1:25 in looking for a pattern or general heuristic for cbetting boards we mostly miss, is it fair to say with the more back door eq we have the more we want to check in order to realize some of that eq?
With no real bd eq and having marginal or no blockers we chk give up and with a pair blocker but not much else we can cbet and potentially barrel more. This my take.
9:30 if you faced a psb can you still call with what is likely just a nfd? With it being hu and wider ranges maybe so, but full ring do you let it go?
25:20 do we ever use a xr line on the turn?
30:00 if opponent wants to bet turn and essentially turn his 9x into a bluff, doesn't his hand seems like a good river barrel blocking boats and straights?
1:25 You certainly could say that although you have to be ware of tiny changes in your hand. So for example lets say we have a T52r flop BTNvBB 100bb deep and we are IP with AJ98. We have a lot of backdoor equity here but small changes in what our BDFDs are changes how we play the hand. So something like AJ98 with a bdfd with 3 suits in our hand is just always going to be a bet. Or AJ98 with no BDFD just always bet it but then if we have 1 bdfd you just check it back. Maybe if you have 1 low bdfd you can mix it up a bit. Small changes like that can have big difference in how you approach the hand so my main takeaway would be not to be too 'easy' about applying broad statements like this and really be aware of the nuance of every hand. IMO for stuff like this quizzing a bunch with visions or your own sims if you have those instead is a great way to dial down and see what c-bets you're missing and where you're maybe a bit too aggressive.
Yeah seems right. My thinking basically is on FD board having a FD blocker is key and if you don't have a FD blocker you need a VERY good reason to go for a cbet. So that means very good SD blockers, pair blockers etc.
9:30: TBH depends on the player. In general I will call but not be super happy about it but there are some players who are very nitty who don't really have turn pot -> river giveup combos so every time they pot turn they are just always following through on the river and I believe the EV of these types of hands goes down a lot if they never give up rivers.
25:20 Not with this hand no I wouldn't xr. I don't like checking this particular hand because I don't think it performs that well in the x line given that we have 0 SDV. I'd much rather try to find x/r with hands that perform a little bit better if it does go x/x so generally a lot of 9x pair blockers, pocket pairs, stuff like that.
30:00 I think I'd check back river too as him if I decide to bet turn. I think have dd here is super bad and QT I think are terrible cards to have when bluffing IP because our snapfolds will be a lot of QJT type stuff. So sure the pair blocker is nice but I think the other components of his hand make just giving up the right play
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Excellent video, thank you very much again, I definitely really like your classes.
Learned a lot from this!
1:25 in looking for a pattern or general heuristic for cbetting boards we mostly miss, is it fair to say with the more back door eq we have the more we want to check in order to realize some of that eq?
With no real bd eq and having marginal or no blockers we chk give up and with a pair blocker but not much else we can cbet and potentially barrel more. This my take.
9:30 if you faced a psb can you still call with what is likely just a nfd? With it being hu and wider ranges maybe so, but full ring do you let it go?
25:20 do we ever use a xr line on the turn?
30:00 if opponent wants to bet turn and essentially turn his 9x into a bluff, doesn't his hand seems like a good river barrel blocking boats and straights?
Good to hear :)
1:25 You certainly could say that although you have to be ware of tiny changes in your hand. So for example lets say we have a T52r flop BTNvBB 100bb deep and we are IP with AJ98. We have a lot of backdoor equity here but small changes in what our BDFDs are changes how we play the hand. So something like AJ98 with a bdfd with 3 suits in our hand is just always going to be a bet. Or AJ98 with no BDFD just always bet it but then if we have 1 bdfd you just check it back. Maybe if you have 1 low bdfd you can mix it up a bit. Small changes like that can have big difference in how you approach the hand so my main takeaway would be not to be too 'easy' about applying broad statements like this and really be aware of the nuance of every hand. IMO for stuff like this quizzing a bunch with visions or your own sims if you have those instead is a great way to dial down and see what c-bets you're missing and where you're maybe a bit too aggressive.
9:30: TBH depends on the player. In general I will call but not be super happy about it but there are some players who are very nitty who don't really have turn pot -> river giveup combos so every time they pot turn they are just always following through on the river and I believe the EV of these types of hands goes down a lot if they never give up rivers.
25:20 Not with this hand no I wouldn't xr. I don't like checking this particular hand because I don't think it performs that well in the x line given that we have 0 SDV. I'd much rather try to find x/r with hands that perform a little bit better if it does go x/x so generally a lot of 9x pair blockers, pocket pairs, stuff like that.
30:00 I think I'd check back river too as him if I decide to bet turn. I think have dd here is super bad and QT I think are terrible cards to have when bluffing IP because our snapfolds will be a lot of QJT type stuff. So sure the pair blocker is nice but I think the other components of his hand make just giving up the right play
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