6:39 - I think it's a big mistake to bet 1k on the river rather than shoving as he's mostly check folding his entire range on the river but got tempted to call as he was getting a really good price and i think you're better off shoving with a value hand too as you'll still be balanced ( having some overpairs with flush blocker or naked trips)
18:33- Again, shoving or min-clicking it back is a better option as he could still be having a jack, better 7, higher pocket pair etc which beats us
Thanks for commenting. I agree. Giving him that good of a price might be mistake. I just wanted to wider my valuerange there by doing that. Do you think jamming is way better than checkbacking river?
In the second hand I agree with checkshove on the river. Could still rep nuts easily and avoid spots like this. Missplayed few spots in this video.
I think hand number 1 we probably have to give up right? Just because we don't have enough houses to get him to fold a flush and if we bet 1k into 3k he's got a really good price on his call if he feels we turn enough 4xxx and AA/KK into a bluff. Blocking no big spades it's probably too adventurous to assume we can rep those higher flushes.
After some though I think giving up might be the play. Not blocking As isnt that big of a deal tho, but Ks is. I think its likely he goes for value with A-high flush.
Villain "tanks for 40 seconds" in hand 2. That's verging on a slow roll in my book. Getting over 3:1 with the second nuts surely you are snapping off at this level vs these plo bosses Joni ?? There is never going to be someone at these stakes who doesn't have a bluff in their range in that spot.
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6:39 - I think it's a big mistake to bet 1k on the river rather than shoving as he's mostly check folding his entire range on the river but got tempted to call as he was getting a really good price and i think you're better off shoving with a value hand too as you'll still be balanced ( having some overpairs with flush blocker or naked trips)
18:33- Again, shoving or min-clicking it back is a better option as he could still be having a jack, better 7, higher pocket pair etc which beats us
Thanks for commenting. I agree. Giving him that good of a price might be mistake. I just wanted to wider my valuerange there by doing that. Do you think jamming is way better than checkbacking river?
In the second hand I agree with checkshove on the river. Could still rep nuts easily and avoid spots like this. Missplayed few spots in this video.
I think hand number 1 we probably have to give up right? Just because we don't have enough houses to get him to fold a flush and if we bet 1k into 3k he's got a really good price on his call if he feels we turn enough 4xxx and AA/KK into a bluff. Blocking no big spades it's probably too adventurous to assume we can rep those higher flushes.
After some though I think giving up might be the play. Not blocking As isnt that big of a deal tho, but Ks is. I think its likely he goes for value with A-high flush.
Villain "tanks for 40 seconds" in hand 2. That's verging on a slow roll in my book. Getting over 3:1 with the second nuts surely you are snapping off at this level vs these plo bosses Joni ?? There is never going to be someone at these stakes who doesn't have a bluff in their range in that spot.
I think this specific one was not a slowroll. Cant be 100% sure tho. Feels like people just have it in these kinda spots too often...
18:00 one pair seven River Call?
Thx loved it
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