Because the stack to pot ratio is just over 2 my opponent can't really start shoving range because i will have plenty of hands that can call the turn shove - Anything from AQ+ is a snap call vs a shove here once I check.
Henry Lister Is this common even at the lower stakes to fold 22-88 here HJ vs LJ? I see two recs in the blinds, so potential MW candidate with implieds. The teal color tag means what? In this spot i've been 3 betting AK+, A10s+, JJ+, & calling with AQ, KQs-J10s, and TT-55. Then folding everything else. I know snowie is mixing some wheel aces and 76s-54s with 3 bets (see chart below), but my pool also has a limping range, so I stopped 3 betting these wheel aces and small SCs since their opening range is some what tighter. Should I just 3 bet linear for value? One thing to note is the preflop advisor for snowie uses a 3bb open for LJ, so I figure I can be wider including some other suited broadways and AQ in the mix.
Tags I use
purple aggro recs
green passive recs
Blue for whales
red lags
white nits
teal for strong regs
I have been implementing a R/F strat and think it's superior to having flatting ranges; however, I think it's important to be mindful of table dynamics, who is raising, who is behind. In this case, if the blinds are in fact recreational, I think we can potentially begin to flat a hand like this. I do still think it remains close though if we have aggressive players to our left, and the recreationals in the blinds aren't too bad. If we are flatting just a few hands like this, the EV gained from the blinds may be offset by being squeezed/having a faceup range against a strong player.
On american sites however, it appears uncommon for people to be using a R/F strat, and because other regs have flatting ranges, I think this benefits us, as your opponents will make incorrect assumptions. For example, say you flat 77/88 here and R/F the rest of your range.. it will take a while before anyone realizes this, and they will assume that you have a host of other hands that other regs are playing, like JTs, AQo, KJs type of holdings.....
All this being said, RunItTw1ce , I know you are playing apps atm in extremely soft pools, and where squeezing is a lot less frequent and more weighted towards JJ+, so in these cases I think having some flats becomes more reasonable. I think table dynamics is a deciding factor in each decision you are making when there are weak players involved
When you solve for rake included 88- is never 3 bet in these positions with 99 being a very low frequency 3 bet. I even recall the same spot here with 99 for Sauce in a previous 500z video stated 99 is a low frequency 3 bet but mostly folded to backup this statement.
Henry Lister what do you think about having a flatting range with 2 recreational players in the blinds? Seems like this would add value to flatting a hand like 88. I definitely would be flatting in some situations(especially w mid pairs) with recreational players left to act, but not with no spots behind Do you think the EV is so negligible and not worth even dealing with having any flats? I'm curious your reason to be so strongly against it.
Thanks for the replies ryanspicerHenry Lister I am less worried about rake and also have a 30% rake back deal for the app I am on. I think the mistakes postflop seem to greatly outweigh the EV earned preflop, but I dont use solvers and im no expert. I got KK in preflop yesterday vs A10s also seen a guy stack off 8h6h for 300bb on a Js9h6s flop. The postflop mistakes are just atrocious and hence why I have a flatting range. This app is much like playing a live game. Heard 200NL and higher are tough, just grinded my way from 20NL up to 100NL now last 10 days. Despite being 6 max, plenty of 3-4 way pots. I guess im still some what old school with my approach. Thanks for the responses.
I dont i know but i don't think. I pick these charts from another coaching website on which i was before from a coach who "solved" 6 max cash game on monker for a specific model (100bb deep, 2,25bb RFI 3 for SB. 3bet 3,3xIP 4,5 from SB and 5x from BB and 4x against SB 4bet 2,25x and no flat range but for BTN and BB)
Thanks for the answer Henry. The sizing i mentioned are the sizing this coach use for the sim (that what i means by specific model). These range are for NL 500 so i realized recently that because of the rake they are quitte well to understand how range can be solved but no that useful for me in micro limit.
Thanks Henry. Just went through this video 3 times. Sometimes 100% focused. Sometimes while meditating. Or before bed. Led to a wonderful 2-day heater at 50, 100 and 200nl. Thanks for all the content. Very grateful.
I have many older videos just playing lots of volume with less explanations. The majority of people prefer more detailed analysis so will likely continue with this style of videos in future.
hey mate we battle a little bit nice too see your content but just an opinion, you say will try to speed things up, then spend 12mins out of 45
min on 3bp stabbing range vs check on T85r... explanation was nice but dam come on mate :)
Most the feedback received from viewers is to go into as much detail as possible that I can so will likely continue with this style of videos. It's difficult to balance how much explanation to go into as everyone is at a different skill level. I understand sometimes the details might feel somewhat tedious to some more experienced grinders but there is an elite range for those videos.
Thank you for your video, very informative content. my question is in last QQ hand, is it a good or bad play to shoving the AK to bluff on the river by villain and is this a call or fold if you have hand like AQs JJ or TT? Because he can also have AA or KK as a 4 bettor, so if you don’t have QQ in last hand but instead you have AK, AQs or TT. (I think you will call 4 bet with these hand as you have position). His action line is 4 bet preflop, you call. C bet small on the flop, you call. Check turn, you check. Action will be the same if you have hand like AQs or JJ-TT. Now Bingo time, he jam the river, What would you do? He is shoving 72BB in a 74BB pot. I ask this question because I face many similar situations and villain Jam the river as a 4 bettor and I have a bluff catcher but don’t know what to do.
