7:30 can you explain this ISO range by the student? This seems really tight to me for only 8% of hands? Are the mixes with AK/KK being used as back raises? Not sure what position hero said he is iso raising from or what position the limper is in. Below I put hero's ISO raising range, what hero put for the limp calling range of the fish, and then what I think I would be using vs a fish. Is the 18% or so of hands I put too wide of an ISO raising range?
My student is trying to simulate a button straddle, SB limp, BB limp, and then an isolation from MP by Hero followed by a single limp-call. And yes, the mixing is for back-raises. Normally, I would iso wider than this but I think my student chose a good place to start.
These Skype calls are packed with great info. Very sad it is all ending.
40:30 it does show that vs a xr we are supposd to call back door flush draws like aj. However it shows negative ev on the call. What is the purpose to solver showing some calls there even if they are negative ev? I see this quite often in other spots as well.
When PioViewer displays mixed strategies with negative EV options, it's because the solver wasn't programmed to run to a high enough accuracy. Usually, an exploitability of 0.25% is enough to eliminate all the weirdness. The problem is my student wants to practice with relatively wide ranges and unusually deep stacks, so it can take a long time to get down to that accuracy.
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7:30 can you explain this ISO range by the student? This seems really tight to me for only 8% of hands? Are the mixes with AK/KK being used as back raises? Not sure what position hero said he is iso raising from or what position the limper is in. Below I put hero's ISO raising range, what hero put for the limp calling range of the fish, and then what I think I would be using vs a fish. Is the 18% or so of hands I put too wide of an ISO raising range?
My student is trying to simulate a button straddle, SB limp, BB limp, and then an isolation from MP by Hero followed by a single limp-call. And yes, the mixing is for back-raises. Normally, I would iso wider than this but I think my student chose a good place to start.
These Skype calls are packed with great info. Very sad it is all ending.
40:30 it does show that vs a xr we are supposd to call back door flush draws like aj. However it shows negative ev on the call. What is the purpose to solver showing some calls there even if they are negative ev? I see this quite often in other spots as well.
When PioViewer displays mixed strategies with negative EV options, it's because the solver wasn't programmed to run to a high enough accuracy. Usually, an exploitability of 0.25% is enough to eliminate all the weirdness. The problem is my student wants to practice with relatively wide ranges and unusually deep stacks, so it can take a long time to get down to that accuracy.
Wow your videos helped me a lot. I went from small winner in 200nl to crushing the stakes now. Thank you!
Thanks for the feedback, Danny. Keep crushing.
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