Agree not many 4 bet bluffs in this spot, but would hands like KQs AQs AJs AQo & TT play more into this merged 4 bet range or still calling with these hands and just play a higher SPR post flop? Usually the off suite broadways AQo AJo KQo KJo make up for some 4 bet bluffs, just wondering if these suited broadways now fit more into the 4 bet range given the 3 bet size?
13min AKvsQQ 3B pot, his sizing on the river does seems face up there. We can agree that hero's range is pretty much Ahigh, and few slowplays (possible AA will count as slowplay unblocking all bluffs). So will he really bluff for this size into that range?
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44:40 T#2 how do you control your laughter? LOLz
Against shenanigans' such as min 3bets, what type of range are you looking to 4 bet and what size? Assuming unknown villain.
errr wouldn't have many 4B bluffs ip as can just realise equity and outplay weaker opponents.
Agree not many 4 bet bluffs in this spot, but would hands like KQs AQs AJs AQo & TT play more into this merged 4 bet range or still calling with these hands and just play a higher SPR post flop? Usually the off suite broadways AQo AJo KQo KJo make up for some 4 bet bluffs, just wondering if these suited broadways now fit more into the 4 bet range given the 3 bet size?
Any more bet sizes and you will soon need a bigger monitor lol :D
are you a guy who uses(ed,ing,...) small3B strategy IP ? o_o
Can I plead the fifth?
Gary Chappell ty for the vid
guys, what kind of program displays sizing and randomizer from the author, please tell me
stars caption
very good programm, everything you would need (thumbs up)
13min AKvsQQ 3B pot, his sizing on the river does seems face up there. We can agree that hero's range is pretty much Ahigh, and few slowplays (possible AA will count as slowplay unblocking all bluffs). So will he really bluff for this size into that range?
Yep, he could just be targeting my give-ups like QT/76s. AK is my best A high to call here, so if i fold i could be overfolding.
what is that ROLL 1-100 APP?
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