Hey Akira! Great video again, thanks a lot for your information !!
I just have a few doubts , and if you could answer it would be amazing
1) First hand of the top table left, When you open 44 with 22bbs, you are opening to jam if get a 3bet or to fold? You said that was a steal hand, i would like to understand why you think that, since the hand had no blockers, and there all of the table to talk.
2) 37:10 on bottom left table, when you said that is more EV opening K9s than Jaming , i totally agree with you, but i was thinking the effective stack is 11bbs, so if you were in the Bottom with 11bbs and the big your stack, would you play the same way K9s? Why ?
3) Its a general question, in the end of the video you said that playing the ABC poker is enough to beat the medium stakes field, with solid ranges and etc, on high stakes what do you think that we should add? ( Speaking generally )
Thanks Again man! Have a good day
Thanks for the compliments, and great questions.
1) I am almost always going to be 4b jamming all pairs to 3b at this point so I like to open pp's to balance when I am raise folding as we have a susceptible stack to get 3b.
2) If reversed, I would definitely be jamming for 2 reasons. The first being that jamming should net us taking down the pot with the lowest variance, being 11bb deep, I would much rather just pick up the blinds than lose a pot post and be boxed into card distribution jamming ranges. Secondly, there is more of a level as a short stack raising than a big stack raising that spot. I would assume that an 11bb min raising is much more polarized than a 40bb min raising into 11bb effective stacks.
3) In the higher stakes you must have much more balances ranges to cover boards post flop, a lot revolves around BB defending, and having more post flop lines in the arsenal.
Hi Akira, 9:00, you decided to limp fold A3 off on the SB with 22 BB left, with how many BB would you shove your A3off there and what would be the bottom of your shoving range there with 22bigs??
could you go further into your check on the turn with 99 at 17:45. Can you go over the logic for checking here as opposed to betting. What cards are you betting with 99 and what range are you betting on this specific run out?
1:10 44 you say you rather cbet this board, is that standard does this flop not hit BB defend quite well with all the broadways and is this not a flop we should xback a bit ?
39:38 AK on 887 Q , would you bluff rivers when turn would go check/check to get villain to fold 55,66 or is that too thin ? What hands would you bluff if that was the action ?
41:51 AJs, what would be the bottom of the call range here ?
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hi, great video. 43,30s why you think pocket 10 is fold if the second player range you think is 77+?
I think its close but because I assumed the first jammers range is on the stronger side i opted to fold. Definitely on the nittier side here.
Hey Akira! Great video again, thanks a lot for your information !!
I just have a few doubts , and if you could answer it would be amazing
1) First hand of the top table left, When you open 44 with 22bbs, you are opening to jam if get a 3bet or to fold? You said that was a steal hand, i would like to understand why you think that, since the hand had no blockers, and there all of the table to talk.
2) 37:10 on bottom left table, when you said that is more EV opening K9s than Jaming , i totally agree with you, but i was thinking the effective stack is 11bbs, so if you were in the Bottom with 11bbs and the big your stack, would you play the same way K9s? Why ?
3) Its a general question, in the end of the video you said that playing the ABC poker is enough to beat the medium stakes field, with solid ranges and etc, on high stakes what do you think that we should add? ( Speaking generally )
Thanks Again man! Have a good day
Thanks for the compliments, and great questions.
1) I am almost always going to be 4b jamming all pairs to 3b at this point so I like to open pp's to balance when I am raise folding as we have a susceptible stack to get 3b.
2) If reversed, I would definitely be jamming for 2 reasons. The first being that jamming should net us taking down the pot with the lowest variance, being 11bb deep, I would much rather just pick up the blinds than lose a pot post and be boxed into card distribution jamming ranges. Secondly, there is more of a level as a short stack raising than a big stack raising that spot. I would assume that an 11bb min raising is much more polarized than a 40bb min raising into 11bb effective stacks.
3) In the higher stakes you must have much more balances ranges to cover boards post flop, a lot revolves around BB defending, and having more post flop lines in the arsenal.
Hi Akira, 9:00, you decided to limp fold A3 off on the SB with 22 BB left, with how many BB would you shove your A3off there and what would be the bottom of your shoving range there with 22bigs??
Hi Akira,
could you go further into your check on the turn with 99 at 17:45. Can you go over the logic for checking here as opposed to betting. What cards are you betting with 99 and what range are you betting on this specific run out?
Hi Akira! Thanks for the video!
Some questions:
1:10 44 you say you rather cbet this board, is that standard does this flop not hit BB defend quite well with all the broadways and is this not a flop we should xback a bit ?
39:38 AK on 887 Q , would you bluff rivers when turn would go check/check to get villain to fold 55,66 or is that too thin ? What hands would you bluff if that was the action ?
41:51 AJs, what would be the bottom of the call range here ?
Thank you!
dude, do you live in Indonesia? (your Bintang image on PS) :) I just moved to Bali... :)
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