The 88 hand about 4 minutes into the video - if he bets the river, are you calling? Rather vague question since he can bet any size he wants so, rather, are there certain bet sizes you'll call and others you'll fold here?
Martin 12 years, 1 month agoGreat video, especially liked your HU confrontations with whereisdonny. The btn open limping strat vs the recreational players worked great and is something I should incorporate more into my game. My favorite hand was the A3o at 29:10 on the 4 clubs runout...really liked your thought process. OTR what's the worst flush you'd be shoving for value?
Grayson Ramage12 years, 1 month agoThanks Martin, I would be shoving Q-high flushes and better on the river for value here. While Q-high might be a little thin, I think he is going to be heroing me in this spot enough that it will be profitable.
Andre Bilenky12 years, 1 month agonice vid, just have 2 points: in this replayer setup we cant see your bet sizing, and i would love to see more analysis on the game flow cause you are obviously playing a very aggro style and would like to hear more on how you adjust to that with each opponents tendencies
Grayson Ramage12 years, 1 month agoI agree that not being able to see bet-sizing is annoying, not sure if there is any way around that on the replayer. In regards to your other point, I do start showing every hand usually at the FT. I have thought about doing this earlier, but I fear that this might lead to a lot of dead time in the videos. I will likely do a live session in the future so hopefully that will be helpful in providing insight into my game flow adjustments.
Alexey Popov11 years, 11 months agoHi! 18min ATo you open and fold to a shove getting 1.7 to 1. What range do you expect him to be shoving there with given he has 11.7bb and your agro image?
Grayson Ramage11 years, 11 months agoGiven how tight he had been playing I think 66-AA AT-AK, KQ is a good range, it might even be too loose of a range. Against this range I have about 37% equity, which would make this call just about break-even. If I had opened in later position I would definitely be calling his shove, but because I opened UTG I did not think he would be shoving too wide.
Omg Coolboy11 years, 11 months ago11.49 Actually you made a good fold with K8o there, to 9.5bigs shove into your raise, vs 44+,A8s+,KJs+,A9o+,KQo this range you have like 31.5% equity, so its not enought to have even 2 to 1, not including the point that we shouldnt be taking a 0 chipEV spots in tourneys like this, so it was clearly a good fold tho.
Don't like at all calling at 14.30 with AQs vs 20bigs shove from SB with that big stack raising, its kinda obvious its pretty small +EV and when we add that we risking 2 avg stacks that deep in this week tourney to get that small chipEV advantage, its clearly bad reshove for me.
Grayson Ramage11 years, 11 months agoThanks for the comments. While I agree with you that it is sometimes good to pass on spots that are very close to neutral EV, especially in weaker fields, I think AQs is a clear re-shove. I am well ahead of gigaplayer's shoving range over a HJ open, and I think by folding here I would be passing up a hugely +EV spot.
Omg Coolboy11 years, 11 months agoAnd i guess, it will be a nice question, what would you do on his side with QT, if you did c/c turn, and facing 2/3 pot bet on river, when you beat only bluff, that will happen pretty rarely, and there is no pretty much differrence between AA and QT there, as it both pure bluffcatchers tho.
Grayson Ramage11 years, 11 months agoI agree with you that AA and Q10 are pretty much the same in this spot in terms of hand value, but I disagree that they are pure bluffcatchers. I am taking the same line with AK and KJ that I do with KK, so I think he definitely needs to call river with both hands. Also, I would be much happier calling with Q10 in this spot than AA, since I can have many more combinations of AK when he doesn't have two A blockers.
17.35: Isn't this a gr8 spot for a float? He will C-bet pretty much 100% of his range here and u have the best possible non-pai hand. This is also a board where he'll give up almost always on the turn with his air and some of his small pairs and u can take it down with a bet.
It's not a bad spot to float, but I would much rather float with KQ on a board in which I have 2 overs (obviously this is impossible when the board is A high). When he has Ax here I'm basically drawing dead, as opposed to a J65 board where I will usually have 6 outs. I also think he won't always be giving up with his air on the turn. When he turns a flush draw, for example, I would expect him continue betting. I don't hate floating here, but I think I can find better spots to do it.
