Deefinitely. I would call flop with most overcard combos and all ace highs, turn I would call with all pairs, river I would just think about where i am in my range. Probably call with all nines and all pairs 55-88. Given that I have made a backdoor flush some % if the time that's enough of a range to stop myself being super-exploited by trebles.
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Hey Sam,
Great vid as usual. Question about the A9 blind on blind hand that starts around 16:30 in the video.
I agree we can't fold A9 here but do you have a range consisting of hands you'd defend with, pair on the flop, but fold on the river?
Deefinitely. I would call flop with most overcard combos and all ace highs, turn I would call with all pairs, river I would just think about where i am in my range. Probably call with all nines and all pairs 55-88. Given that I have made a backdoor flush some % if the time that's enough of a range to stop myself being super-exploited by trebles.
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