Nice video.
I just think that A775 hand on T98r should be checked behind. If he leads turn we can easily fold. However on a blank, and if he checks, we can double barrel on appropriate runouts.
Reason being we will check behind lower straights and then rep them. And if he checks the turn, he "doesn't" have a straight.
ya it's always the dificult decision wether a weak hand suits best into a cbet or delayed cbet range. Since our hand is weaker then let's say a 977x hand I still believe betting the Flop is fine since we have to fold vs a probe and can still get x/r after we bet the Turn. By betting Flop we have a decent shot at taking the pot down or depending on villain's tendencies and runouts we either see a free river or continue to barrel.
As a rough outline I may check back my low straights that block his continuing range, so mostly also having 2p/set or 1 blocker and 1/2BDFD. not blocking any pair I think there is value in betting all straights and stay balanced that way. otherwise I'd say our betting range becomes too polar and narrow since we can't bet / bluff that many hands
wheel cards are playing really awfully and being ds doesnt help that much. Vs a passive/weak oponent we can get away with calling these hands but vs a good player I recommend folding the worst ds hands pre
Watching this video pretty late, just doing some HU study of various older videos. Minute 32: I strongly disagree we are potting our entire betting range. We can leverage the SPR much better on a turn this wet with multiple sizings, and our hand definitely wants to be betting 1/2 pot to keep in hands we are absolutely crushing. Especially in position here where OP may call then bluff missed combo draws in the river, I think potting is hugely -EV
Minute 36 I think is a give up with our hand and that run out. Block draws, mostly unblock calls, he reps a 3 more credibly than we do, we don't have that many value bets by the river etc etc
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Nice video.
I just think that A775 hand on T98r should be checked behind. If he leads turn we can easily fold. However on a blank, and if he checks, we can double barrel on appropriate runouts.
Reason being we will check behind lower straights and then rep them. And if he checks the turn, he "doesn't" have a straight.
ya it's always the dificult decision wether a weak hand suits best into a cbet or delayed cbet range. Since our hand is weaker then let's say a 977x hand I still believe betting the Flop is fine since we have to fold vs a probe and can still get x/r after we bet the Turn. By betting Flop we have a decent shot at taking the pot down or depending on villain's tendencies and runouts we either see a free river or continue to barrel.
As a rough outline I may check back my low straights that block his continuing range, so mostly also having 2p/set or 1 blocker and 1/2BDFD. not blocking any pair I think there is value in betting all straights and stay balanced that way. otherwise I'd say our betting range becomes too polar and narrow since we can't bet / bluff that many hands
Fold T234ds pf? Isn't that way too tight?
wheel cards are playing really awfully and being ds doesnt help that much. Vs a passive/weak oponent we can get away with calling these hands but vs a good player I recommend folding the worst ds hands pre
Hi alien slayer,
are you running monkersolver sims these days? do you use a lot of software in your study habits?
thank you
Watching this video pretty late, just doing some HU study of various older videos. Minute 32: I strongly disagree we are potting our entire betting range. We can leverage the SPR much better on a turn this wet with multiple sizings, and our hand definitely wants to be betting 1/2 pot to keep in hands we are absolutely crushing. Especially in position here where OP may call then bluff missed combo draws in the river, I think potting is hugely -EV
Minute 36 I think is a give up with our hand and that run out. Block draws, mostly unblock calls, he reps a 3 more credibly than we do, we don't have that many value bets by the river etc etc
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