Regarding the AK turn pot hand around 22:00. My thoughts around it were that we want the additional gutter equity to find the pot, but we don't want to block a hand class like KJT too much. As these pair + straight draw combos are most of what we get called by that we are actually ahead of.
8:16 At any point when playing online do you consider timing tell relevant?
23:24 As you asked us to argue other points, I think that having TT and JJ makes you block natural folds from the turn villain, like JT or some gutshot combos that he called c-bet flop like pair + gutshot
24:00 Great heuristics about unlocking backdoors
51:53 I was also wanting to go pot with this combo, villain capped his range and we unlocked good bluffcatchers on his part, would we then use Q+ nut flush for blocking river?
58:37 Surprising, but interesting how a player c-betting this board has this impact on polarity on the turn since it is a board where the OOP should have a lot of x flop.
Congratulations, you are the best PLO instructor on the site, your effort is visible in all the videos and I will never tire of praising you.
8:16 It can definitely play a part especially as you play more with certain villains but I'd be careful to rely too much on it. Sometimes when someone tanks for a while in a spot you don't know if they were thinking about a bluff really hard or if they were just distracted by a youtube video or had to shush away their cat as he was getting a bit too close to the keyboard. It's just one of the things that is good to take note of when you often play with the same people and you can try to find patterns if there are any. Think it makes more sense to look at it a lot when you're playing someone HU for a while. I've always suspected Berri to be one of the guys that can be heavy in timing tells but I've never talked to him so I can't confirm that but I wouldn't be surprised if he sometimes throws in a raise or a bluffcatch if someones timing seems off.
23:24 Yeah thats a good point Alieuzz made above too. I think that's for sure a good one that is gonna matter a good bit
51:53 Yeah that's a good combo to block. It's so hard to get called in that case.
Outstanding video. Appeciate all the work you do incorporating the tables.
14:30 table 4 ak87 you talked about how the 87 doesn't interact with the board and as such doesn't improve our fold equity. However, if our opoonents want to call with hands that are drawing then our bet gets a lot of value, so it does deserve a purpose.
If we do check back to avoid check raises, then that says our hand has inherent sdv and as such we should call all the way to the river a lot on cards that are relative bricks for both of our ranges.
18:35 table 4 what do you think of opponents xr with the akq9? Does him having a spade blocker make his bluff not as good since it blocks more of our flushes which I assume is a big portion of what he is targeting?
14:30 Sure you can always find a purpose or reasoning to do any option with any hand I'd say but with these types of c-bets I rather think of it as like where am I in my range and how big of a pot does this hand want to play. Small hand small pot is probably the best piece of advice you can give a new poker player and AK87 is a nice example of a hand that falls right in the middle of our range and is not a super strong hand, but also not quite weak. As you said we can easily call down on plenty different runouts but when the pot gets too big our hand just doesn't perform too well so checking back is the best option.
18:35 The check raise is alright typically you tend to call more with spade blockers and raise more without for the reason you mentioned but these hands are usually quite close in their raise and call EV so it's never too bad
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Regarding the AK turn pot hand around 22:00. My thoughts around it were that we want the additional gutter equity to find the pot, but we don't want to block a hand class like KJT too much. As these pair + straight draw combos are most of what we get called by that we are actually ahead of.
Does this logic hold weight to you?
Thats actually a really fair point I didn't think of as much. Think this for sure gonna have an impact, nice one!
That's a ton of work w the excel sheet! Appreciate it Horse!
This is extremely valuable content, thanks Horse and keep up the good work!
8:16 At any point when playing online do you consider timing tell relevant?
23:24 As you asked us to argue other points, I think that having TT and JJ makes you block natural folds from the turn villain, like JT or some gutshot combos that he called c-bet flop like pair + gutshot
24:00 Great heuristics about unlocking backdoors
51:53 I was also wanting to go pot with this combo, villain capped his range and we unlocked good bluffcatchers on his part, would we then use Q+ nut flush for blocking river?
58:37 Surprising, but interesting how a player c-betting this board has this impact on polarity on the turn since it is a board where the OOP should have a lot of x flop.
Congratulations, you are the best PLO instructor on the site, your effort is visible in all the videos and I will never tire of praising you.
8:16 It can definitely play a part especially as you play more with certain villains but I'd be careful to rely too much on it. Sometimes when someone tanks for a while in a spot you don't know if they were thinking about a bluff really hard or if they were just distracted by a youtube video or had to shush away their cat as he was getting a bit too close to the keyboard. It's just one of the things that is good to take note of when you often play with the same people and you can try to find patterns if there are any. Think it makes more sense to look at it a lot when you're playing someone HU for a while. I've always suspected Berri to be one of the guys that can be heavy in timing tells but I've never talked to him so I can't confirm that but I wouldn't be surprised if he sometimes throws in a raise or a bluffcatch if someones timing seems off.
23:24 Yeah thats a good point Alieuzz made above too. I think that's for sure a good one that is gonna matter a good bit
51:53 Yeah that's a good combo to block. It's so hard to get called in that case.
Thanks a lot!
Outstanding video. Appeciate all the work you do incorporating the tables.
14:30 table 4 ak87 you talked about how the 87 doesn't interact with the board and as such doesn't improve our fold equity. However, if our opoonents want to call with hands that are drawing then our bet gets a lot of value, so it does deserve a purpose.
If we do check back to avoid check raises, then that says our hand has inherent sdv and as such we should call all the way to the river a lot on cards that are relative bricks for both of our ranges.
18:35 table 4 what do you think of opponents xr with the akq9? Does him having a spade blocker make his bluff not as good since it blocks more of our flushes which I assume is a big portion of what he is targeting?
Hey! Sorry for the bit late response
14:30 Sure you can always find a purpose or reasoning to do any option with any hand I'd say but with these types of c-bets I rather think of it as like where am I in my range and how big of a pot does this hand want to play. Small hand small pot is probably the best piece of advice you can give a new poker player and AK87 is a nice example of a hand that falls right in the middle of our range and is not a super strong hand, but also not quite weak. As you said we can easily call down on plenty different runouts but when the pot gets too big our hand just doesn't perform too well so checking back is the best option.
18:35 The check raise is alright typically you tend to call more with spade blockers and raise more without for the reason you mentioned but these hands are usually quite close in their raise and call EV so it's never too bad
Great video,the charts helped a ton for visualization of the ideas,thanks for that!
Very very good video! Thank you
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