alexvv2411 years, 11 months agoI think you can get in on turn on the 66 hand. Weaker players only care about absolute hand strenght and if he has two pair no way he is folding after raising imo. You can also get rivers that freeze the action.
James Hudson11 years, 11 months agoI sort of agree with you but I feel nowadays even the recreational players are much better and I'm not so sure that he just calls a turn 3 bet and felts worse on blanks rivers. Also, if I open the betting back up on the turn it's going to be very difficult for me to get away from my hand but I definitely wouldn't expect the average recreational player to put in another raise with a worse hand.
Green_in_Colour11 years, 11 months agoCan you go over your HUD stats in a bit more detail please? (Looks very different to your HUD from previous videos)
Great video.
James Hudson11 years, 11 months agoJust trying out some new huds at the moment. I'll try to make it clearer in future videos which stats I'm looking at. Glad you enjoyed the video.
Is it really a profitable play to flat A2s OTB? Can u explain how?
James Hudson11 years, 11 months agoI just checked my database and over a small sample I'm winning doing it but I don't flat it vs everyone in every situation either. I would guess that it derives most of its value from being able to bluff raise and overflushing people.
Bhtopspin11 years, 11 months agoQuality analysis there. As far as your first hand, your 68o on 566JJ, I think given that there is some chance opponent has 88,99,TT,QQ, KK, AA there some of the time, shoving river, which will only be 232 into 363, I think he will call with some of those, so if you check you will be missing out on value. Another option, how about betting something really small? Say 90? That way he will often call with weird played A high, by putting you on a 5 or something, plus all pairs that beat the board. Fact that he ended up having J is so very unlikely that it can almost be discounted.
brodyz11 years, 11 months agoI like the shove in the first hand, you seeem to be completely discounting 55 from his range which is a hand he can definitely find a call with on the river.
If you dont think he has 55 then what about betting something funky like $35 on the river in the hopes he calls with Ace hi or spazz jams over you?
James Hudson11 years, 11 months agoWhile I certainly think 55 is possible I think most people would probably just call the flop raise with a boat on a paired board. I do like your idea of betting smaller on the river though. It's really hard for me to get called by worse and going all in certainly doesn't help me widen his calling range.
In the A2ss 3 way pot hand, how do you think SB should be playing his combo draws & non combo draws and why? Should he be doing something differently with both ranges?
James Hudson11 years, 11 months agoHey, I would say that check raising the flop seems like the right play with his combo draws to push his fold equity + pot equity as hard as possible while it's at it's highest / his range is still uncapped. Once I put in another raise on the flop he shouldn't be feeling great about his hand but I would think with all that money out there that he probably needs to go with his hand.
If villain were to have something like KsQs I think villain should probably lead flop or call once it goes bet/call in order to keep in dominated draws and due to the fact that his equity isn't as good when all the money goes in. That being said, I'm open to the possibility that one of you math gurus can prove to me that check raising KsQs is the better play.
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Great video.
Is it really a profitable play to flat A2s OTB? Can u explain how?
If you dont think he has 55 then what about betting something funky like $35 on the river in the hopes he calls with Ace hi or spazz jams over you?
In the A2ss 3 way pot hand, how do you think SB should be playing his combo draws & non combo draws and why? Should he be doing something differently with both ranges?
If villain were to have something like KsQs I think villain should probably lead flop or call once it goes bet/call in order to keep in dominated draws and due to the fact that his equity isn't as good when all the money goes in. That being said, I'm open to the possibility that one of you math gurus can prove to me that check raising KsQs is the better play.
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