26 minute that AA checkback, I understand reasons you mentioned about checking river. What is the worst valuehand you will bet there? we still can have bluffs at this node, primarely non Ace flush draws, but pretty hard to have big bluff freq considering even 54/T8/78 got there
with AA on 963fd 3 what do u think about our turn sizing? Villain is calling his draws etc anyways if u bet for example 3/4 or pot OTT so u leave money on the table little bit. Okay maybe he is x folding some bad flush draws against a big size but overall how do u see that turn spot there? thanks for the videos, u play very solid to say atleast :)
Chaps, he was asking about the turn sizing, not whether it's a bet or not. Seems like a pure bet and I would agree with Pressaa that the block sizing used has to be leaving money on the table. Opponent either has draw, occasional strong top pair, or some kind of air. Draws are calling at least 75% pot most of the time, strong 9 is calling 75% pot on turn every time, and air isn't calling regardless of size. I'd be curious to see the spot in PIO, but block on turn can't be optimal I'd think.
Hi, your videos are good content but i have the feeling they are somewhat a bit all the same. Maybe a deeper explain behind each decision/betsizing choice for instance or a theme by session would be a bit better in my opinion :)
thanks for the feedback - however my job is to post regular live session videos for RIO so there is a consistent stream of them for subscribers. there is plenty of content variety provided by all the various RIO coaches to suit everyone's needs.
17 min - Would you consider having a donking range on this flop? I think IP would use a more polar strategy on this dynamic texture thus checking back quite a bit. BB will have more 2 pairs and straight combos. Less AA KK QQ obviously, but not trying to put in a ton of money with those hands on this flop anyways.
31 min - hero calls XR, stabs 1/3 turn, barrels river 70%. Is this pio approved or an exploit? You mentioned BTN vs BB ranges will be wide and expect villain to XR at a decent frequency. Still seems like a rather fancy play to me. Would you recommend this play to your students? Spicy spicy!!!
It's definitely questionable, and in hindsight I don't like it. The flop float isn't the best with this combo without a backdoor straight draw, and i'm blocking some of opponents xr bluffs (eg 76cc/75cc). Once we get to the river I think its an ok bluff to target 4x/small pps.
I must say, I used to really enjoy your videos because you played a bit more old school in that you were actually hand reading, willing to exploit and attack weak/capped ranges or play a big pot with thin value against the fish, but ever since you've gone to trying to play a pure GTO/PIO strategy your vids seem stale and much less interesting. It feels like nearly every player in the zoom pool is attempting to play the same defensive, weak, small bet, small pot, robotic style and it's quite boring. I swear many of them have spent so much time playing in the same pool against a bunch of players attempting to play the exact same strategy that no one even knows how to attack, punish, and exploit the fish anymore! I couldn't believe you flatted KQ in the BB vs fish's SB open. Seems like a prime spot to put more money in position, hope to flop top pair, and be more than happy to play for stacks! Or, at the very least, have the fish put more money in OOP with a weak range so that when we don't flop it we can actually rep strong hands, blow him off his weak range, and win the pot every single time we both miss the flop. I don't know, I guess it's just the state of the game, particularly at zoom $500.
I'm sorry you feel this way! I for sure still exploit players, but for the purposes of my videos I don't as much as before for many reasons - 1) the consensus was for no huds and people struggled to follow/understand my reasoning for exploiting a spot/player, and 2) people looking to learn the game won't benefit from my exploits as all games/sites have different players pools/tendencies.
Exploiting players is still a massively vital part of online poker. However, as people look to improve they inevitably move more towards a solver based strategy, balancing exploits with it. In today's tougher ecosystem I don't think you can begrudge anyone from doing that, otherwise they simply won't last/progress. After all, as soon as you start exploiting, you open yourself up to be counter-exploited.
As for KQo hand - this is very standard! I have a clear postflop advantage against fish, so risking being 4Bet and playing a big pot with a marginal hand is lower EV. I think keeping his worse holdings in play (K9o/QTo etc) makes more sense!
I appreciate the feedback and perhaps I will get the HUD back up and play a 'exploit' style for a few videos.
Gary Chappell I still enjoy the HUd or HUDless videos, but the massive HUD did get in the way visually. I don't mind seeing mostly GTO play or lower variance play. It may be a bit boring to watch, but we play poker to make money!
Recent video by Elusive mark dropping down to 200NL and playing a laggy style was pretty entertaining, but still profitable play. In one of your comments you mentioned RIO just wants you to make live play videos. Maybe can switch it up a bit and make some GTO play videos and exploit videos. Something that uses a simpler HUD VPIP / PFR / 3 bet / fold 3 bet / 4 bet / fold 4 bet etc. Exploit videos seem to attract a larger audience. I think Sauce made one recently as well "exploiting the 500 zoom pool."
Keep the videos coming though! Enjoy all of them so far.
Ok thanks for the feedback and will bare it in mind.
