In my opinion you can do 500 zoom videos, I guess there is a lot more action than 2k plo and the level is pretty high, or you can try ggpoker.
Very much appreciate the video, as the last 2 so keep it up please, and thank you!
I've liked all your videos as well, I think you do well with the zoom format, I wouldn't mind if you just kept doing the same. If you're open to doing other formats, perhaps try doing hand history review, pick the most difficult or interesting hands you've dealt with recently. Perhaps the hands can all share a specific theme. I can follow up with some topic ideas I'd be interested to hear if you have nothing specific in mind.
For the AA98ds limp vs raise, is implementing a limp strategy worth the effort? How much ev does it add?
Haven't investigated how much EV we lose by playing raise or fold but I imagine it's going to be quite alot when rake is low. At higher rake u can probably never limp and be fine
Great Content, i really enjoy your videos. The Format of giving us a summary of the monker results is really time efficient to watch. Keep up the good work and i would be happy as long as you do more videos :-)
Hey imba, your vids are great, and this format is particularly good - I think you're the first to use this exact format and I find it an extremely efficient way to cover a lot of hands
As someone who just started playing around with monkersolver, question regarding how you run your sims: When simming a spot from an early street (particularly the flop), how complex do you make the game tree for the turn and the river. IE - on some board runouts we will need just one size, one some we will need other sizes. The more sizing options you give each player on future streets, the longer the sim will take to run
Just wondering how you approach this spot generally and how much precision you feel you need when creating the game tree
thx again, really excellent format. An idea to video.: you could review a "premonker-era" video from the archives of rio, with exploitable oldschool gameplay, and then run the spots with monker as you do now, and talk about when it is optimal to deviate from monker, ex what would opponent have to do wrong, in order to make certain plays better than gto solution. same approach could be used for modern open card final tables, where you have an idea that the players knows the gto of a spot, but deviates to exploit. any ways, I look forward to all your vids.
Awesome vid Imba, thanks man! the 4bet Monker work has my mind blown right off how we're pure flatting the super sexy DS rundowns and AKKds but going bajunky 4 betting the more gapped and less premium hands for 4b pots to have more coverage. Itmakes sense but its counterintuitive to say the least.
The PLO games I play in are ante games. Are there any ante games you play that could be made into a video for how the extra dead money affects ranges? More zoom content would be great if you can pop into the 500 pools and get constant action.
excellent video!!! love the quality and all of the hands played being simmed. 500 zoom or gg poker would be great choices for future content. can't wait to watch the next installment!
Hey imbajimba Can you a video on ACR Rathole with different stack sizes in this format? there not alot of video content with rathole ACR Thanks ! great video
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Well played sir, (clap, clap), well played !
In my opinion you can do 500 zoom videos, I guess there is a lot more action than 2k plo and the level is pretty high, or you can try ggpoker.
Very much appreciate the video, as the last 2 so keep it up please, and thank you!
excellent content. make as many videos as possible.
I've liked all your videos as well, I think you do well with the zoom format, I wouldn't mind if you just kept doing the same. If you're open to doing other formats, perhaps try doing hand history review, pick the most difficult or interesting hands you've dealt with recently. Perhaps the hands can all share a specific theme. I can follow up with some topic ideas I'd be interested to hear if you have nothing specific in mind.
For the AA98ds limp vs raise, is implementing a limp strategy worth the effort? How much ev does it add?
Haven't investigated how much EV we lose by playing raise or fold but I imagine it's going to be quite alot when rake is low. At higher rake u can probably never limp and be fine
Really loving your content and format
Great Content, i really enjoy your videos. The Format of giving us a summary of the monker results is really time efficient to watch. Keep up the good work and i would be happy as long as you do more videos :-)
Hey imba, your vids are great, and this format is particularly good - I think you're the first to use this exact format and I find it an extremely efficient way to cover a lot of hands
As someone who just started playing around with monkersolver, question regarding how you run your sims: When simming a spot from an early street (particularly the flop), how complex do you make the game tree for the turn and the river. IE - on some board runouts we will need just one size, one some we will need other sizes. The more sizing options you give each player on future streets, the longer the sim will take to run
Just wondering how you approach this spot generally and how much precision you feel you need when creating the game tree
All depends on the spot, can't give truthfully give general advice sorry
thx again, really excellent format. An idea to video.: you could review a "premonker-era" video from the archives of rio, with exploitable oldschool gameplay, and then run the spots with monker as you do now, and talk about when it is optimal to deviate from monker, ex what would opponent have to do wrong, in order to make certain plays better than gto solution. same approach could be used for modern open card final tables, where you have an idea that the players knows the gto of a spot, but deviates to exploit. any ways, I look forward to all your vids.
Really like this suggestion
Awesome vid Imba, thanks man! the 4bet Monker work has my mind blown right off how we're pure flatting the super sexy DS rundowns and AKKds but going bajunky 4 betting the more gapped and less premium hands for 4b pots to have more coverage. Itmakes sense but its counterintuitive to say the least.
The PLO games I play in are ante games. Are there any ante games you play that could be made into a video for how the extra dead money affects ranges? More zoom content would be great if you can pop into the 500 pools and get constant action.
ante doesn't run alot
excellent video!!! love the quality and all of the hands played being simmed. 500 zoom or gg poker would be great choices for future content. can't wait to watch the next installment!
Best 6 max PLO content on the internet! Keep up the good work!
Pace is great. So many spots I’ll take your word for it on the solver work. Good to know, but grueling to watch 45 minutes of syntax entry.
Great concept, great videos! Please continue - even with z500 hands
Yea I agree, incredible content
tyvm sauce :)
dear imba,
i love you
More 6max PLO content in this format please, any level you want : )
Hey imbajimba Can you a video on ACR Rathole with different stack sizes in this format? there not alot of video content with rathole ACR Thanks ! great video
Probably not, sorry
This feels like watching a poker video from 2026. Eerie but great!
let's see a live play session with a lot of hands in. You could follow it up with the tough hands reviewed in Monker and compare it to your play.
wow very very good content , only downside have to wait a week to see you again :)
awesome content, love the structure of the vids. Keep it up,
hey @ min 6:00 top right you mention a few ip barrel combos (k322s and 9822s) where i was wondering if ip iso´s those preflop.
By far the best videos i ever watched :) moore mooore.
This might be my favorite instructional video ever. Incredibly powerful - I cannot fathom how much time it took to prepare. Thank you very much!
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