22:40 w/ATo - You said you think raising turn looks pretty strong. I'm not really sure about that, because we doesn't represent to much by check flop + raise turn line. Most of the time we would cbet flopped flush and if we had checked it back, people won't expect us to raise it on pairing turn. We cbets most of our Ax'es as well for protection against 4th heart, same with sets, so our range narrows down pretty much to hands like AxKh, AxQh and possibly some weak aces plus all sorts of bluffs and semi-bluffs.
Even though raising itself feels pretty strong at such board, if he's a range-thinking player, he should realise how few made hands we're likely to play this way, so I really like raising here to get some value from flush draws, Ax's and possibly induce some light action.
24:40 w/TT - What do you think gkap's sizing tells us here? When I've seen it, I've immediately ruled out KK+ from his range, because his sizing is pretty big, like was trying to avoid getting flatted by original raiser. I feel like with the very top of his range he would make it little less, like 30-32k to create an illusion of folding equity. It could be very player-dependant tho, I guess.
Grayson Ramage11 years, 9 months ago22:40 - I agree that I raising is probably better, you make good points with regards to my range, although I am not sure how he will perceive my raise.
24:40 - I do think sizing tells are very important in a lot of spots, and it is excellent that you are picking up on them, but in this spot I am not sure how important it is. I don't think Marius would ever think he has fold equity unless gkap made an actual click back. You may be correct that gkap goes a little bigger with weaker hands that he doesn't want to play postflop, but you also may just be overthinking this specific spot.
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The 88 hand about 4 minutes into the video - if he bets the river, are you calling? Rather vague question since he can bet any size he wants so, rather, are there certain bet sizes you'll call and others you'll fold here?
Don't like at all calling at 14.30 with AQs vs 20bigs shove from SB with that big stack raising, its kinda obvious its pretty small +EV and when we add that we risking 2 avg stacks that deep in this week tourney to get that small chipEV advantage, its clearly bad reshove for me.
17.35: Isn't this a gr8 spot for a float? He will C-bet pretty much 100% of his range here and u have the best possible non-pai hand. This is also a board where he'll give up almost always on the turn with his air and some of his small pairs and u can take it down with a bet.
It's not a bad spot to float, but I would much rather float with KQ on a board in which I have 2 overs (obviously this is impossible when the board is A high). When he has Ax here I'm basically drawing dead, as opposed to a J65 board where I will usually have 6 outs. I also think he won't always be giving up with his air on the turn. When he turns a flush draw, for example, I would expect him continue betting. I don't hate floating here, but I think I can find better spots to do it.
22:40 w/ATo - You said you think raising turn looks pretty strong. I'm not really sure about that, because we doesn't represent to much by check flop + raise turn line. Most of the time we would cbet flopped flush and if we had checked it back, people won't expect us to raise it on pairing turn. We cbets most of our Ax'es as well for protection against 4th heart, same with sets, so our range narrows down pretty much to hands like AxKh, AxQh and possibly some weak aces plus all sorts of bluffs and semi-bluffs.
Even though raising itself feels pretty strong at such board, if he's a range-thinking player, he should realise how few made hands we're likely to play this way, so I really like raising here to get some value from flush draws, Ax's and possibly induce some light action.
24:40 w/TT - What do you think gkap's sizing tells us here? When I've seen it, I've immediately ruled out KK+ from his range, because his sizing is pretty big, like was trying to avoid getting flatted by original raiser. I feel like with the very top of his range he would make it little less, like 30-32k to create an illusion of folding equity. It could be very player-dependant tho, I guess.
24:40 - I do think sizing tells are very important in a lot of spots, and it is excellent that you are picking up on them, but in this spot I am not sure how important it is. I don't think Marius would ever think he has fold equity unless gkap made an actual click back. You may be correct that gkap goes a little bigger with weaker hands that he doesn't want to play postflop, but you also may just be overthinking this specific spot.
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