Why is short stacking so prevalent at higher stakes? Is it to mitigate variance?
I think a video covering donking rngs and what textures are best for it at deep and short stacks would be cool to see.
16:50 is this hand a defend in a deeper stacked spot?
In the last hand, if stacks were deep, my understanding is to play bottom set more carefully. Even with our flush draw (which is on the low end), would we not want to be a bit careful?
Hmm I think it is to mitigate some variance usually. It's kind of interesting because in NL nobody really plays short from what I understand. It could also just be a situation where shortstack for PLO removes a ton of the game tree especially from 3-bet pots as usually you're just potting at low SPR which makes your decisions super easy. This makes it so it's much easier to play well than it is in 100BB 3-bet pots where you often still have a bunch of poker to play. Also shortstacking in PLO is realy nice if there are deeper stacks around you as you can get them to fold out each others equity in multiway pot if the stack sizes are very different.
I don't ever use an rng when playing so I don't want to make a video about that. I think trying to work with rngs in most spots can lead you down a path of trying to study by memorization and as I always say I think that can lead you down a path where you're just never going to improve.
16:50 At 100bb deep you end up folding this combo barely. Interestingly enough we defend BB a bit tighter (about 5% more folds) 100bb compared to 50bb. I imagine that's because we have to worry a lot more about domination in higher SPR situations so a lot of combos like this that could get dominated by a lot of the AKQ stuff the EP range has becomes a bit worse.
Even at 100BB deep I'm likely just check raising I think. I would only consider xc with a set+FD if it's like an EP open on this exact board texture of AKx.
When people play for less than 100bbs in nlh they are labeled as recs :)
When I was mentioning donking rngs I meant ranges not random number generator. You are the second coach that has thought that. I need to stop using "rng" to refer to "range". That is my mistake.
Raising is definitely an option the EVs of both options are close, but I would probably raise every time I have 98!A. I think A98 specifically works out better as a call as we block the main portion of the value range of the IP player. KK and QQ don't really bet much for the IP player. If we have like T984 for example the EV of bluffing just starts to edge out the EV of bluffcatching so then I would be on board with raising.
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Why is short stacking so prevalent at higher stakes? Is it to mitigate variance?
I think a video covering donking rngs and what textures are best for it at deep and short stacks would be cool to see.
16:50 is this hand a defend in a deeper stacked spot?
In the last hand, if stacks were deep, my understanding is to play bottom set more carefully. Even with our flush draw (which is on the low end), would we not want to be a bit careful?
Hmm I think it is to mitigate some variance usually. It's kind of interesting because in NL nobody really plays short from what I understand. It could also just be a situation where shortstack for PLO removes a ton of the game tree especially from 3-bet pots as usually you're just potting at low SPR which makes your decisions super easy. This makes it so it's much easier to play well than it is in 100BB 3-bet pots where you often still have a bunch of poker to play. Also shortstacking in PLO is realy nice if there are deeper stacks around you as you can get them to fold out each others equity in multiway pot if the stack sizes are very different.
I don't ever use an rng when playing so I don't want to make a video about that. I think trying to work with rngs in most spots can lead you down a path of trying to study by memorization and as I always say I think that can lead you down a path where you're just never going to improve.
16:50 At 100bb deep you end up folding this combo barely. Interestingly enough we defend BB a bit tighter (about 5% more folds) 100bb compared to 50bb. I imagine that's because we have to worry a lot more about domination in higher SPR situations so a lot of combos like this that could get dominated by a lot of the AKQ stuff the EP range has becomes a bit worse.
Even at 100BB deep I'm likely just check raising I think. I would only consider xc with a set+FD if it's like an EP open on this exact board texture of AKx.
When people play for less than 100bbs in nlh they are labeled as recs :)
When I was mentioning donking rngs I meant ranges not random number generator. You are the second coach that has thought that. I need to stop using "rng" to refer to "range". That is my mistake.
@9:40 Is raising not better OTR? We block FH's and fold out the times he does have like KK, QQ or does he just take those hands to SD too often?
Raising is definitely an option the EVs of both options are close, but I would probably raise every time I have 98!A. I think A98 specifically works out better as a call as we block the main portion of the value range of the IP player. KK and QQ don't really bet much for the IP player. If we have like T984 for example the EV of bluffing just starts to edge out the EV of bluffcatching so then I would be on board with raising.
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