I play anywhere from 4 tables to 12 tables maximum, probably averaging 6 tables. Decisions these days have become much more complex so it is harder to play at a high level when playing too many tables.
@25:40 KJo seems really thin to 3b agains HJ with 26bb. KJs seems like a shove or a call but KJo idk. I have some trouble having to much 3b bluff in 20-25bb, how looks like your 3b bluff in this range?
@29:27 22 this looks like more a shove/fold spot with this hand? What do you think? Im too nitty here? hehe
@34:50 A2s seems like a pretty clear shove in there to me. Why you prefer to open from 13bb?
@41:17 A7o I really hate life in this spot vrs UTG. I have a lot of doubts defending less than 10bb. Could be a interesting idea for a video.
I think that folding is a bit too weak with KJo vs the standard regular, and we dont want to get in the habit of calling with this stack depth because we cant do much against a squeeze so I opted to 3b. Definitely against stronger opponents I opt to fold a lot of the time.
As I mentioned in the video I decided to raise 22 so I can 4b jam into seemingly preflop aggro opponents to balance the times I am raise folding to 3b there.
Shoving is absolutely fine, I just think with my post flop edge I will gain more by raising and playing a pot vs the BB.
There's very little reverse implied odds when you are so shallow so you can pretty much hit a pair and go with it, especially when the original raiser is so loose.
Yeah the 22 hand is like fine in some frequency but def not my default for sure #toomanyover.
A2s I still I want to shove because I feel 13bb deep is not many skill edge to be had but respect your decision.
Thanks Akira
6:50 ATs you flat HiJack vs MP, what amound of bb's would be the threshold when you'd start shoving instead of flatting ?
11:00 AQ what hands would you bluff on this river as played ?
Is villain's flat with J9s standard in that spot with BB somewhat short ?
36:00 A3o Gross spot vs river jam. Is there anything to say for check/calling river to try and get a bluff from AdX or maybe 9T ? Im not sure how much value there is to bet, we should look fairly strong going for a bet bet line 3way on the turn. AdJx type hands certainly call but those hands seem like hands that also bet flop quite a bit. To me it looked like villain had a hand like 99,TT,Adx or 9T or a weak Jx
42:00 QQ on K93 J 4 we open pre, flop was 3way we check/call, turn x/x river x/x
Is there any value here vs AJ,QJ,TJ ? or is that just too thin ?
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Hey! Great video ! How many tables u usually play ?
I play anywhere from 4 tables to 12 tables maximum, probably averaging 6 tables. Decisions these days have become much more complex so it is harder to play at a high level when playing too many tables.
Hi Akira nice video
Couple of questions
@25:40 KJo seems really thin to 3b agains HJ with 26bb. KJs seems like a shove or a call but KJo idk. I have some trouble having to much 3b bluff in 20-25bb, how looks like your 3b bluff in this range?
@29:27 22 this looks like more a shove/fold spot with this hand? What do you think? Im too nitty here? hehe
@34:50 A2s seems like a pretty clear shove in there to me. Why you prefer to open from 13bb?
@41:17 A7o I really hate life in this spot vrs UTG. I have a lot of doubts defending less than 10bb. Could be a interesting idea for a video.
I think that folding is a bit too weak with KJo vs the standard regular, and we dont want to get in the habit of calling with this stack depth because we cant do much against a squeeze so I opted to 3b. Definitely against stronger opponents I opt to fold a lot of the time.
As I mentioned in the video I decided to raise 22 so I can 4b jam into seemingly preflop aggro opponents to balance the times I am raise folding to 3b there.
Shoving is absolutely fine, I just think with my post flop edge I will gain more by raising and playing a pot vs the BB.
There's very little reverse implied odds when you are so shallow so you can pretty much hit a pair and go with it, especially when the original raiser is so loose.
Yeah the 22 hand is like fine in some frequency but def not my default for sure #toomanyover.
A2s I still I want to shove because I feel 13bb deep is not many skill edge to be had but respect your decision.
Thanks Akira
Hey Akira, nice video, when is the 2nd part coming out?
2nd part is out atm :)
Nice video! Good pace!
I have some questions:
6:50 ATs you flat HiJack vs MP, what amound of bb's would be the threshold when you'd start shoving instead of flatting ?
11:00 AQ what hands would you bluff on this river as played ?
Is villain's flat with J9s standard in that spot with BB somewhat short ?
36:00 A3o Gross spot vs river jam. Is there anything to say for check/calling river to try and get a bluff from AdX or maybe 9T ? Im not sure how much value there is to bet, we should look fairly strong going for a bet bet line 3way on the turn. AdJx type hands certainly call but those hands seem like hands that also bet flop quite a bit. To me it looked like villain had a hand like 99,TT,Adx or 9T or a weak Jx
42:00 QQ on K93 J 4 we open pre, flop was 3way we check/call, turn x/x river x/x
Is there any value here vs AJ,QJ,TJ ? or is that just too thin ?
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