I think his bluff is fine given he blocks alot of my calls (AA-KK, AQ, KQ) and unblocks my folds being JJ-TT.
The problem arises when he 4 bets so large preflop that I can comfortably be folding the majority of TT combinations therefore my range is significantly strengthened once he 4 bets so large.
If he used a smaller more normal 4 bet size preflop of 2.5x his bluff would definitely be good as my range would be wider.
i know you don't do many theory videos, but your bet sizing is extremely considered, would really appreciate a theory video on what sizing we should be using and when from yourself.
Hey Henry great video I love the 2 table and the screen is nice and wide great Quality! Perfect video for a newbie . I just cant watch 3 screen or more videotoo much action and I also think the coach sometime is all over the place , Thank you Henry awesome video! cant wait for more!!
Would be interested in a video, maybe replayer, where you skip the premiums and talk more about hands that are bottom of your range(s). Some KTo, T8s, A6s, 55, etc. Bluff catcher \ marginal spots that most of us struggle with, especially vs larger sizings postflop.
Love the detailed explanations. Currently beating 50z and I’m realizing I’m missing a lot of analysis in my play. This is going to be helpful for when I try to move up.
First video I've watched from you and I really enjoyed the slow pace analysis where you took the time on each spot to construct both parties' ranges. Definitely what I was looking for!
Great video. Can I ask what your bluffing lead range is at 37:10 table 2? I'm thinking of a range that doesn't x/r flop, but may lead turn. All I can think of is some A5 of diamond type.hands personally, but not sure.
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Hello henry !
Im your biggest fan in korea
At 17:00 SB vs BTN 3bet situation,
You cant have basically nuts only except qq
And villain can have all sets straight
So i have a question .
Villain decided to just half pot bet tho
Can villain overbet here like 100 percent of the times with his entire range ?
Hey thanks for the kind words!
Because the stack to pot ratio is just over 2 my opponent can't really start shoving range because i will have plenty of hands that can call the turn shove - Anything from AQ+ is a snap call vs a shove here once I check.
Henry Lister Is this common even at the lower stakes to fold 22-88 here HJ vs LJ? I see two recs in the blinds, so potential MW candidate with implieds. The teal color tag means what? In this spot i've been 3 betting AK+, A10s+, JJ+, & calling with AQ, KQs-J10s, and TT-55. Then folding everything else. I know snowie is mixing some wheel aces and 76s-54s with 3 bets (see chart below), but my pool also has a limping range, so I stopped 3 betting these wheel aces and small SCs since their opening range is some what tighter. Should I just 3 bet linear for value? One thing to note is the preflop advisor for snowie uses a 3bb open for LJ, so I figure I can be wider including some other suited broadways and AQ in the mix.
Tags I use
purple aggro recs
green passive recs
Blue for whales
red lags
white nits
teal for strong regs
I have been implementing a R/F strat and think it's superior to having flatting ranges; however, I think it's important to be mindful of table dynamics, who is raising, who is behind. In this case, if the blinds are in fact recreational, I think we can potentially begin to flat a hand like this. I do still think it remains close though if we have aggressive players to our left, and the recreationals in the blinds aren't too bad. If we are flatting just a few hands like this, the EV gained from the blinds may be offset by being squeezed/having a faceup range against a strong player.
On american sites however, it appears uncommon for people to be using a R/F strat, and because other regs have flatting ranges, I think this benefits us, as your opponents will make incorrect assumptions. For example, say you flat 77/88 here and R/F the rest of your range.. it will take a while before anyone realizes this, and they will assume that you have a host of other hands that other regs are playing, like JTs, AQo, KJs type of holdings.....
All this being said, RunItTw1ce , I know you are playing apps atm in extremely soft pools, and where squeezing is a lot less frequent and more weighted towards JJ+, so in these cases I think having some flats becomes more reasonable. I think table dynamics is a deciding factor in each decision you are making when there are weak players involved
When you solve for rake included 88- is never 3 bet in these positions with 99 being a very low frequency 3 bet. I even recall the same spot here with 99 for Sauce in a previous 500z video stated 99 is a low frequency 3 bet but mostly folded to backup this statement.
Henry Lister what do you think about having a flatting range with 2 recreational players in the blinds? Seems like this would add value to flatting a hand like 88. I definitely would be flatting in some situations(especially w mid pairs) with recreational players left to act, but not with no spots behind Do you think the EV is so negligible and not worth even dealing with having any flats? I'm curious your reason to be so strongly against it.
Thanks for the replies ryanspicer Henry Lister I am less worried about rake and also have a 30% rake back deal for the app I am on. I think the mistakes postflop seem to greatly outweigh the EV earned preflop, but I dont use solvers and im no expert. I got KK in preflop yesterday vs A10s also seen a guy stack off 8h6h for 300bb on a Js9h6s flop. The postflop mistakes are just atrocious and hence why I have a flatting range. This app is much like playing a live game. Heard 200NL and higher are tough, just grinded my way from 20NL up to 100NL now last 10 days. Despite being 6 max, plenty of 3-4 way pots. I guess im still some what old school with my approach. Thanks for the responses.
