scout12312 years, 1 month agowhat air combos can donny have in the hand where u hero call 55 other than specifically what he has? why do you say you credibly rep Ax check calling turn, wouldnt u barrel it pretty much always on this runnout? if he thinks u dont have Ax why wouldnt he valuebet Jx? all the air (straight draws) have a pair or a straight now so feels like its tough for him to bluff, i guess like 98ss also
I would check Ax here a lot on the turn, since I think he will be floating me a ton on the flop and betting almost all of his floats on the turn. If I bet the turn, I think he will fold all of his floats unless he turned a J, a flush draw, or possibly a gutshot. So by betting Ax on the turn I am not letting him bluff which I think is a mistake given his high float frequency.
I don't think he will ever bet turn and river with just Jx, and it's very hard for him to have a straight when I have two 5's. My line certainly isn't standard, but I think it is ok in this situation against someone like donny.
scout12312 years, 1 month agoI see, so by that logic your turn betting range must be pretty close to 100% bluffs is that right? or do u just check all ur weak gutshots here on the turn aswell?
Grayson Ramage12 years, 1 month agoSome % of the time I will be betting Ax+ here, so my range is not that heavily weighted towards bluffs. I would continue to barrel my flush draws and gutshots, I think these hands would be too weak to c/call with.
Martin 12 years, 1 month agoDo you think it would be awful to shove river at 51:38? I'm probably just a spazz tard but that would turn a hand like KQ into a pure bluff catcher. I mean you could have 7x, a slowplayed AA/KK or AQ and he very rarely has those,
Great vid again!
Grayson Ramage12 years, 1 month agoI actually didn't consider shoving in-game, but I like your reasoning for it, since I do check back the hands you mentioned on this flop sometimes. I also doubt he expects me to turn many hands into bluffs here, so this seems like a good spot to bluff-shove, especially since I can easily shove KQ+ for value here. Good post, martin.
Hi Gray, very nice work, congrats. I wanna know in the min 11:30 when you are talking about sizing the 3 barrells with JTs utg vs the "fish" in the big blind in J98ss. Obviously our hand has lots of equity vs his range there and we can profitably make it, but sometimes when he decides to check-call his JQ KJ AJ we are busted, and I think that with your game there´s no need to lose in that spot. I guess I would check back flop (Only 2 overcards) and bet turn/river. That line can even make him bluff or call worse one or two streets, what you think about that mate? And I wanna know too what would you do if he check-raises flop/turn? Cause I dont beleive that our hand is strong enough to face that spot. By the way I really like your game. Best regards, Franco.
You make some good points, Franco. It may have been a little ambitious for me to plan on going 3 streets, although the BB had been stationy. Your proposed line of checking back flop then betting 2 streets might be a better option for the reasons you stated.
As far as dealing with a check/raise, I definitely would be folding to one on the turn, and may be folding to one on the flop as well since I would not expect him to c/r bluff. I would only call a flop c/r if it were very small.
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I would check Ax here a lot on the turn, since I think he will be floating me a ton on the flop and betting almost all of his floats on the turn. If I bet the turn, I think he will fold all of his floats unless he turned a J, a flush draw, or possibly a gutshot. So by betting Ax on the turn I am not letting him bluff which I think is a mistake given his high float frequency.
I don't think he will ever bet turn and river with just Jx, and it's very hard for him to have a straight when I have two 5's. My line certainly isn't standard, but I think it is ok in this situation against someone like donny.
Great vid again!
Hi Gray, very nice work, congrats. I wanna know in the min 11:30 when you are talking about sizing the 3 barrells with JTs utg vs the "fish" in the big blind in J98ss. Obviously our hand has lots of equity vs his range there and we can profitably make it, but sometimes when he decides to check-call his JQ KJ AJ we are busted, and I think that with your game there´s no need to lose in that spot. I guess I would check back flop (Only 2 overcards) and bet turn/river. That line can even make him bluff or call worse one or two streets, what you think about that mate?
And I wanna know too what would you do if he check-raises flop/turn? Cause I dont beleive that our hand is strong enough to face that spot. By the way I really like your game.
Best regards, Franco.
You make some good points, Franco. It may have been a little ambitious for me to plan on going 3 streets, although the BB had been stationy. Your proposed line of checking back flop then betting 2 streets might be a better option for the reasons you stated.
As far as dealing with a check/raise, I definitely would be folding to one on the turn, and may be folding to one on the flop as well since I would not expect him to c/r bluff. I would only call a flop c/r if it were very small.
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