Grayson Ramage11 years, 6 months agoI would like to know too, but since the BB was sitting out he was automatically eliminated even though he was all-in, so the hand was not shown down.
at 3min mark with ATo where you have bottom pair with nutflush draw and straight draw. If you get reraised to something like 30k are you planning to get the money in?
I don't really ever expect him to raise that big, but against a range of sets, straights, and 2pair, I do not have quite enough equity to call a shove.
Usually my only 3bet size in this spot is all-in. I would shove any pair, A8o+, KJo+, possibly wider, I don't remember how much this guy was opening. I will shove more of my suited broadways and lower suited connectors against someone opening very wide.
AQ hand a 2 min in... I feel like the pot sized river bet is much closer to a call than you made it seem. Not that folding is bad by any means, but he should never really have a 7 in his hand and making this sized bet with a J is unlikely. He has a lot of missed straight draws which I don't think you mentioned, and that to me makes the most sense.
I think it is incorrect to say that he never really has a 7 in his hand, he could definitely peel flop with 97 and 107 (and will always call flop with J7 and 87). Of course he will have Q9 and Q10, but those are the only missed draws I can think of, and I do not think those are enough to make this a call.
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Those are some loose opens, lol. Nice vid Grayson!
What is your calling range at 14:00 for SCTrojans big shove?
you are such a boss
14:00 - what does sctrojans show up with?
at 3min mark with ATo where you have bottom pair with nutflush draw and straight draw. If you get reraised to something like 30k are you planning to get the money in?
I don't really ever expect him to raise that big, but against a range of sets, straights, and 2pair, I do not have quite enough equity to call a shove.
at 10min mark what hands are you 3bet calling, 3bet shoving and just flatting? thanks
3bet/call - 88+, AJ+
shove - 22-77
flatting a lot of suited and connected hands, exactly how wide depends on how much he is opening.
at 27:20 what hand would you shove back or 3bet call?
Usually my only 3bet size in this spot is all-in. I would shove any pair, A8o+, KJo+, possibly wider, I don't remember how much this guy was opening. I will shove more of my suited broadways and lower suited connectors against someone opening very wide.
AQ hand a 2 min in... I feel like the pot sized river bet is much closer to a call than you made it seem. Not that folding is bad by any means, but he should never really have a 7 in his hand and making this sized bet with a J is unlikely. He has a lot of missed straight draws which I don't think you mentioned, and that to me makes the most sense.
I think it is incorrect to say that he never really has a 7 in his hand, he could definitely peel flop with 97 and 107 (and will always call flop with J7 and 87). Of course he will have Q9 and Q10, but those are the only missed draws I can think of, and I do not think those are enough to make this a call.
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