Excellent video! Ty! Also, we definitely don’t need you to do pio work, when the play and explain is so good( and as you mentioned, let the pio wizards make the pio videos) good awareness ����
nice video, liked how you went through villain's bluffs on river to evaluate if your KJ was a good call in a human game. I'm definitely guilty of looking at a solver output and high fiving myself when it agrees with a call rather than reverse engineering each street.
@10:25 you check raise the KJhh on T83ssh in 3bet pot after rolling a 65, is this a high frequency check raise for you and is KJhh preferred to KQhh because it wraps around the T and 8 better?
Thanks for the video really enjoy the format with live play and some PIO spots at the end
In this spot what's your value range that CRaises? Sets always and overpairs in a mix frequency? Do you play each overpair in the same way or AA CRaise more than JJ for example?
yeh KJ i think works better than KQ, but both would be fine at a freq. in this spot where 3B ranges are wide, some of these hands are nice to include. value range would be KT+. QT/JT are better calls as obv lower in strength and dont mind seeing a 7/9 on the turn as much.
how tight should we defend in bb vs BU 3x? im checking snowies range for that size and it Calls A8o+? and fold the lower Axo, also it folds K9o Q9o J9o
can we still defend wider if we think Villian opens thoose hands? or is it because off the bad pot odds we still want to fold?
when u call 99 LJ vs goosecore bb 3b on K42 hhx do we loose alot if we folding say 88/99 without hearts? A10s do we need to defend it always from LJ/HJ oop vs 3bs?
was listen to Saulo and he said in ? ? some spots its actually would be better to overfolding?
good video as always this is a good format for yourstyle always learning something from your videos Thanks man!
yeh we really need to tighten up vs 3x, worse pot odds and villain should be opening a tighter range if using 3x. Sauce has done some videos on this (or talked about it in his videos). I havent actually done too much work on it and always just used my intuition in these spots so cant give definitive answers on ranges, but other essential considerations are postflop - do you have an edge? whats villains CB %, and fold v turn probe %.
No, folding 88-99 without hearts i think is fine, as BB 3B range v MP should be strong.
ATs oop v 3Bs is a mix 4B/call/fold. again opponent dependant to adjust frequencies.
Great video, Gary Chappell - I agree with the previous comments and feel like this was you in the "flow state" or something. Everything was well-articulated and nicely explained, as usual, but I feel that this may have been your best video in recent memory; although the exact reasons why, I can't precisely describe. Regardless, keep up the great work, mate!
Have you considered building a limping range from the SB? Why/why not?
You made a couple of SB folds that surprised me, like K7o at 34:10. I would think if you aren't raising K7o there, then a limp should be a fine play. Folding feels overly tight.
I play pure raise/fold because of rake/simplification. Limping strat is fine and slightly higher ev, and i will include some limps vs weaker opponents.
I assume you mean oop? Its equity denial as IP can realise a lot with high SPR. Rake as well plays a part to avoid too many postflop pots. And in BB your 3B range is polarised so bigger size is favoured.
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I really enjoy this structure, thanks for the video.
Excellent video! Ty! Also, we definitely don’t need you to do pio work, when the play and explain is so good( and as you mentioned, let the pio wizards make the pio videos) good awareness ����
nice video, liked how you went through villain's bluffs on river to evaluate if your KJ was a good call in a human game. I'm definitely guilty of looking at a solver output and high fiving myself when it agrees with a call rather than reverse engineering each street.
@10:25 you check raise the KJhh on T83ssh in 3bet pot after rolling a 65, is this a high frequency check raise for you and is KJhh preferred to KQhh because it wraps around the T and 8 better?
Thanks for the video really enjoy the format with live play and some PIO spots at the end
In this spot what's your value range that CRaises? Sets always and overpairs in a mix frequency? Do you play each overpair in the same way or AA CRaise more than JJ for example?
yeh KJ i think works better than KQ, but both would be fine at a freq. in this spot where 3B ranges are wide, some of these hands are nice to include. value range would be KT+. QT/JT are better calls as obv lower in strength and dont mind seeing a 7/9 on the turn as much.
6-05 I suppose missclick with K8o, solver defend that hand up to 2.5x BU raise size (40ish-45ish range)
yeh should be a call.
how tight should we defend in bb vs BU 3x? im checking snowies range for that size and it Calls A8o+? and fold the lower Axo, also it folds K9o Q9o J9o
can we still defend wider if we think Villian opens thoose hands? or is it because off the bad pot odds we still want to fold?
when u call 99 LJ vs goosecore bb 3b on K42 hhx do we loose alot if we folding say 88/99 without hearts? A10s do we need to defend it always from LJ/HJ oop vs 3bs?
was listen to Saulo and he said in ? ? some spots its actually would be better to overfolding?
good video as always this is a good format for yourstyle always learning something from your videos Thanks man!
yeh we really need to tighten up vs 3x, worse pot odds and villain should be opening a tighter range if using 3x. Sauce has done some videos on this (or talked about it in his videos). I havent actually done too much work on it and always just used my intuition in these spots so cant give definitive answers on ranges, but other essential considerations are postflop - do you have an edge? whats villains CB %, and fold v turn probe %.
No, folding 88-99 without hearts i think is fine, as BB 3B range v MP should be strong.
ATs oop v 3Bs is a mix 4B/call/fold. again opponent dependant to adjust frequencies.
Hey Chaps,
Really impressed by the level of commentary/thought process in this video!
Seems like you've been working on your game...
Thanks for a great video!
Great video as always. I like the detailed explanations.
Great video, Gary Chappell - I agree with the previous comments and feel like this was you in the "flow state" or something. Everything was well-articulated and nicely explained, as usual, but I feel that this may have been your best video in recent memory; although the exact reasons why, I can't precisely describe. Regardless, keep up the great work, mate!
Have you considered building a limping range from the SB? Why/why not?
You made a couple of SB folds that surprised me, like K7o at 34:10. I would think if you aren't raising K7o there, then a limp should be a fine play. Folding feels overly tight.
I play pure raise/fold because of rake/simplification. Limping strat is fine and slightly higher ev, and i will include some limps vs weaker opponents.
hi gary, what are the main advantages of 3betting larger these days i see players 3 betting 4.5x to 6x the raise whats the benefits of this. thank.
I assume you mean oop? Its equity denial as IP can realise a lot with high SPR. Rake as well plays a part to avoid too many postflop pots. And in BB your 3B range is polarised so bigger size is favoured.
yeah makes sense cheers.
loved the video chaps!
@7.50 where you took the bet check bet line, what other hands do you take with this line as bluffs?
I would say some AQ/AT/QT that want to realise equity and block well. and maybe some A9/A8s if in range.
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