Youre Easily one of the better coaches on RIO with the ability to clearly explain your thought processes in depth - all too common you see coaches fail to adequately explain their decision making which just has a negative impact on the potential usefulness of the video.
Big fan of the slower tempo - going for more quality analysis where you can stop start >>>> over shallow analysis when you’re trying to make decisions in game and at the same time trying to elaborate on your thought process.
somewhat usefull is as massive understatment. lol. i commented on your last post audio vid that i liked it and this one was very very good. i know people like the fast action live play myself included but tbo vids like this are far more instructive from a training perspective. so mixing it up is fine but please continue puting out vids exactly like this one. cheers mate.
great video again. this pace is much better for some of us beginners. thanx a lot. keep it up (hope you forget to record audio live from time to time again :)))
hey Henry Lister,
36:45~ 54s: what other suited connectors are you calling facing a 3bet ep v btn? are you calling all the way up from 54s to KQs? or do you fold some combos such as 98s, JTs, QJs due to domination issues?
I'm defending the majority of suited connectors when I open them because they are often not dominated. Only a few suited connectors are dominated such as KTs and QTs which I will mostly fold and sometimes call (or 4 bet KTs due to decent blockers).
Hands like 98s I personally defend but it could be argued to be better as a pure fold as it is dominated vs AK on QJT flops.
It also depends how you construct your range. I like to open alot of suited connectors meaning I must defend a good percentage of them.
Not really because I struggle to try and balance my range with value and bluffs whilst also protecting my checking range doing this. I think it's alot easier to check and then balance out some check jam for value with pair+diamond blocker as a bluff such as a8o with ad
on T98ss88 u want to polarize on river after polarizing your range on the turn with a big lead. therefore u want to only have an all in size on the river if u decide to bet. bluffcandidates in that spot would be 56s (high freq turn stab with a big sizing) 45s (~35% turnstab with a big sizing) not blocking the flushdraw that started bluffing the turn. however, it changes dramatically when u stab the turn only with a 1/3 sizing. on the 8 river after leading turn small, pio suggests to almost check 100% range and only use a small sizing like 1/3 if (which is almost never the case) bet.
4,30ish with 55
I noticed that you are up against an aggro reg and a tough reg in the blinds. While I see your reasons to call, the spot is a clear fold to me given the fact the thread of being squeezed and got to fold pre is real.
Ok, probably you won’t get squeezed at high frequency since the aggressor would be squeezing against a UTG open (so a stronger range in general) but you will at some frequency.
I fold here, but I’m a nit and play much lower than you
37ish with 45s UTG
Again, the nitty inside me screams a fold here. I don’t see how can you overcome the range e positional advantage vs BTN. If I recall right, he’s labeled as tough player, so calling here and show a profit will be much more difficult.
A lot of flops will be bad for your range, a lot of runouts will be even worse.
I’m missing something here? Because to me, in order to see a profit you have to know that Villain will let you realize your equity more than he should or you have a plan to bluff him at high frequency
I think the call with 55 is completely fine given we believe UTG is a recreational. If we get squeezed and the recreational calls we can likely peel and come along given we are in position vs two players.
I would much rather prefer if we were deeper of course but given the smaller opening size of 2.25x I think a call is fine. I prefer folding if it is 2.5x+
These spots are tricky because you open these hands preflop for board coverage and thus when you open them it is mandatory to defend them. I personally fold these hands sometimes but when I do open them I enjoy defending them as the boards you connect on villain does not meaning you realise your equity very well postflop and don't suffer with domination effects as opposed to if you had AQo.
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Youre Easily one of the better coaches on RIO with the ability to clearly explain your thought processes in depth - all too common you see coaches fail to adequately explain their decision making which just has a negative impact on the potential usefulness of the video.
Big fan of the slower tempo - going for more quality analysis where you can stop start >>>> over shallow analysis when you’re trying to make decisions in game and at the same time trying to elaborate on your thought process.
Thanks for the kind words
somewhat usefull is as massive understatment. lol. i commented on your last post audio vid that i liked it and this one was very very good. i know people like the fast action live play myself included but tbo vids like this are far more instructive from a training perspective. so mixing it up is fine but please continue puting out vids exactly like this one. cheers mate.
Will do, thanks
great video again. this pace is much better for some of us beginners. thanx a lot. keep it up (hope you forget to record audio live from time to time again :)))
hey Henry Lister,
36:45~ 54s: what other suited connectors are you calling facing a 3bet ep v btn? are you calling all the way up from 54s to KQs? or do you fold some combos such as 98s, JTs, QJs due to domination issues?
I'm defending the majority of suited connectors when I open them because they are often not dominated. Only a few suited connectors are dominated such as KTs and QTs which I will mostly fold and sometimes call (or 4 bet KTs due to decent blockers).
Hands like 98s I personally defend but it could be argued to be better as a pure fold as it is dominated vs AK on QJT flops.
It also depends how you construct your range. I like to open alot of suited connectors meaning I must defend a good percentage of them.
In this spot do you ever consider leading river after check calling flop and turn?
Not really because I struggle to try and balance my range with value and bluffs whilst also protecting my checking range doing this. I think it's alot easier to check and then balance out some check jam for value with pair+diamond blocker as a bluff such as a8o with ad
At 33:20 you chose a 5bb into 7bb sizing. What do you think about a 2x pot sizing to put Ax or maybe a hand like J10 in a tough spot?
does not seem necessary in my opinion as I believe villain has plenty of folds here for this sizing. Also doubt value wants to bets 2x pot here.
Good stuff!!Looking forward to see more great ones from you.
on T98ss88 u want to polarize on river after polarizing your range on the turn with a big lead. therefore u want to only have an all in size on the river if u decide to bet. bluffcandidates in that spot would be 56s (high freq turn stab with a big sizing) 45s (~35% turnstab with a big sizing) not blocking the flushdraw that started bluffing the turn. however, it changes dramatically when u stab the turn only with a 1/3 sizing. on the 8 river after leading turn small, pio suggests to almost check 100% range and only use a small sizing like 1/3 if (which is almost never the case) bet.
keep going!
What happened to "realistically," and where the heck did "essentially" come from? Oh! There's my old buddy @40:04. Nice.
Great stuff! Great explanation!
Thanks Bumbak
4,30ish with 55
I noticed that you are up against an aggro reg and a tough reg in the blinds. While I see your reasons to call, the spot is a clear fold to me given the fact the thread of being squeezed and got to fold pre is real.
Ok, probably you won’t get squeezed at high frequency since the aggressor would be squeezing against a UTG open (so a stronger range in general) but you will at some frequency.
I fold here, but I’m a nit and play much lower than you
37ish with 45s UTG
Again, the nitty inside me screams a fold here. I don’t see how can you overcome the range e positional advantage vs BTN. If I recall right, he’s labeled as tough player, so calling here and show a profit will be much more difficult.
A lot of flops will be bad for your range, a lot of runouts will be even worse.
I’m missing something here? Because to me, in order to see a profit you have to know that Villain will let you realize your equity more than he should or you have a plan to bluff him at high frequency
I think the call with 55 is completely fine given we believe UTG is a recreational. If we get squeezed and the recreational calls we can likely peel and come along given we are in position vs two players.
I would much rather prefer if we were deeper of course but given the smaller opening size of 2.25x I think a call is fine. I prefer folding if it is 2.5x+
These spots are tricky because you open these hands preflop for board coverage and thus when you open them it is mandatory to defend them. I personally fold these hands sometimes but when I do open them I enjoy defending them as the boards you connect on villain does not meaning you realise your equity very well postflop and don't suffer with domination effects as opposed to if you had AQo.
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