3:15 these spots feel very uncomfortable to 3B-B-B-B given the 9X and AQ hands you lose to. I know you said you expect AJ/AT to find a call, but seems rather thin here.
Think the player was perhaps a recreational player? Not sure what the purple tag means? I would imagine it's a value jam vs a rec and a check vs a reg on the river
matlittle is correct. recs have too much ATo/A6s stuff here. and i expect them to fastplay a lot of their 9x by either xr turn or donk river. and some even donk AQ on river.
is it? i'd say this is pretty standard and a mix. when deeper we can develop a calling range in SB as IP can pile pressure on us preflop and postflop deep stacked. however vs reg open and reg in BB i dont think calling is going to be that profitable.
I like this format with multiple tables of rush n' cash. You get a lot of hands in quickly and successfully keep your dialogue and teaching up to speed with the action.
@ 30:15 on table 2 - Why is AKo from the BB a shove vs CO? Simply because he played A9s all in earlier? What if he hadn't have done this? How would you play AK here against an unknown?
@ 45:00 That's an absolutely gross hand. I guess we can throw that into the negative variance bucket.
AKo are you suggesting I fold? Against big 4B sizes (and this one is huge), we play more of a shove or fold strategy. And AKo is rarely folding, especially in later positions. The relevance of A9s was that this player is capable of spewing or 4Betting wide. Vs super tight opponents who’s 4B range has no bluffs there is a strong argument to fold AK.
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3:15 these spots feel very uncomfortable to 3B-B-B-B given the 9X and AQ hands you lose to. I know you said you expect AJ/AT to find a call, but seems rather thin here.
Wizard is not going for thin value here.
Think the player was perhaps a recreational player? Not sure what the purple tag means? I would imagine it's a value jam vs a rec and a check vs a reg on the river
matlittle is correct. recs have too much ATo/A6s stuff here. and i expect them to fastplay a lot of their 9x by either xr turn or donk river. and some even donk AQ on river.
22:15 any merit to flatting and keeping the fun player in? Or only with suited broadways?
yes there is merit to it for sure.
38:20 strange fold SB 77 vs CO open 150bb deep.
is it? i'd say this is pretty standard and a mix. when deeper we can develop a calling range in SB as IP can pile pressure on us preflop and postflop deep stacked. however vs reg open and reg in BB i dont think calling is going to be that profitable.
I like this format with multiple tables of rush n' cash. You get a lot of hands in quickly and successfully keep your dialogue and teaching up to speed with the action.
@ 30:15 on table 2 - Why is AKo from the BB a shove vs CO? Simply because he played A9s all in earlier? What if he hadn't have done this? How would you play AK here against an unknown?
@ 45:00 That's an absolutely gross hand. I guess we can throw that into the negative variance bucket.
AKo are you suggesting I fold? Against big 4B sizes (and this one is huge), we play more of a shove or fold strategy. And AKo is rarely folding, especially in later positions. The relevance of A9s was that this player is capable of spewing or 4Betting wide. Vs super tight opponents who’s 4B range has no bluffs there is a strong argument to fold AK.
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