34:30 If SB was a rec of fun player of sorts would you still try and get him to fold QQ-TT here? Preflop open 2bb, BTN 6bb, SB cold calls. Hero calls. Flop checks through. Turn hero turns 66 into a bluff representing a set and trying to get SB to fold QQ-TT.
I think most of my fold equity comes on the turn vs this player type. If the river is a brick I may give up and take my showdown as I'm still beating AQcc etc.
19:30 I thought you were going to fold here. I used custom Ai to match villain's bet size 33-75-Ai here. On the flop with range & nut advantage wizard was only using OB or X. The 1/3 wasn't being used hardly ever. 33 ends up being a pure call but villain has to find a lot of bluffs with JXs & TXs. You have AQo, KQ, 33, and Q3s in your range for boats. I think I agree with you that facing this 400% pot shove we should mostly just fold. In real time I thought possibly QJ would make a better call than 33, but solver is mixing QJ/QT/JT and pure calling 33.
I don't think people find this many bluffs. 33 feels like a fold vs this size but maybe I'm being a nit.
I changed 30% shove frequency to 20% and now 33 gets a lot closer, still pure call for 5 chips in EV, but vastly different than the EV before. Don't think its unreasonable to fold here.
Vs population this is probably a pure fold. Tbh, I don't bother looking at solver in spots like this because it's almost irrelevant when playing against players who aren't remotely similar. I know that the solver will be calling a full house 99% of the time in all spots, but what's far more important when making a decision here is whether opponent is a) value betting worse for this size, and b) ever bluffing.
38:35 with QQ T#2 LJ 3bb, HJ 3bet. Hero cold call Co to keep LJ in the pot and not to get jammed on by the HJ who has a 16 vpip? Would you recommend doing this in live cash as well where the player pool under 3bets, so we should cold call more AK QQ JJ TT rather than than cold 4? Was debating cold 4 + fold to 5B or cold call and try and realize equity.
I think more cold calling goes on in live poker yes. I have little experience but from my understand there's a huge under 3B/4B that goes on in those games.
09:15 Table 1, you said the rec probing block sizing is usually a bit faceup and telling us their hand strength.
1) What sort of range do you think a typical wide rec will be probing using this sizing?
2) You said in the vid flush river is a scary card for them -- Do you think they will typically funnel FD into bigger sizing so that we could actually bluff hearts river more liberally even when we don't have hearts-blockers after we get called?
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34:30 If SB was a rec of fun player of sorts would you still try and get him to fold QQ-TT here? Preflop open 2bb, BTN 6bb, SB cold calls. Hero calls. Flop checks through. Turn hero turns 66 into a bluff representing a set and trying to get SB to fold QQ-TT.
I think most of my fold equity comes on the turn vs this player type. If the river is a brick I may give up and take my showdown as I'm still beating AQcc etc.
19:30 I thought you were going to fold here. I used custom Ai to match villain's bet size 33-75-Ai here. On the flop with range & nut advantage wizard was only using OB or X. The 1/3 wasn't being used hardly ever. 33 ends up being a pure call but villain has to find a lot of bluffs with JXs & TXs. You have AQo, KQ, 33, and Q3s in your range for boats. I think I agree with you that facing this 400% pot shove we should mostly just fold. In real time I thought possibly QJ would make a better call than 33, but solver is mixing QJ/QT/JT and pure calling 33.
I don't think people find this many bluffs. 33 feels like a fold vs this size but maybe I'm being a nit.
I changed 30% shove frequency to 20% and now 33 gets a lot closer, still pure call for 5 chips in EV, but vastly different than the EV before. Don't think its unreasonable to fold here.
Vs population this is probably a pure fold. Tbh, I don't bother looking at solver in spots like this because it's almost irrelevant when playing against players who aren't remotely similar. I know that the solver will be calling a full house 99% of the time in all spots, but what's far more important when making a decision here is whether opponent is a) value betting worse for this size, and b) ever bluffing.
38:35 with QQ T#2 LJ 3bb, HJ 3bet. Hero cold call Co to keep LJ in the pot and not to get jammed on by the HJ who has a 16 vpip? Would you recommend doing this in live cash as well where the player pool under 3bets, so we should cold call more AK QQ JJ TT rather than than cold 4? Was debating cold 4 + fold to 5B or cold call and try and realize equity.
I think more cold calling goes on in live poker yes. I have little experience but from my understand there's a huge under 3B/4B that goes on in those games.
09:15 Table 1, you said the rec probing block sizing is usually a bit faceup and telling us their hand strength.

1) What sort of range do you think a typical wide rec will be probing using this sizing?
2) You said in the vid flush river is a scary card for them -- Do you think they will typically funnel FD into bigger sizing so that we could actually bluff hearts river more liberally even when we don't have hearts-blockers after we get called?
Thank you!
1) any weak pair or mergey type hand / some air that wants a cheap bluff.
2) yes they probably will bet bigger with equity draws.
Thanks for the reply Gary.
How will you continue the river when our turn raise gets called? I assume on -
The cards I'm not sure to barrel or give up are -
Curious on how would you do it? Thank you!
I'd bluff on any brick or overcard vs this player type and mergey weak range, as well as auto-folds from A6 type stuff.
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