at 17:40 you set the 1 dead 4 in the middle over the fully live 5 because it sets you up better for a straight...but this is only a consideration if you are SUPER likely to make your boat in the back which you aren't since there's 1 dead 9 already. It seems the better play would be to increase your chances of making 2p or trips in the middle by setting the 5, esp because you have the FL chance with the K up top AND because opponent has a fully live A in middle which is more likely beaten with 2p than running out a straight (and relying on the boat to cover it).
You're right, it's probably a bit greedy of me to choose the 4 over the 5. If we had say JJT / 56, I think going with a 7 over an 8 has more bearing but here it is less relevant. Good catch!
ok...I'm sorry if I'm coming off harsh, and in fairness I haven't watched parts 1-6 but I will soon. Anyways, I'm finding myself disagreeing quite a bit with your analysis. 22:30 you are up against a FL hand (perfect time to throw caution to the wind), you pass on setting the 3 flush in back with the added bonus possibility of already having the 2 flush in the middle...isn't that why we set the hand this way to begin with? If this were regular OFC then obv yes, 7 in back is correct, but in pineapple you are just so likely to make it and you are screwed if you don't make a boat. 3rd heart in middle just HAS to be correct especially vs FL hand....ok end of my rant.
No problem! Don't worry about "harshness", I am perfectly fine taking criticism on hands; I wouldn't consider myself anywhere close to one of the best in the world at OFC or anything crazy like that, so I fully expect to make mistakes and hopefully we can figure out the answers together.
I set the hand this way to have the flexibility of going with a flush or pairing up, depending on the peels. Of course with a 2 heart peel, it would be a no brainer. I've always been in the camp that 2p+ is so easily made in pineapple on the bottom, that I would rather strive for boats/quads instead. This holds true especially vs a FL hand since even an A-high flush is often beat (of course you get the royalty points anyways which has significance though). I tend to play extremely greedy when against a FL hand and it may just be a mistake.
If you were pairing the 7 because you think an Ahi flush is not often enough best in back, and you felt the need to draw for a boat...I can see some merit in that logic. I wish there was a pineapple ofc calc that could tell us the answers...but that's the beauty in the game I guess is that as of now its still unsolved.
For the runner runners, of course AA is also a possibility. It's much different to hit one ace than the two remaining ones however. I'm not quite sure what you are trying to point out, but it seems to be a legitimate spot to consider on whether to put the A or to leave it open.
I didn't discuss this because it seems to be a poorer option than the others. I would much rather place the 8d on the bottom and the A in the middle over this choice.
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at 17:40 you set the 1 dead 4 in the middle over the fully live 5 because it sets you up better for a straight...but this is only a consideration if you are SUPER likely to make your boat in the back which you aren't since there's 1 dead 9 already. It seems the better play would be to increase your chances of making 2p or trips in the middle by setting the 5, esp because you have the FL chance with the K up top AND because opponent has a fully live A in middle which is more likely beaten with 2p than running out a straight (and relying on the boat to cover it).
You're right, it's probably a bit greedy of me to choose the 4 over the 5. If we had say JJT / 56, I think going with a 7 over an 8 has more bearing but here it is less relevant. Good catch!
ok...I'm sorry if I'm coming off harsh, and in fairness I haven't watched parts 1-6 but I will soon. Anyways, I'm finding myself disagreeing quite a bit with your analysis. 22:30 you are up against a FL hand (perfect time to throw caution to the wind), you pass on setting the 3 flush in back with the added bonus possibility of already having the 2 flush in the middle...isn't that why we set the hand this way to begin with? If this were regular OFC then obv yes, 7 in back is correct, but in pineapple you are just so likely to make it and you are screwed if you don't make a boat. 3rd heart in middle just HAS to be correct especially vs FL hand....ok end of my rant.
No problem! Don't worry about "harshness", I am perfectly fine taking criticism on hands; I wouldn't consider myself anywhere close to one of the best in the world at OFC or anything crazy like that, so I fully expect to make mistakes and hopefully we can figure out the answers together.
I set the hand this way to have the flexibility of going with a flush or pairing up, depending on the peels. Of course with a 2 heart peel, it would be a no brainer. I've always been in the camp that 2p+ is so easily made in pineapple on the bottom, that I would rather strive for boats/quads instead. This holds true especially vs a FL hand since even an A-high flush is often beat (of course you get the royalty points anyways which has significance though). I tend to play extremely greedy when against a FL hand and it may just be a mistake.
If you were pairing the 7 because you think an Ahi flush is not often enough best in back, and you felt the need to draw for a boat...I can see some merit in that logic. I wish there was a pineapple ofc calc that could tell us the answers...but that's the beauty in the game I guess is that as of now its still unsolved.
At 32:00 you should close at the middle since if villain hits K you can draw to out kick them
Minuscule fraction of an equity point , but obvious
Don't see what the discussion is either when deciding to put Ace on bottom or not
You were talking about runner runner possibilities if you didn't and didn't mention aces either
Yes good catch on the 32:00.
For the runner runners, of course AA is also a possibility. It's much different to hit one ace than the two remaining ones however. I'm not quite sure what you are trying to point out, but it seems to be a legitimate spot to consider on whether to put the A or to leave it open.
At 44:00 you didn't even discuss the possibility of a 5 in the middle and Ace on the bottom
I didn't discuss this because it seems to be a poorer option than the others. I would much rather place the 8d on the bottom and the A in the middle over this choice.
Where are the other parts of this series? This is the only pineapple one I can see and I cannot find parts 5 or 6.
put the hole series in the "other" section pls
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