I watched the videos from Elusivemark and Sauces - Elusivemark's was entertaining, albeit some very very low frequency questionable stuff that I wouldn't advise to players learning the game and progressing (eg 4betting with pocket 4s). And Sauce's video wasn't any different to his others, as he always discusses player/pool exploits in his decision making.
I'm not criticising them or their videos at all as they are both excellent players and content providers in their own right (and Sauce is clearly wayyyy above me), but my point here is that it's important to be careful when providing 'non-GTO' or 'alternative' styles of play, as it easily confuses people. For example - I've found that I get comments on my videos whenever I make a 'questionable' play, even when in the video I fully explain my reasoning behind it and clearly state its not 'GTO' and therefore further discussion really isn't necessary (eg bluffing because player/population overfolds). So if the general viewer can't take this on board, then I fear what a whole video on exploiting might do. After all, all games/limits/player pools are very different and require varying exploit strategies, so what I may provide in this sense at 500zoom could be completely irrelevant and -EV at say 100nl on Party. Then there's also the factor that people learning the game shouldn't really be trying to exploit too hard because the chances are they won't fully understand why/what they're exploiting and end up being open for counter-exploitation. I've noticed from coaching that a lot of low stakes players put too much emphasis on 'levelling' and exploiting in spots where they are making MASSIVE assumptions about a player based on a very small sample, and have no HUD data to back it up either. And this is a big stumbling block when it comes to progressing up the limits - player may crush 100nl with their high-exploit strategy that beats those games, but then how can they successfully progress to 200-500nl where they will face tougher opponents with less leaks if they don't have their own 'GTO framework' in solid condition?!
Therefore I made the decision to provide videos based around playing as close to GTO as I can, as I believe this will serve the vast majority well.
I've found that I get comments on my videos whenever I make a
'questionable' play, even when in the video I fully explain my
reasoning behind it and clearly state its not 'GTO' and therefore
further discussion really isn't necessary
We appreciate you! Thank you for taking the time to break it down.
I too have felt like all Garys videos are kinda the same, I perceive it to be a good thing for the exact reasons Gary mentioned...namely the consistent drilling of gto spots. I literally am going through every single video of yours twice, and im almost done with 2nd round, and my game is sooooooo much better for it. PLenty of diversity on Rio, keep doing your thing Gary.
Loading 22 Comments...
haha I didn't see I'd made a pair with my K9 vs your AA smh
thin value ;)
26 minute that AA checkback, I understand reasons you mentioned about checking river. What is the worst valuehand you will bet there? we still can have bluffs at this node, primarely non Ace flush draws, but pretty hard to have big bluff freq considering even 54/T8/78 got there
is this time stamp correct?
yes but replayer.
or 22-23min 2nd table
I think A9/K9 make for better value bets as they'd be better bluffcatchers vs check-raises.
with AA on 963fd 3 what do u think about our turn sizing? Villain is calling his draws etc anyways if u bet for example 3/4 or pot OTT so u leave money on the table little bit. Okay maybe he is x folding some bad flush draws against a big size but overall how do u see that turn spot there? thanks for the videos, u play very solid to say atleast :)
yeh betting the turn is for sure fine. mixed decision.
Chaps, he was asking about the turn sizing, not whether it's a bet or not. Seems like a pure bet and I would agree with Pressaa that the block sizing used has to be leaving money on the table. Opponent either has draw, occasional strong top pair, or some kind of air. Draws are calling at least 75% pot most of the time, strong 9 is calling 75% pot on turn every time, and air isn't calling regardless of size. I'd be curious to see the spot in PIO, but block on turn can't be optimal I'd think.
Hi, your videos are good content but i have the feeling they are somewhat a bit all the same. Maybe a deeper explain behind each decision/betsizing choice for instance or a theme by session would be a bit better in my opinion :)
thanks for the feedback - however my job is to post regular live session videos for RIO so there is a consistent stream of them for subscribers. there is plenty of content variety provided by all the various RIO coaches to suit everyone's needs.
17 min - Would you consider having a donking range on this flop? I think IP would use a more polar strategy on this dynamic texture thus checking back quite a bit. BB will have more 2 pairs and straight combos. Less AA KK QQ obviously, but not trying to put in a ton of money with those hands on this flop anyways.

Tough strategy to balance/learn/implement.
The range you described on the turn for Jx, Tx, FD, sets, etc. Could you use that same range to donk bet the flop with?
31 min - hero calls XR, stabs 1/3 turn, barrels river 70%. Is this pio approved or an exploit? You mentioned BTN vs BB ranges will be wide and expect villain to XR at a decent frequency. Still seems like a rather fancy play to me. Would you recommend this play to your students? Spicy spicy!!!

It's definitely questionable, and in hindsight I don't like it. The flop float isn't the best with this combo without a backdoor straight draw, and i'm blocking some of opponents xr bluffs (eg 76cc/75cc). Once we get to the river I think its an ok bluff to target 4x/small pps.
