1) I see that you are opening Q8o and J8o on the button. Previously I believe you were folding these hands and doing mostly Q9o J9o. Is this an adjustment via Monker? Are these still opened for 3x? Watched Dekkers video yesterday and saw he folded K9s Lj but I see you are opening K8s in LJ. I am not sure if this is rake thing between 100NL vs 200NL or a RFI sizing thing, maybe a mixture of both.
2) Thank you for going over some of your sizings as you said 98s btn vs LJ 2.5bb or under is a call and vs 3bb is a fold. This is very helpful for my games being hudless and players smashing the 3bb and 4bb buttons, mostly based on their hand strength. Are you 3 betting any of these lower SCs on the button 98s-54s or mostly playing call \ fold? Snowie uses a lot of 76s-54s 3 bets, but I think Snowie is messing up my game! As I see more coaches being more linear IP & oop.
3) hero LJ JsTs opens 2.2 and Co 3! 7.5bb where you said this is mostly just a fold given the large sizing. Another leak of mine because ive been calling up to around 10bb with J10s+, Kjs+, A10s+, AQ mix, and AK then PP 77+
Can I request video on 3bet pots discussing 3betting ranges and calling ranges?
Thank you for another excellent video. I do enjoy the post audio videos, but nice to see a mix and more hands played as well. The little things I pick up from seeing hundreds of hands that dont require much of an explanation from studied players is very helpful.
1) Q8o is mostly folded (opening 5-10% of the time). J8o is opening half the time when solving for 2.5x open size. Essentially they are borderline. LJ K5s+ is a pure open for 200z solved rake trees. I wouldn't be looking to fold these much at 100z either simply as postflop edge is greater.
2) Whether i 3 bet suited connectors here depends on who my opponent is (can I make wider 3 bets pre and make up that edge postflop. Are they 4 betting enough etc). I will also take into consideration their open size and what position they are opening from. I will mostly look to fold majority of suited connectors vs 2.5x+ from LJ/HJ and low frequency 3 bet the smaller ones such as 45-67s. 'Snowie uses a lot of 76s-54s 3 bets' - These are 3 bet around 25% of the time depending on the size your opponent opens and from which position. People often mess up by never 3 betting these or overdoing them.
3) I actually don't know the solve for 2.2 to 7.5 but given he has 3.5xed my 3 bet I would assume a hand that is called 60% of the time now becomes called around 30% of the time. It can never 4 bet given poor blocker properties.
For 2.5x sizing with 200z rake it is opened 60% of the time due to 3 bet removal properties. I don't have the smaller size solved but I would assume it is higher frequency.
Hi coach... have a strategy question, I'm playing 0.25/0.50 on PokerStars.it . We shouldn't have a flatting range on CO. And on the btn? Which range i can cold call with? I saw regular whit 0% cold call and others reg with
9% on the BTN
6% on the CO, and both wins...
I like the cold call only when I have recreational on the blinds whit low 3bet.
Thanks for the Video Henry. Personally much preferred this tempo of Video, bit more action with some more succinct breakdowns of the hands. Look forward to more content.
It would depend how deep exactly and then having to work out how far up in range I am on the river. 300bb effective I believe we can get away with calling tt, quad 8s, and 98 particularly gets close.
i see you play 6max and like to range bet ip 1/3, does this apply for 9max where pots usually go 3-4ways? Great video as always. Fix that hair! haha jk.
Multiway solvers don't exist so it's tough to answer. My approach would be to bet bigger or smaller dependent on the texture. Wetter more connected, dynamic boards where equities can change significantly on turn cards would incentivise me to bet bigger and use a smaller bet on a more dry static texture such as a22rb
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Henry Lister
1) I see that you are opening Q8o and J8o on the button. Previously I believe you were folding these hands and doing mostly Q9o J9o. Is this an adjustment via Monker? Are these still opened for 3x? Watched Dekkers video yesterday and saw he folded K9s Lj but I see you are opening K8s in LJ. I am not sure if this is rake thing between 100NL vs 200NL or a RFI sizing thing, maybe a mixture of both.
2) Thank you for going over some of your sizings as you said 98s btn vs LJ 2.5bb or under is a call and vs 3bb is a fold. This is very helpful for my games being hudless and players smashing the 3bb and 4bb buttons, mostly based on their hand strength. Are you 3 betting any of these lower SCs on the button 98s-54s or mostly playing call \ fold? Snowie uses a lot of 76s-54s 3 bets, but I think Snowie is messing up my game! As I see more coaches being more linear IP & oop.
