I really enjoy this format and hope you do more of these in the future.
3:25 if we had a heart in our hand, say the th, can we bluff this turn or do we need a q as well?
31:00 this hand is interesting. Is that hand one in which you would cold call a raise? The 6 seems a complete dangler.
Same hand, solver showed us checking back flop more often if we have a bdfd. If that bdfd does not come in do we want to delay semibluff our jx hands?
36:10 if you were hu with co would you bet this flop without a club? If so, what does the bet accomplish? Would you look to set up a bluff on later streets? I think the same question applies even if we had a club.
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I hit like when I see study w me :P
haha thanks!
I think this kind of video is very good. I hope to see more.
Thanks for the feedback! Glad you’re enjoying this format
Great content as always habibi
I really enjoy this format and hope you do more of these in the future.
3:25 if we had a heart in our hand, say the th, can we bluff this turn or do we need a q as well?
31:00 this hand is interesting. Is that hand one in which you would cold call a raise? The 6 seems a complete dangler.
Same hand, solver showed us checking back flop more often if we have a bdfd. If that bdfd does not come in do we want to delay semibluff our jx hands?
36:10 if you were hu with co would you bet this flop without a club? If so, what does the bet accomplish? Would you look to set up a bluff on later streets? I think the same question applies even if we had a club.
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