Hello Henry
Great video !
Are you using Snowie Range ? With some adapts ? And if yes why ?
I personally play simplified range of monker solver. What do you think about ?
does monker provide NLH preflop solves without a purchase?
I use Monker ranges with some self developed range research off the tables.
Very good content. Detailed thought processes and extremely articulate. Good job, Henry!
Cheers Danny!
I dont i know but i don't think. I pick these charts from another coaching website on which i was before from a coach who "solved" 6 max cash game on monker for a specific model (100bb deep, 2,25bb RFI 3 for SB. 3bet 3,3xIP 4,5 from SB and 5x from BB and 4x against SB 4bet 2,25x and no flat range but for BTN and BB)
Monker solves for various sizes. There is no correct size, just ranges for each size used.
Thanks for the answer Henry. The sizing i mentioned are the sizing this coach use for the sim (that what i means by specific model). These range are for NL 500 so i realized recently that because of the rake they are quitte well to understand how range can be solved but no that useful for me in micro limit.
Nice video Henry, your thought process is very accurate. Thank you!
Hi, I've been watching all your contents.
I'm from Japan, and I like your British English.
I became a member of Elite,
But I still like your contents.
I'm looking forward new content,
Thanks Henry. Just went through this video 3 times. Sometimes 100% focused. Sometimes while meditating. Or before bed. Led to a wonderful 2-day heater at 50, 100 and 200nl. Thanks for all the content. Very grateful.
Goodluck on your journey!
Great video, but I would like to see some live play without taking spots apart to pieces.
I have many older videos just playing lots of volume with less explanations. The majority of people prefer more detailed analysis so will likely continue with this style of videos in future.
Nicely done m8! So youre folding 88to an open of 2.5 toanutg orLj from directly behind?
HJ v LJ I am pure folding 88 preflop correct.
I have solutions with 500z rake in which 22-88 are low frequency 3bets. What do you think causes this difference?
hey mate we battle a little bit nice too see your content but just an opinion, you say will try to speed things up, then spend 12mins out of 45
min on 3bp stabbing range vs check on T85r... explanation was nice but dam come on mate :)
I disagree. Plenty of other videos with faster explanations. We need more like this imo.
Most the feedback received from viewers is to go into as much detail as possible that I can so will likely continue with this style of videos. It's difficult to balance how much explanation to go into as everyone is at a different skill level. I understand sometimes the details might feel somewhat tedious to some more experienced grinders but there is an elite range for those videos.
Thank you for your video, very informative content. my question is in last QQ hand, is it a good or bad play to shoving the AK to bluff on the river by villain and is this a call or fold if you have hand like AQs JJ or TT? Because he can also have AA or KK as a 4 bettor, so if you don’t have QQ in last hand but instead you have AK, AQs or TT. (I think you will call 4 bet with these hand as you have position). His action line is 4 bet preflop, you call. C bet small on the flop, you call. Check turn, you check. Action will be the same if you have hand like AQs or JJ-TT. Now Bingo time, he jam the river, What would you do? He is shoving 72BB in a 74BB pot. I ask this question because I face many similar situations and villain Jam the river as a 4 bettor and I have a bluff catcher but don’t know what to do.
I think his bluff is fine given he blocks alot of my calls (AA-KK, AQ, KQ) and unblocks my folds being JJ-TT.
The problem arises when he 4 bets so large preflop that I can comfortably be folding the majority of TT combinations therefore my range is significantly strengthened once he 4 bets so large.
If he used a smaller more normal 4 bet size preflop of 2.5x his bluff would definitely be good as my range would be wider.
thanks for the video, enjoyed it as always.
i know you don't do many theory videos, but your bet sizing is extremely considered, would really appreciate a theory video on what sizing we should be using and when from yourself.
I might actually consider this. Thanks for your kind words!
Hey Henry great video I love the 2 table and the screen is nice and wide great Quality! Perfect video for a newbie . I just cant watch 3 screen or more videotoo much action and I also think the coach sometime is all over the place , Thank you Henry awesome video! cant wait for more!!
Would be interested in a video, maybe replayer, where you skip the premiums and talk more about hands that are bottom of your range(s). Some KTo, T8s, A6s, 55, etc. Bluff catcher \ marginal spots that most of us struggle with, especially vs larger sizings postflop.
Love the detailed explanations. Currently beating 50z and I’m realizing I’m missing a lot of analysis in my play. This is going to be helpful for when I try to move up.
First video I've watched from you and I really enjoyed the slow pace analysis where you took the time on each spot to construct both parties' ranges. Definitely what I was looking for!
Wow you do a great play and explain. Great great stuff.
Great video. Can I ask what your bluffing lead range is at 37:10 table 2? I'm thinking of a range that doesn't x/r flop, but may lead turn. All I can think of is some A5 of diamond type.hands personally, but not sure.
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