3) hero LJ JsTs opens 2.2 and Co 3! 7.5bb where you said this is mostly just a fold given the large sizing. Another leak of mine because ive been calling up to around 10bb with J10s+, Kjs+, A10s+, AQ mix, and AK then PP 77+
Can I request video on 3bet pots discussing 3betting ranges and calling ranges?
Thank you for another excellent video. I do enjoy the post audio videos, but nice to see a mix and more hands played as well. The little things I pick up from seeing hundreds of hands that dont require much of an explanation from studied players is very helpful.
1) Q8o is mostly folded (opening 5-10% of the time). J8o is opening half the time when solving for 2.5x open size. Essentially they are borderline. LJ K5s+ is a pure open for 200z solved rake trees. I wouldn't be looking to fold these much at 100z either simply as postflop edge is greater.
2) Whether i 3 bet suited connectors here depends on who my opponent is (can I make wider 3 bets pre and make up that edge postflop. Are they 4 betting enough etc). I will also take into consideration their open size and what position they are opening from. I will mostly look to fold majority of suited connectors vs 2.5x+ from LJ/HJ and low frequency 3 bet the smaller ones such as 45-67s. 'Snowie uses a lot of 76s-54s 3 bets' - These are 3 bet around 25% of the time depending on the size your opponent opens and from which position. People often mess up by never 3 betting these or overdoing them.
3) I actually don't know the solve for 2.2 to 7.5 but given he has 3.5xed my 3 bet I would assume a hand that is called 60% of the time now becomes called around 30% of the time. It can never 4 bet given poor blocker properties.
Appreciate the kind words.
Henry Lister thank you for detailed response.
Thanks Henry! It's just the sound is a bit fuzzy. The content is great as usual. Can't wait to watch more from you.
Thanks will try ensure it's better audio quality next video
really don't believe monker opens A5o CO for 2,5x let alone 2,2x well not in my sims
For 2.5x sizing with 200z rake it is opened 60% of the time due to 3 bet removal properties. I don't have the smaller size solved but I would assume it is higher frequency.
Please fix the hair, literally unwatchable. Jkjk good video Henry.
Sadly wont be until after quarantine. Look forward to it getting tragically longer in future videos.
Hi coach... have a strategy question, I'm playing 0.25/0.50 on PokerStars.it . We shouldn't have a flatting range on CO. And on the btn? Which range i can cold call with? I saw regular whit 0% cold call and others reg with
9% on the BTN
6% on the CO, and both wins...
I like the cold call only when I have recreational on the blinds whit low 3bet.
Someone can help me? For example we are on btn, facing CO open 2,5x
what we can do with hands like 56s 67s 78s 77 66 55 ?
Ty all
Depends on villain I think. Vs some regs ill 3 bet because they have decent rfi range from CO. Vs fish ill usually call and 3 bet more merged.
Thanks for the Video Henry. Personally much preferred this tempo of Video, bit more action with some more succinct breakdowns of the hands. Look forward to more content.
Any opinions on 4bet or fold oop vs 3bets in high rake games? Particularly vs regulars where postflop edges may be lower. good vid.
In my opinion is better to 4bet/fold hands like KTs A2-A5s than KJo KQo ATo....
great vid as usual coach,
in the TT v 89 cooler, if you were 300bb deep, after you xr him on the river like 3x, then he jams do you call?
situations like that make me scared shitless to play 300bb+
It would depend how deep exactly and then having to work out how far up in range I am on the river. 300bb effective I believe we can get away with calling tt, quad 8s, and 98 particularly gets close.
"I believe we can get away with calling tt, quad 8s, and 98 particularly gets close."
could u rephrase that, im confused.
i see you play 6max and like to range bet ip 1/3, does this apply for 9max where pots usually go 3-4ways? Great video as always. Fix that hair! haha jk.
Multiway solvers don't exist so it's tough to answer. My approach would be to bet bigger or smaller dependent on the texture. Wetter more connected, dynamic boards where equities can change significantly on turn cards would incentivise me to bet bigger and use a smaller bet on a more dry static texture such as a22rb
Great video, thanks Henry. Agree, i like the mix of more detailed post play vids with some live play ones too.
New subscriber, and enjoying your videos. Great content and very educational. Thank you.
I'm sure this has been asked before, but what is the little random number generator next to your avatar that you are using?
Apologies for the noob question.
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