I think an interesting note on the 77's hand is that we should be calling 77's, with a low frequency when facing a river bet. because when the action goes x-x OTT, we come to the river with a pretty wide range, like you said yourself. We have a lot of auto folds like: -44, missed BDFD, 6x, 78, 89. so to make sure we're not folding more then 50% of our hands, we should be mixing in some calls with 77+
Live_your_dreams85 Peter said at the beginning of the video, he wanted to focus purely on a GTO based way of thinking, it's for that reason I came up with the particular situation. I fully agree that vs population a call with 77's is probably not gonna be very profitable since population is not turning enough hands like 98, QJ or JT into a bluff. I also agree that from a GTO perspective QQ is a better call to make, ofc. And that's why I said low frequency. So again, I just pointed this out to show what PIO likes to do vs a bet OTR from a purely GTO based POV.
I’m occasionally playing some “practice sessions” in the 100z pool myself during low traffic hour on the site I’m mainly playing. So I’m doing similar types of sessions that you described, which I find to be a good way to study... I’ve bumped in to you at the tables a few times too which is always fun since I follow you here.
RVO2410 - Even though 77 might be high enough in our range to have to defend in order to not over fold, the PP hands tend to be very poor bluff catching candidates. It’s often better to choose a high card hand or a lower pair on the board even though they are technically lower in our range. This is because PP’s generally block a bunch of bluffs and also dont block any of Villains value. This is not the ideal spot to illustrate this though (Because villain doesn’t really have that many 7x anyway) but it’s a pretty good general rule to keep in mind.
Geez, Peter Clarke - I really like this new and improved version of you (not that there was necessarily anything wrong with the old version, of course). But it feels like you just leveled up and now we all get to sit here and enjoy the benefits!
Hello Peter. With regards to the 77 hand at 20mins. The Poker Detox Ether data shows that B-X-B (blinds vs BU) under bluffed to balanced in most spots, exceptions are over card (non A) turns and Ace, Over card, 4card st8 and 4card flush rivers which are all over bluffed fairly significantly.
The review of the 1st hand is gold for SB vs BB play - IMO less hands and in depth coverage like the one for the 1st hand would be really good. Doesnt matter if you end up talking about 2 hands for 45 minutes if a bunch of good concepts come out of it.
I don't use PIO personally so I am always a little confused about the bet sizes it suggests. When it says B16 or B40 as an action does this mean bet 16 or 40 percent of the pot?
Great video! On the hand around 27:14 where you are talking about using an overbet on this board because the queen is good for our range. Three questions. First how big would your overbet be 1.5x pot? Also when using an overbet on this turn instead of the size you did choose How does this effect your river bluffing frequency and value combos? I assume most rivers you would bet large again with your value combos so you would need sufficient bluff combos to be balanced. Would this be a good candidate or a bad candidate as a bluff on most run outs after taking an overbet line on the turn and getting called?
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Great vid pete
Really like the format.
Hee Peter,
I think an interesting note on the 77's hand is that we should be calling 77's, with a low frequency when facing a river bet. because when the action goes x-x OTT, we come to the river with a pretty wide range, like you said yourself. We have a lot of auto folds like: -44, missed BDFD, 6x, 78, 89. so to make sure we're not folding more then 50% of our hands, we should be mixing in some calls with 77+
In practical play we should fold 77 vs a bet vs most player types, A call is for sure going to be -EV
As for calling in GTO I think the we rather call with Qx rather then 77.
Live_your_dreams85 Peter said at the beginning of the video, he wanted to focus purely on a GTO based way of thinking, it's for that reason I came up with the particular situation. I fully agree that vs population a call with 77's is probably not gonna be very profitable since population is not turning enough hands like 98, QJ or JT into a bluff. I also agree that from a GTO perspective QQ is a better call to make, ofc. And that's why I said low frequency. So again, I just pointed this out to show what PIO likes to do vs a bet OTR from a purely GTO based POV.
Thanks for your reply
Great work! Thank you!
Enjoyed the format Pete!
I’m occasionally playing some “practice sessions” in the 100z pool myself during low traffic hour on the site I’m mainly playing. So I’m doing similar types of sessions that you described, which I find to be a good way to study... I’ve bumped in to you at the tables a few times too which is always fun since I follow you here.
RVO2410 - Even though 77 might be high enough in our range to have to defend in order to not over fold, the PP hands tend to be very poor bluff catching candidates. It’s often better to choose a high card hand or a lower pair on the board even though they are technically lower in our range. This is because PP’s generally block a bunch of bluffs and also dont block any of Villains value. This is not the ideal spot to illustrate this though (Because villain doesn’t really have that many 7x anyway) but it’s a pretty good general rule to keep in mind.
I think thats what Live_your_dreams85 meant...
Yes, That is exactly what my thought process is
Geez, Peter Clarke - I really like this new and improved version of you (not that there was necessarily anything wrong with the old version, of course). But it feels like you just leveled up and now we all get to sit here and enjoy the benefits!
This was a great video and great format. Very informative. Look forward to more like it.
Hello Peter. With regards to the 77 hand at 20mins. The Poker Detox Ether data shows that B-X-B (blinds vs BU) under bluffed to balanced in most spots, exceptions are over card (non A) turns and Ace, Over card, 4card st8 and 4card flush rivers which are all over bluffed fairly significantly.
Can you clarify why JcQd is a check call on the Qc6s9cQdKc board?
Loved this format. Looking forward to more - very informative and good for studying!
The review of the 1st hand is gold for SB vs BB play - IMO less hands and in depth coverage like the one for the 1st hand would be really good. Doesnt matter if you end up talking about 2 hands for 45 minutes if a bunch of good concepts come out of it.
I don't use PIO personally so I am always a little confused about the bet sizes it suggests. When it says B16 or B40 as an action does this mean bet 16 or 40 percent of the pot?
Great video! On the hand around 27:14 where you are talking about using an overbet on this board because the queen is good for our range. Three questions. First how big would your overbet be 1.5x pot? Also when using an overbet on this turn instead of the size you did choose How does this effect your river bluffing frequency and value combos? I assume most rivers you would bet large again with your value combos so you would need sufficient bluff combos to be balanced. Would this be a good candidate or a bad candidate as a bluff on most run outs after taking an overbet line on the turn and getting called?
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