Great video :), found the JJ thin value bet on 238T8 spot really interesting, perhaps something I'm missing in my game. At 38:17, however, I've noticed a spot that I deeply disagree with and would love to talk about, I've analyzed it quite in depth a while ago. So assuming the villain is not crazy with his 4bet range and he's polarized to mostly AAxx and KKxx$ds, we are 130BB deep, out of position, <1 flop SPR and this makes our hand to be either a call pre or 3bet-fold pre. The KKQT$ss looks pretty, but in reality these boardway cards hurt our postflop equity in a major way - most straight draws are guaranteed to have -2 outs, and even the times when we hit them our opponent is likely to have outs to re-draw to boats or broadway ties. So lets say in a classic "stacks in" flop spot with pair+open ender (QJ4) where we can expect on average ~55% equity in this case we will only have ~45%, this makes me feel that we're essentially drawing flop to, on average, -EV spot. We'd be doing much better in the same spot if we took -2 ranks on each card, let's say JJT8$ss type of hand. I don't own any solvers myself, but I had stumbled on PIOCalc (PLO) results in the past that also seemed to agree with this, would be interested in hearing your opinion, thanks!
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Great video as always!
Very good video. You are the best addition to PLO vid making in 2017. Cheers
Great video :), found the JJ thin value bet on 238T8 spot really interesting, perhaps something I'm missing in my game. At 38:17, however, I've noticed a spot that I deeply disagree with and would love to talk about, I've analyzed it quite in depth a while ago. So assuming the villain is not crazy with his 4bet range and he's polarized to mostly AAxx and KKxx$ds, we are 130BB deep, out of position, <1 flop SPR and this makes our hand to be either a call pre or 3bet-fold pre. The KKQT$ss looks pretty, but in reality these boardway cards hurt our postflop equity in a major way - most straight draws are guaranteed to have -2 outs, and even the times when we hit them our opponent is likely to have outs to re-draw to boats or broadway ties. So lets say in a classic "stacks in" flop spot with pair+open ender (QJ4) where we can expect on average ~55% equity in this case we will only have ~45%, this makes me feel that we're essentially drawing flop to, on average, -EV spot. We'd be doing much better in the same spot if we took -2 ranks on each card, let's say JJT8$ss type of hand. I don't own any solvers myself, but I had stumbled on PIOCalc (PLO) results in the past that also seemed to agree with this, would be interested in hearing your opinion, thanks!
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