4:45 3bet 88, call 4bet, flop quads. Good life! When you XC-XRAi on the turn I like your reasoning but do you have any bluffs here? Are you shoving any KQh type hands or just AK+? A88hh-Jx
Love your play along vids, Gary. Strategy videos are so valuable. But there's nothing I feel I get more from than just watching a very good player and hearing them talk us through their thought processes/rationale.
Nice sesh Gary - it's great that you show the read on rec player with their 3x/4x raising size repping different ranges and immediately make adjustments based on that!
SB will have more low Kx/Qx suited in their range than low Jx, so on a club runout I can confidently bluff more, also with more equity and nutted draws.
Hey Garry I would like to get your thoughts on this spot
46:50 BBvBU 2BP facing double barrel, turn overbet with A8s
OTR You mention you would consider bluffing in villains shoes.
Do you think its good idea to bluff this spot after the turn overbet?
I mean when you look at the river size, which would be likely b75 - b100 then OOP needs to fold hands like AT AQ...on average 70%+ of all Ax TPs vs b75
Thats imo very unrealistic and I would guess this spot is not overfolded and likely overdefended from the TP region, especially when people say AQ = best Ax I have here, never folding, A8s unblocking all broadways = never folding,
Yeah for me, its very hard to see enough folds so I would just underbluff as IP.
runout dependant i think. pairing the river is often good to bluff as you block opponent improving to 2pr. they can still go for value with 2pr+ here, so i think all my single Ax hands should fold given the amount of 2pr+ i have on this river
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4:45 3bet 88, call 4bet, flop quads. Good life! When you XC-XRAi on the turn I like your reasoning but do you have any bluffs here? Are you shoving any KQh type hands or just AK+? A88hh-Jx
very few bluffs. but i dont really care when playing a recreational/fish. i just want to maximise EV.
Love your play along vids, Gary. Strategy videos are so valuable. But there's nothing I feel I get more from than just watching a very good player and hearing them talk us through their thought processes/rationale.
thankyou for the kind words and feedback. im glad you find my videos useful.
Great video Gary, love this format
Nice sesh Gary - it's great that you show the read on rec player with their 3x/4x raising size repping different ranges and immediately make adjustments based on that!
21:08 table 1 you mentioned KQ/KJ will make a better bluff raising than QJ, why is that? Thank you!
SB will have more low Kx/Qx suited in their range than low Jx, so on a club runout I can confidently bluff more, also with more equity and nutted draws.
Hey Garry I would like to get your thoughts on this spot
46:50 BBvBU 2BP facing double barrel, turn overbet with A8s
OTR You mention you would consider bluffing in villains shoes.
Do you think its good idea to bluff this spot after the turn overbet?
I mean when you look at the river size, which would be likely b75 - b100 then OOP needs to fold hands like AT AQ...on average 70%+ of all Ax TPs vs b75
Thats imo very unrealistic and I would guess this spot is not overfolded and likely overdefended from the TP region, especially when people say AQ = best Ax I have here, never folding, A8s unblocking all broadways = never folding,
Yeah for me, its very hard to see enough folds so I would just underbluff as IP.
runout dependant i think. pairing the river is often good to bluff as you block opponent improving to 2pr. they can still go for value with 2pr+ here, so i think all my single Ax hands should fold given the amount of 2pr+ i have on this river
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