :p
mike8854412 years, 1 month ago5:10 AJ HU oop, you 3bet "for value". What do you do if you get 4bet ? Thanks a lot for the video
I noticed that you snap folded 55 and 77 from EP, 55 in the small blind vs a $5 PFR from the BB and 88 (heads up in position vs a 3bet) Playing 55-88 in 6max in these positions are definitely a tough spot for me, it looks like to me you don't play them much at all from EP or the blinds. Is this a standard part of your game with small to medium PP's or is it more player stat based? In general how do you fundementally play these hands?
I really enjoyed this video! Thanks in advance! :)
James Hudson11 years, 11 months agoHey, I don't think I should be folding 55 or 77 from ep in most lineups. Folding the 88 hu in position vs a 3 bet must have been vs a CO open where I think you could make a case that it should be a call too but even folding it I'm able to defend enough of my range to stop people from 3 betting me to death. I definitely don't defend those types of hands as much as some people but it's quite possible that it's best to do so more. A lot of those kind of plays are going to come down to the level of aggression and 3 betting habits of your villains/ player pools.
woll11211 years, 11 months ago29:20
you squeeze KJo vs UTG minraise from a 10 pfr fish (65bb deep). Most of the time I would just call and try to flop well. Why you squeeze in this spot?
James Hudson11 years, 11 months agoI squeezed because both of the players involved in the pot seem weaker which makes it more likely that they'll peel too often to the 3 bet and play poorly post flop. I would say that most unknown weaker players are more likely to call too much than to bluff too much also making it more advantageous to build pots with good hands and the initiative.
I noticed you don't have post-flop stats in your HUD (you view the postflop stats in the pop-up). What is your reason for this?
James Hudson10 years, 9 months agoMostly just that there's a limited amount of stats that I can fit on my screen and postflop stats are generally the first ones that I need to see.
The Pre flop stats you mean? So what's in that HUD? What do you recommend a Low stakes player to have in his hud?
James Hudson10 years, 9 months agoYeah sorry, I meant preflop stats. My hud has positional opening stats, 3 bet stats, 4 bet range, fold to 4 bet etc. I would start with some basic stats and add stuff that you feel that you're going to use. It will likely be overwhelming if you're not used to using a bunch of stats to flood your hud with them when you're not even sure what normal ranges for those stats would be.
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are u bet/calling or bet/folding ?
Also, what hands would you flat there in a vacuum?
Good stuff James.
- he´s 3betting to 16$ - u say ur standard would be a 4bet to at least 36$
- what`s your reasoning for sizing it bigger than say ~ 32$ in position?
ur talking about wheter to shove or x/c, why is betting small(to induce light calls or bluffshoves) no option for you? - if not , for what reasons?
i`m pretty confident to say the fish will call worse if we bet like 16$. i expect him to call lots of Ax or KQ type hands against an underbet which we obv. dominate very well.
also i don`t see why the turnspot is awkward then cause against his hands that have us beat on the flop we would have stacked off anyways when we shoved in the 51$ on the flop?
-> i think his calling range against a 51$ shove is inelastic.
-> but we could be able influence his flop continue range with a small bet
a shame u beeing a RUN IT ONCE pro RUN IT TWICE in the last hand :p
I noticed that you snap folded 55 and 77 from EP, 55 in the small blind vs a $5 PFR from the BB and 88 (heads up in position vs a 3bet) Playing 55-88 in 6max in these positions are definitely a tough spot for me, it looks like to me you don't play them much at all from EP or the blinds. Is this a standard part of your game with small to medium PP's or is it more player stat based? In general how do you fundementally play these hands?
I really enjoyed this video! Thanks in advance! :)
you squeeze KJo vs UTG minraise from a 10 pfr fish (65bb deep). Most of the time I would just call and try to flop well. Why you squeeze in this spot?
@05:30 you fold KQ to an UTG open. Do you consider his range to be so extremely strong?
I noticed you don't have post-flop stats in your HUD (you view the postflop stats in the pop-up). What is your reason for this?
The Pre flop stats you mean? So what's in that HUD? What do you recommend a Low stakes player to have in his hud?
great video by the way!
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