I must say, I used to really enjoy your videos because you played a bit more old school in that you were actually hand reading, willing to exploit and attack weak/capped ranges or play a big pot with thin value against the fish, but ever since you've gone to trying to play a pure GTO/PIO strategy your vids seem stale and much less interesting. It feels like nearly every player in the zoom pool is attempting to play the same defensive, weak, small bet, small pot, robotic style and it's quite boring. I swear many of them have spent so much time playing in the same pool against a bunch of players attempting to play the exact same strategy that no one even knows how to attack, punish, and exploit the fish anymore! I couldn't believe you flatted KQ in the BB vs fish's SB open. Seems like a prime spot to put more money in position, hope to flop top pair, and be more than happy to play for stacks! Or, at the very least, have the fish put more money in OOP with a weak range so that when we don't flop it we can actually rep strong hands, blow him off his weak range, and win the pot every single time we both miss the flop. I don't know, I guess it's just the state of the game, particularly at zoom $500.
I'm sorry you feel this way! I for sure still exploit players, but for the purposes of my videos I don't as much as before for many reasons - 1) the consensus was for no huds and people struggled to follow/understand my reasoning for exploiting a spot/player, and 2) people looking to learn the game won't benefit from my exploits as all games/sites have different players pools/tendencies.
Exploiting players is still a massively vital part of online poker. However, as people look to improve they inevitably move more towards a solver based strategy, balancing exploits with it. In today's tougher ecosystem I don't think you can begrudge anyone from doing that, otherwise they simply won't last/progress. After all, as soon as you start exploiting, you open yourself up to be counter-exploited.
As for KQo hand - this is very standard! I have a clear postflop advantage against fish, so risking being 4Bet and playing a big pot with a marginal hand is lower EV. I think keeping his worse holdings in play (K9o/QTo etc) makes more sense!
I appreciate the feedback and perhaps I will get the HUD back up and play a 'exploit' style for a few videos.
Gary Chappell I still enjoy the HUd or HUDless videos, but the massive HUD did get in the way visually. I don't mind seeing mostly GTO play or lower variance play. It may be a bit boring to watch, but we play poker to make money!
Recent video by Elusive mark dropping down to 200NL and playing a laggy style was pretty entertaining, but still profitable play. In one of your comments you mentioned RIO just wants you to make live play videos. Maybe can switch it up a bit and make some GTO play videos and exploit videos. Something that uses a simpler HUD VPIP / PFR / 3 bet / fold 3 bet / 4 bet / fold 4 bet etc. Exploit videos seem to attract a larger audience. I think Sauce made one recently as well "exploiting the 500 zoom pool."
Keep the videos coming though! Enjoy all of them so far.
Ok thanks for the feedback and will bare it in mind.
I watched the videos from Elusivemark and Sauces - Elusivemark's was entertaining, albeit some very very low frequency questionable stuff that I wouldn't advise to players learning the game and progressing (eg 4betting with pocket 4s). And Sauce's video wasn't any different to his others, as he always discusses player/pool exploits in his decision making.
I'm not criticising them or their videos at all as they are both excellent players and content providers in their own right (and Sauce is clearly wayyyy above me), but my point here is that it's important to be careful when providing 'non-GTO' or 'alternative' styles of play, as it easily confuses people. For example - I've found that I get comments on my videos whenever I make a 'questionable' play, even when in the video I fully explain my reasoning behind it and clearly state its not 'GTO' and therefore further discussion really isn't necessary (eg bluffing because player/population overfolds). So if the general viewer can't take this on board, then I fear what a whole video on exploiting might do. After all, all games/limits/player pools are very different and require varying exploit strategies, so what I may provide in this sense at 500zoom could be completely irrelevant and -EV at say 100nl on Party. Then there's also the factor that people learning the game shouldn't really be trying to exploit too hard because the chances are they won't fully understand why/what they're exploiting and end up being open for counter-exploitation. I've noticed from coaching that a lot of low stakes players put too much emphasis on 'levelling' and exploiting in spots where they are making MASSIVE assumptions about a player based on a very small sample, and have no HUD data to back it up either. And this is a big stumbling block when it comes to progressing up the limits - player may crush 100nl with their high-exploit strategy that beats those games, but then how can they successfully progress to 200-500nl where they will face tougher opponents with less leaks if they don't have their own 'GTO framework' in solid condition?!
Therefore I made the decision to provide videos based around playing as close to GTO as I can, as I believe this will serve the vast majority well.
We appreciate you! Thank you for taking the time to break it down.
I too have felt like all Garys videos are kinda the same, I perceive it to be a good thing for the exact reasons Gary mentioned...namely the consistent drilling of gto spots. I literally am going through every single video of yours twice, and im almost done with 2nd round, and my game is sooooooo much better for it. PLenty of diversity on Rio, keep doing your thing Gary.
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